Grand Adventure: Red Skies at Morn

*screams something about Swiss pikemen and scrambles for cover*

That aside, sweet. Berne?
Its eight in the morning and my dog is way too hyper.

[dying whale noises]
I actually have a serious question to run by you guys. What do you think is an appropriate amount of time for someone to go silent before we decide to kick them? I figure 3 days with no response or activity would warrant a private message, and if a full week rolls around then it might be time to put it to a vote.

What do you guys think?
KamiKahzy said:
What do you think is an appropriate amount of time for someone to go silent before we decide to kick them?
I'd say a week, then another 3 days to respond.

3 days then a week sounds awfully fast... And while I might be in the OOC a lot, I'm also really busy so posting in character could take me a week, easily.

On that train of thought, some people might take a week to show up for shit, and by then you've already kicked them.
Here's the idea:

If they don't inform us of whatever's cropping up in their lives, or do not request someone else to help them say something, kick em.

For the time period, your idea sounds sound. However, what are they going to do, if say, two ships clash, and they're one of the frontline, namely, they NEED to respond?
That brings me to a question. If each group is roleplaying on a separate thread and a fight breaks out between ships, what thread woud that go down on?
HEY YO, so john just revealed that I hadn't told him a certain KIND OF IMPORTANT fact about Stars! therefore, i'm gonna explain it here and now while he goes and edits it into the main race description.


Stars are distinctly Not Human--they look human, but they're not. They cannot reproduce. All Stars are infertile--there is no such thing as a half-star. This is because a Star's life doesn't start when they're born in a traditional sense, and it doesn't end with a normal death, either. Their life starts with their homestar--which is also generally their namesake. (Ex: if your homestar is Sirius, you almost certainly also call yourself Sirius. This isn't a 100% thing, but it's just generally accepted.) Their life force is completely tied with their homestar; for as long as their homestar exists (or, more accurately, for as long as its light reaches Jakamal), they exist. However, a Star can be killed (though they can't die of old age). The thing is, though, that when a Star is killed, they still aren't dead the way a human is--they pull a phoenix-type pseudo-death, and in a burst of light, they revert to an infant. They then have to be raised again, and most of the time, they don't remember majority of their "past life." They may remember flashes, or particularly important people/events/places, but it's essentially a fresh start. They won't grow up to be the same person, because they have basically been rewritten.

I think that just about covers it. If you've got more questions, please! feel free to let me know!

If they're unable to post themselves due to life issues I don't see why the attacking character can't ghost the other character for the duration of the scene. I'll have final judgement over the outcome of that battle but at least they'll be able to play without waiting on the other character.

But if the other character is kicked and it's necessary for them to respond I could just improvise a death scene. =\

@Kori Zanos

I'm still trying to figure that one out. Best as I can figure what we'll do is post in our respective threads for our own ships on what your own character wants to do. If they want to target a specific character they'll tag that person in their post so that the other is aware of what's going on. The Captain's will have final say over what their ships will be doing, and once that is established I will make a "overseer" post explaining what the ships are doing in their opponent's thread. I might make a turn order to keep things more civil but honestly I'm playing a lot of this by ear.

I think that scenario may very well descend into chaos but I'll try and keep it as orderly as I can. =\
A combat thread would work, but I'd think the battle would take place on the ship being attacked and such.
Depends on the situation. All the ships have sufficient weapons to attack each other at a distance, and thats not including any magical tricks the crew might have in stock.
Bezek would make a good wall to hide behind when another team's magic is sent our way.

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