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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

  • 6738448113_00eaeec6cd_b.jpg

    Full name: Alexandria Victoria Bane

    Nickname: Alexx

    Age: 16

    Godly Parent: Aries (Unknown)

    Gender: Female/Gender fluid

    Ethnicity: Caucasian/Irish

    Sexuality: Straight

    Appearance: About 5'7" tall. 125 lbs. Athletic/fit body type, usually binds her chest. Red hair usually in a ponytail and green colored eyes with slate blue/grey around the edges. Always wears leather bikers jacket and boots. A few random scars on her from fighting, about 5 of them.
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3theReality said:

  • 6738448113_00eaeec6cd_b.jpg

    Full name: Alexandria Victoria Bane

    Nickname: Alexx

    Age: 16

    Godly Parent: Aries (Unknown)

    Gender: Female/Gender fluid

    Ethnicity: Caucasian/Irish

    Sexuality: Straight

    Appearance: About 5'7" tall. 125 lbs. Athletic/fit body type, usually binds her chest. Red hair usually in a ponytail and green colored eyes with slate blue/grey around the edges. Always wears leather bikers jacket and boots. A few random scars on her from fighting, about 5 of them.
For her powers, Ares campers have never had 'superstrength' before. I'd rather if it was something like, good fighter, slightly stronger than the average teenager.
[QUOTE="Play On Words]For her powers, Ares campers have never had 'superstrength' before. I'd rather if it was something like, good fighter, slightly stronger than the average teenager.

I changed it. Is that better, or no?..
Full name: Aria LeBlanche

Nickname: Ari

Age: 16

Godly Parent: Aphrodite (Known and Chosen hence received her blessing)

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Italian

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Aria has her mother's golden blonde hair and also her blue eyes which in certain circumstances they tend to have a purple tint to them. She stands at about 5'6''. Being quite athletic the girl has a petite but well-formed figure. Despite being a daughter of Aphrodite who is all about beauty she prefers staying all natural and the make-up she only h tolerates is some basic eyeliner.


Faceclaim: Claire Holt.
Godly Powers: Since she is one of Aphrodite's chose she is gifted with Charm-speak which is a hypnotizing ability. Due to having Charm-speak she can also muster Amokinesis which is the ability to induce the feelings of desire and love but it is too powerful for her to do so much practice is needed.

Weapon: A spear with a celestial bronze tip which is disguised as a heart shaped locket, if the center of the heart is pressed it will automatically turn in a spear attached with a gauntlet hence can be used as a javelin as well.

Likes: Dancing, Flirting, Sketching, Combat, Having things her way, Sports, Her ideal one.

Dislikes: Violence, Animals, Perfumes(ironically), Idiocy, Violence when not needed

Fears: Isolation, Tight spaces.

Weaknesses: Easily distracted, Tight spaces, Takes offense easily

Strengths: Her voice, Fast Learner, Observant

Backstory: Leah is an only child, diagnosed with only dyslexia at a very young age. She is from the Italy however she moved to the states with her father as he got a deal for his company. However 3 years ago her father died in a tragic accident which caused him his life- a lab in his company building set to fire and caused a chaos of fire along which her father was unfortunately in. Her keeper which was her half-brother had escorted her to Camp Half-Blood with him.

Personality: Aria is quite the outgoing person however it doesn't mean she is an open-book, quite social yet keeps to herself. Being a daughter of Aphrodite she is a natural flirt even though sometimes it couldn't be helped and not to forget her matchmaking, right now her matches always seemed to have succeeded but not all might, yet she still haven't found her ideal one to which she is quite bummed about. Despite all that she is quite focused on her task if she ever gets one, she quite likes to use her weapon rather than her voice due to the fact that things might end up all wrong.

Secrets: Being a chosen daughter of Aphrodite , Aria is quite afraid to actually speak due to her charm-speak cause unwillingly she doesn't want anyone to be influenced by it. She has been accused for it when she never intended to use it. No one thinks her words or the feelings she has from other are real towards her.

