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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

DankestMemer said:


Full name: Arianna Simones

Nickname: Ava

Age: 15

Godly Parent(Specify if your character knows or not): Athena

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: American

Sexuality: Straight

Godly Powers(Try to limit to 1-2, and nothing too OP. Try to have a cooldown, and make it relevant!)*Optional*: She's really smart

Weapon(Can be magical, but again, not too OP)*Optional*: A highlighter shield (when she opens it a shield replaces it and when the cap retouches it it turns back into a highlighter)






Good grades,







Getting in trouble,

Bad grades,


Dealing with really dumb people

Fears*Optional*: Would not like to tell.

Weaknesses: Being shamed, heat, her friends being angry at her

Strengths: Being in a group, being needed for something,

Backstory: She was born on April 25th, 2001. Her dad was named David. They are middle class. Her dad worked as a school teacher. She goes to a public school. When she was 8 she used to be really popular in school but now she's pretty unpopular. On her way to Camp Halfblood she was stopped by a monster and she woke up next to the camp. She has no clue if her dad is still alive.

Personality: She's really friendly and smart.

Secrets: She doesn't want people to know that she has no clue how she got here.

How long at Camp Half-Blood(Or are you not there yet, on the way?): She just arrived.

Does she know about her parentage? And I'd rather you put fears and secrets in your CS. Unless you say it in the RP, people can't use it against you.
[QUOTE="Play On Words]Does she know about her parentage? And I'd rather you put fears and secrets in your CS. Unless you say it in the RP, people can't use it against you.

[QUOTE="Play On Words]Does she know about her parentage? And I'd rather you put fears and secrets in your CS. Unless you say it in the RP, people can't use it against you.

I edited it! :)


  • tumblr_n1sv6v8vQg1tph8cqo1_500.gif

    Name: Delta Walker

    Height: 5'10

    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

    Hair Color: Blonde

    Eye Color: Brown

    Godly Parent: Apollo (unknown)

    Crush: PM for possible ideas

    Age: 18

    Birth City: Pasadena, California

    How long at Camp Half Blood: Just arriving


Full name:

Jaden Lewis Bevan


Jay, J.B



Godly Parent:

Claimed son of Aether, God of light and the upper atmosphere




White British




At first glance, Jaden looks like a typical son of Zeus. Blonde hair, sky blue eyes and a decent build. Standing at 5'10, Jay weighs 150lbs and has a small scar on his upper lip.


Godly Powers:

Aerokinesis- The ability to control the wind and air. Jay can use this to fly and summon strong blasts of wind to knock his foe down/away

Photokinesis- The ability to control light. Jay can summon spheres of light to guide the way or blind enemies with this.


A sword forged for his father. It has no special combat abilities, however, it can be summoned out of pure air.


Rock music, annoying friends to an extent, being right


Losing, being ignored, rudeness.


Water or more specifically, the ocean.


Tries to do everything himself, bottles up his emotions.


Is a very random person, is kind of likable.


Born 16th of August 2000, Jay moved to America when he was ten, due to his father having a business trip. His mother refused to move, and the two split up. Troubled with the stress, Jay turned to music to help him before he got attacked on the streets by a cyclops. Being saved by a random demigod, Jaden followed her back to camp where he got claimed by an ancient god not many people knew. But, he was proud...however, he felt like he had went to live with the wrong person. Someone who he wasn't even blood related to. It broke him for a while, but he quickly recovered.


Jaden is a huge joker. Joking all the time, there is never a moment when he doesn't joke around. From jokes that'll make you laugh to jokes that'll make you cringe, he says them all. He also flirts with a few people, however, he believes he is not the best at it. With these two traits, you either love him, or hate him. There is no in between.