How long at Camp Half-Blood: 3 years
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LadyAria said:
Full name: Aria LeBlanche
Nickname: Ari

Age: 17

Godly Parent: Aphrodite (Known and Chosen hence received her blessing)

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Italian

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Aria has her mother's golden blonde hair and also her blue eyes which in certain circumstances they tend to have a purple tint to them. She stands at about 5'6''. Being quite athletic the girl has a petite but well-formed figure. Despite being a daughter of Aphrodite who is all about beauty she prefers staying all natural and the make-up she only h tolerates is some basic eyeliner.


Faceclaim: Claire Holt.
Godly Powers: Since she is one of Aphrodite's chose she is gifted with Charm-speak which is a hypnotizing ability. Due to having Charm-speak she can also muster Amokinesis which is the ability to induce the feelings of desire and love but it is too powerful for her to do so much practice is needed.

Weapon: A spear with a celestial bronze tip which is disguised as a heart shaped locket, if the center of the heart is pressed it will automatically turn in a spear attached with a gauntlet hence can be used as a javelin as well.

Likes: Dancing, Flirting, Sketching, Combat, Having things her way, Sports, Her ideal one.

Dislikes: Violence, Animals, Perfumes(ironically), Idiocy, Violence when not needed

Fears: Isolation, Tight spaces.

Weaknesses: Easily distracted, Tight spaces, Takes offense easily

Strengths: Her voice, Fast Learner, Observant

Backstory: Leah is an only child, diagnosed with only dyslexia at a very young age. She is from the Italy however she moved to the states with her father as he got a deal for his company. However 3 years ago her father died in a tragic accident which caused him his life- a lab in his company building set to fire and caused a chaos of fire along which her father was unfortunately in. Her keeper which was her half-brother had escorted her to Camp Half-Blood with him.

Personality: Aria is quite the outgoing person however it doesn't mean she is an open-book, quite social yet keeps to herself. Being a daughter of Aphrodite she is a natural flirt even though sometimes it couldn't be helped and not to forget her matchmaking, right now her matches always seemed to have succeeded but not all might, yet she still haven't found her ideal one to which she is quite bummed about. Despite all that she is quite focused on her task if she ever gets one, she quite likes to use her weapon rather than her voice due to the fact that things might end up all wrong.

Secrets: Being a chosen daughter of Aphrodite , Aria is quite afraid to actually speak due to her charm-speak cause unwillingly she doesn't want anyone to be influenced by it. She has been accused for it when she never intended to use it. No one thinks her words or the feelings she has from other are real towards her.

How long at Camp Half-Blood: 3 years

"We are all mad down here."

Evan A. Darrow






Godly Parent

Morpheus (known)









Evan is 5'11,weighing 172lbs. His skin is usually pale,as he tries to avoid the sun as much as possible.

Godly Powers

Evan can contact others through their dreams and control what kind of scene they see in their minds.

He can also make people very tired or even completely unconscious. This power depends on the person he is trying to control. Demigods can usually resist this power and only feel very tired,but humans might never wake up.


Evan has a black shortsword,a gift from Morpheus.


Evan is afraid of others finding out about the death of his mother and stepfather. He is also scared of going completely crazy,which seem close to happen.


Evan doesn't trust others easily and is a terrible team player. He will follow his own mind and completely ignore any chain of command.


Evan had years to train his abilities. His fighting style isn't pretty to see,but it's extremely aggressively. If you get into a fight prepare to keep fighting until either you or him are dead.

Evan is very sneaky. You probably won't see him coming until he is actually close to you.


Even for Demigod standards,Evan was never exactly a normal person. The first ten years of his life were spent in psychiatric consulting,a desperate attempt from his mother to make him a bit more normal.

It didn't work.

He wasn't able to control his own powers,giving himself and his family horrible nightmares every single night. He was slowly driving himself crazy. The fights on his house were constant,up to the point were his stepfather tried to kill his mother with a kitchen knife. Evan lost it completely at the scene. When he woke up,he found himself covered with the blood of his two human parents.

He knew he had to flee after that. It wasn't long until Morpheus contacted him to claim the kid as his son,but Evan was completely disgusted of the man. He blamed the God for making him what he was: a man who couldn't control his own demons.

Camp Half-Blood never really interested him,especially because Evan doesn't trust himself to be around so many people. He has been fending off for himself for years now,stealing from the rich Californian assholes and being a con artist when he feels like it.


Evan is manipulative,and he feels no shame about it. He can and will lie to get what he wants.