Thinking about leaving camp to return to England

How long at Camp Half-Blood:

Six years
Last edited by a moderator:
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]

Full name:

Jaden Lewis Bevan


Jay, J.B



Godly Parent:

Claimed son of Aether, God of light and the upper atmosphere




White British




At first glance, Jaden looks like a typical son of Zeus. Blonde hair, sky blue eyes and a decent build. Standing at 5'10, Jay weighs 150lbs and has a small scar on his upper lip.


Godly Powers:

Aerokinesis- The ability to control the wind and air. Jay can use this to fly and summon strong blasts of wind to knock his foe down/away

Photokinesis- The ability to control light. Jay can summon spheres of light to guide the way, blind enemies or turn invisible. (I'll explain if you need) However, turning invisible does not cover his scent nor make him silent.


A sword forged for his father. It has no special combat abilities, however, it can be summoned out of pure air.


Rock music, annoying friends to an extent, being right


Losing, being ignored, rudeness.


Water or more specifically, the ocean.


Tries to do everything himself, bottles up his emotions.


Is a very random person, is kind of likable.


Born 16th of August 2000, Jay moved to America when he was ten, due to his father having a business trip. His mother refused to move, and the two split up. Troubled with the stress, Jay turned to music to help him before he got attacked on the streets by a cyclops. Being saved by a random demigod, Jaden followed her back to camp where he got claimed by an ancient god not many people knew. But, he was proud...however, he felt like he had went to live with the wrong person. Someone who he wasn't even blood related to. It broke him for a while, but he quickly recovered.


Jaden is a huge joker. Joking all the time, there is never a moment when he doesn't joke around. From jokes that'll make you laugh to jokes that'll make you cringe, he says them all. He also flirts with a few people, however, he believes he is not the best at it. With these two traits, you either love him, or hate him. There is no in between.


Thinking about leaving camp to return to England

How long at Camp Half-Blood:

Six years

I can understand why it'd be relevant, but it'd just be too OP to have invisibility.

[QUOTE="Haus Of Alaska]


  • tumblr_n1sv6v8vQg1tph8cqo1_500.gif

    Name: Delta Walker

    Height: 5'10

    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

    Hair Color: Blonde

    Eye Color: Brown

    Godly Parent: Apollo (unknown)

    Crush: PM for possible ideas

    Age: 18

    Birth City: Pasadena, California

    How long at Camp Half Blood: Just arriving

[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]You sure? I mean, Annabeth and her hat of invisibility...
I'll edit it though

I didn't make Annabeth. If I had, I would've said it was too op.

Full name:

Aloysius Saint-Grant | Aloysius means Fame in War in Latin.


Alois or Wish Saint | Wish comes from, how his name pronounced AL-O-WISH-US, it is also a jab at his heritage of his mother's ability to create mayhem. Saint comes from his middle name but also how he respects his mother. Seeing himself as a Saint or herald to his mother's actions.



Godly Parent:

Eris. (He is very familiar with his mother, even lived under her watchful, and toying, eye. He respects her more than other gods)




Caucasian (French, Greek, American)


Heterosexual/Panromantic |

While he is only sexually attracted to women, he finds any gender of possible romance. It doesn't matter to him or how many. Also it

Godly Powers:

Discord Aura

| Constant/Passive |

Aloysius is the son of Eris, as such he inherits her natural affinity and creation of Discord. However unlike his mother; he does not have the wide range and choice to were he can create it. His power over discord functions in a personal aura range. Those being in his near vicinity have a feeling of unease and primal reactions of violence and malice. This discord aura also effects mechanical and shape-shifting magical items.


  • The Fairest of Them All ||

    Aloysius has a two Caestus, fist based weaponry, they are metal and seem to inspire a slight blood lust to those who witness them. They are of gold and black iron. The gold is said to be modeled after his mother's own item of discord that once started the Trojan War. There's also matching plates for his shins. There is also small metals within the inner hands, to catch blades and other dangerous objects as he does not use swords, shields, and any other weapons. Jokingly is has

  • The Golden Strings ||

    The golden strings are said to be woven from the Golden Fleece. They shine so brightly and so supreme that it glows in darkness. These strings are nigh indestructible and inspire those to witness them to become awed and inspired at their beauty as the small daggers connected towards their ends. How he uses these strings and daggers is rather unique. More impose to create chaos and discord on the battlefield--he usually swings these around at high speeds. He can use these in one on one combat, but it is usually to annoy, frustrate, and deliver rather sadistic blows.


  • Arguments and Drama
  • Playing upon people's angst
  • Causing fights
  • Being in fights
  • Dominance
  • Being respected as higher than human.


  • Being looked down on
  • Someone talking terrible of his mother
  • Feign nicieties
  • Overbearing formalities
  • Interruptions with his work and fighting.
  • Children of Zeus, for some reason they irk him. Mostly due to him excluding his mother from and creating disdain for her within Olympus.


His mother's disapproval and perhaps realizing that the age of Epic Heroes is long gone.


His arrogance, His desire for strength, and his underestimation of everyone else is something extremely apparent and is possible to manipulate. He is not verse in sword fighting or any conventional warfare. His social ineptness leads to some nuances being lost on him.

He thinks himself invincible and he would do things that would basically kill him to prove that he is larger than life.


Aloysius is nigh-fearless and truly a man after the hearts from the Greek Chroniclers. He's always willing to defend his honor and do his duty as a Demi-god. Alyosius is a survivalist able to thrive on his own. He is also trained in the art of Greek wresliting and Pugilism--but for some reason he has also picked up a small taste for Muay Thai.


Aloysius's birth seems to be a mystery to him, but for as long as he could remember several people have popped in and out of his life. Men, women, even some greek creatures. However he has never met his father or his human family. And at this point in his life it hasn't really crossed him as thing he needs to know. It seems that Eris still holds cult of anarchy and discord and that Aloysius was propped up as a special child. However he was not coddled nor raised in a sterile environment.

Raised in the Northeast American Woodlands, in a small cabin. From a very young age he was taught to hunt and fend for himself. Using the wilds as his cornucopia and bounty.


Aloysius is a strange teen, not very angsty nor is he hateful of his past. Aloysius appears to be a relic of a different time, fitting in with creatures like Diomedes, Achilles, Theseus, Perseus, and even Hercules. He is boisterous about his power, prideful about his lineage and savoring over battle. Aloysius seeks fame, glory, and sovereignty via his bloodline and natural aptitude.

Aloysius is not overly social inept, but he is very much familiar with how human act and go about their lives--mostly from what ever notes and memoirs his mother has left behind for him to read. Aloysius still, despite these godly notes from above, he views humanity as less and the squabbles as perhaps the most inspiring weakness of gods and men.

Aloysius, emotionally, is rigid and callous to those around him. His needs and desires are first and only first.


Aloysius is a lot more promiscuous than he'd like to admit.

He likes to recreate his mother's works for a laugh. (Children of Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera are often aimed at by these callous and malicious jokes)

Romance is not cut and dry for him. Anyone is eligible. However for men and more masculine peoples, he seems to be more attracted to the ability to holds oneself against his rage and power.

He doesn't know much of society, thus Christianity and other modern day religion and beliefs that are not of Greek origin are not known to him. He may react weirdly to the idea of Christ.

It is said that he once met another child of a god before. Relationship between them is unknown.

How long at Camp Half-Blood:

He has not arrived at the Camp, He is currently Traveling there now--but he seeks to attain some sort of following. Perhaps a bit of a fight here and there to sate his battle-lusting heart.
CupAndCough said:
Full name:

Aloysius Saint-Grant | Aloysius means Fame in War in Latin.


Alois or Wish Saint | Wish comes from, how his name pronounced AL-O-WISH-US, it is also a jab at his heritage of his mother's ability to create mayhem. Saint comes from his middle name but also how he respects his mother. Seeing himself as a Saint or herald to his mother's actions.