He can shift his personality to convince the person that is talking to him to do his will. But most of the time,he just doesn't care about others. He won't get attached easily and doesn't trust anyone until they prove themselves to him.

He is the king of sarcasm and a cynical person. So far,he hasn't met a single person that was worthy of reaching his softer feelings.


- Killed both of his human parents.

- Is slowly going crazy from overuse of his powers.

- Often listens to voices in his head telling him to be violent.

How long at Camp Half-Blood

Never been there.

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KaalysBR said:

"We are all mad down here."

Evan A. Darrow






Godly Parent

Morpheus (known)









Evan is 5'11,weighing 172lbs. His skin is usually pale,as he tries to avoid the sun as much as possible.

Godly Powers

Evan can contact others through their dreams and control what kind of scene they see in their minds.

He can also make people very tired or even completely unconscious. This power depends on the person he is trying to control. Demigods can usually resist this power and only feel very tired,but humans might never wake up.


Evan has a black shortsword,a gift from Morpheus.

no slide
no slide
Digging Deeper


Even for Demigod standards,Evan was never exactly a normal person. The first ten years of his life were spend in psychiatric consulting,a desperate attempt from his mother to make him a bit more normal.

It didn't work.

He wasn't able to control his own powers,giving himself and his family horrible nightmares every single night. He was slowly driving himself crazy. The fights on his house were constant,up to the point were his stepfather tried to kill his mother with a kitchen knife. Evan lost it completely at the scene. When he woke up,he found himself covered with the blood of his two human parents.

He knew he had to flee after that. It wasn't long until Morpheus contacted him to claim the kid as his son,but Evan was completely disgusted of the man. He blamed the God for making him what he was: a man who couldn't control his own demons.

Camp Half-Blood never really interested him,especially because Evan doesn't trust himself to be around so many people. He has been fending off for himself for years now,stealing from the rich Californian assholes and being a con artist when he feels like it.


Evan is manipulative,and he feels no shame about it. He can and will lie to get what he wants.

He can shift his personality to convince the person that is talking to him to do his will. But most of the time,he just doesn't care about others. He won't get attached easily and doesn't trust anyone until they prove themselves to him.

He is the king of sarcasm and a cynical person. So far,he hasn't met a single person that was worthy of reaching his softer feelings.


- Killed both of his human parents.

- Is slowly going crazy from overuse of his powers.

- Often listens to voices in his head telling him to be violent.

How long at Camp Half-Blood

Never been there.


Sexuality doesn't mean gender.
Bloodybeans said:
cant wait to find out Ryders backstory
Nobody asks, nobody will get answers.

KaalysBR said:
His stepfather deserved it. And he might try to kill a few humans. Kick him in the face,it always works.
So did my character's. Damn child abusers. And I'll keep that in mind, although I might stick to punching. It's pretty hard to kick someone in the face without them noticing, or without being really freaking flexible.
I'm not attacking the bus haha although that would be fun he will probably just try to rob one of the characters.


Full name: Arianna Simones

Nickname: Ava

Age: 15

Godly Parent(Specify if your character knows or not): Athena (She doesn't know yet)

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: American

Sexuality: Straight

Godly Powers(Try to limit to 1-2, and nothing too OP. Try to have a cooldown, and make it relevant!)*Optional*: She's really smart

Weapon(Can be magical, but again, not too OP)*Optional*: A highlighter shield (when she opens it a shield replaces it and when the cap retouches it it turns back into a highlighter)






Good grades,







Getting in trouble,

Bad grades,


Dealing with really dumb people

Fears*Optional*: Her parents being ashamed of her.

Weaknesses: Being shamed, heat, her friends being angry at her

Strengths: Being in a group, being needed for something,

Backstory: She was born on April 25th, 2001. Her dad was named David. They are middle class. Her dad worked as a school teacher. She goes to a public school. When she was 8 she used to be really popular in school but now she's pretty unpopular. On her way to Camp Halfblood she was stopped by a monster and she woke up next to the camp. She has no clue if her dad is still alive.

Personality: She's really friendly and smart.

Secrets: She doesn't want people to know that she has no clue how she got here.

How long at Camp Half-Blood(Or are you not there yet, on the way?): She just arrived.

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