Godly Parent:

Eris. (He is very familiar with his mother, even lived under her watchful, and toying, eye. He respects her more than other gods)




Caucasian (French, Greek, American)


Heterosexual/Panromantic |

While he is only sexually attracted to women, he finds any gender of possible romance. It doesn't matter to him or how many. Also it

Godly Powers:

Discord Aura

| Constant/Passive |

Aloysius is the son of Eris, as such he inherits her natural affinity and creation of Discord. However unlike his mother; he does not have the wide range and choice to were he can create it. His power over discord functions in a personal aura range. Those being in his near vicinity have a feeling of unease and primal reactions of violence and malice. This discord aura also effects mechanical and shape-shifting magical items.


  • The Fairest of Them All ||

    Aloysius has a two Caestus, fist based weaponry, they are metal and seem to inspire a slight blood lust to those who witness them. They are of gold and black iron. The gold is said to be modeled after his mother's own item of discord that once started the Trojan War. There's also matching plates for his shins. There is also small metals within the inner hands, to catch blades and other dangerous objects as he does not use swords, shields, and any other weapons. Jokingly is has

  • The Golden Strings ||

    The golden strings are said to be woven from the Golden Fleece. They shine so brightly and so supreme that it glows in darkness. These strings are nigh indestructible and inspire those to witness them to become awed and inspired at their beauty as the small daggers connected towards their ends. How he uses these strings and daggers is rather unique. More impose to create chaos and discord on the battlefield--he usually swings these around at high speeds. He can use these in one on one combat, but it is usually to annoy, frustrate, and deliver rather sadistic blows.


  • Arguments and Drama
  • Playing upon people's angst
  • Causing fights
  • Being in fights
  • Dominance
  • Being respected as higher than human.


  • Being looked down on
  • Someone talking terrible of his mother
  • Feign nicieties
  • Overbearing formalities
  • Interruptions with his work and fighting.
  • Children of Zeus, for some reason they irk him. Mostly due to him excluding his mother from and creating disdain for her within Olympus.


His mother's disapproval and perhaps realizing that the age of Epic Heroes is long gone.


His arrogance, His desire for strength, and his underestimation of everyone else is something extremely apparent and is possible to manipulate. He is not verse in sword fighting or any conventional warfare. His social ineptness leads to some nuances being lost on him.

He thinks himself invincible and he would do things that would basically kill him to prove that he is larger than life.


Aloysius is nigh-fearless and truly a man after the hearts from the Greek Chroniclers. He's always willing to defend his honor and do his duty as a Demi-god. Alyosius is a survivalist able to thrive on his own. He is also trained in the art of Greek wresliting and Pugilism--but for some reason he has also picked up a small taste for Muay Thai.


Aloysius's birth seems to be a mystery to him, but for as long as he could remember several people have popped in and out of his life. Men, women, even some greek creatures. However he has never met his father or his human family. And at this point in his life it hasn't really crossed him as thing he needs to know. It seems that Eris still holds cult of anarchy and discord and that Aloysius was propped up as a special child. However he was not coddled nor raised in a sterile environment.

Raised in the Northeast American Woodlands, in a small cabin. From a very young age he was taught to hunt and fend for himself. Using the wilds as his cornucopia and bounty.


Aloysius is a strange teen, not very angsty nor is he hateful of his past. Aloysius appears to be a relic of a different time, fitting in with creatures like Diomedes, Achilles, Theseus, Perseus, and even Hercules. He is boisterous about his power, prideful about his lineage and savoring over battle. Aloysius seeks fame, glory, and sovereignty via his bloodline and natural aptitude.

Aloysius is not overly social inept, but he is very much familiar with how human act and go about their lives--mostly from what ever notes and memoirs his mother has left behind for him to read. Aloysius still, despite these godly notes from above, he views humanity as less and the squabbles as perhaps the most inspiring weakness of gods and men.

Aloysius, emotionally, is rigid and callous to those around him. His needs and desires are first and only first.


Aloysius is a lot more promiscuous than he'd like to admit.

He likes to recreate his mother's works for a laugh. (Children of Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera are often aimed at by these callous and malicious jokes)

Romance is not cut and dry for him. Anyone is eligible. However for men and more masculine peoples, he seems to be more attracted to the ability to holds oneself against his rage and power.

He doesn't know much of society, thus Christianity and other modern day religion and beliefs that are not of Greek origin are not known to him. He may react weirdly to the idea of Christ.

It is said that he once met another child of a god before. Relationship between them is unknown.

How long at Camp Half-Blood:

He has not arrived at the Camp, He is currently Traveling there now--but he seeks to attain some sort of following. Perhaps a bit of a fight here and there to sate his battle-lusting heart.
Accepted. The group is in Pennsylvania, and one of them just got hit by a car, maybe you could use that to jump in?
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]I was just stating I would use it like good all Bethy xD
Edited btw

Is it finished? Because sexuality just cuts off at the end.
[QUOTE="Play On Words]Is it finished? Because sexuality just cuts off at the end.

It's fully done, you may be experiencing some sort of lag...or maybe me
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]It's fully done, you may be experiencing some sort of lag...or maybe me

It's been cut off since you first submitted. It just stops at "it also"
[QUOTE="Play On Words]It's been cut off since you first submitted. It just stops at "it also"

No I see his app as fully submitted though 0-0

- Kasumi Yobayashi -






Godly Parent








- Appearance -

Kasumi is 5'2",being quite short and having a petite body type. Her hair and eyes are both dark brown.

- Godly Powers -

Kasumi can control plant life and make them grow at her will. She can use roots to wrap enemies and slow them down.

Animals can understand Kasumi and carry messaged or small tasks for her. If they are in the mood.

- Weapon -

Kasumi has a simple wood staff...although you may not consider it so simple if it makes direct contact with your head. It's also made of unbreakable wood from Mt.Olympus,a gift from Cybele.


x Nature

x Animals

x Sweets

x Anime

x Her mother


x Fighting

x Heights

x Tight,Enclosed spaces

x People who are too ambitious


Sumi is terrified of growing to be like her father.


Kasumi has a severe aversion to fighting. She might consider fleeing instead of direct combat because of this.

Sumi is always doubting herself and trying to be perfect at everything. Since no one is perfect,she ends up disappointing herself.


Kasumi is a great team player and does her best to help whenever she can.

She is intelligent and has a quick wit,which could help in battle planning.


Kasumi's entire life has been shaped by what her father wanted her to be. Yakuro was a severe businesses man,putting money and ambition in front of every family need.

Unlike most demigods,Sumi had a better relationship with her Divine parent. Cybele was very supportive,knowing that her daughter would never grow to be like Yakuro herself. Sumi's place was in the forest with nature,not between the enclosed spaced of an enterprise.

The fights in her house were constant,but she did her best to stay close to family. She never went to Camp Half-blood because her father considered it a weakness. If she had enemies,she had to fight them by herself and follow his training.

She learned about fighting with her dad,but love was another story. When her father started to put down forests to make buildings,Kasumi finally snapped. That wasn't the life she wanted. So she ran away.

The United States offered her a new beginning,a place to follow her own mind and desires. So she built a flower shop and never looked back,even though she still had her Demigod problems to deal with.


Kasumi is always bubbling with a contagious sort of happiness,usually trying to find the positive side of a situation.

She is very independent and won't wait for tips on how to act,finding her own thoughts the most relevant ones. Which can lead to some annoying stubbornness.

She is quite playful,but knows how to tone it down during serious matters.

Most off all,Sumi is empathetic. She is always available when someone needs to talk.


Kasumi still blames herself for being dishonored by her father,and often thinks of what she could do to change that situation.

How long at Camp Half-Blood

Never been there.


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