Godling Academy (Sign-Up)

Name: Therax

Age: 22

Descendant or Mortal Until Chosen: Descendant: 2nd Generation

Assigned God/Goddess: Apollo

Personality: Calm, but Outspoken until direct confrontation occurs the his personality changes drastically



Hobbies: Archery, Sparring, Free-Running, and Staying Active... Basically Preparing

Abilities: Perception Altering through the 6 senses within a specific radius

Background/History: When Therax looks at the stars he is now filled with condemnation towards them... That is because he was just a boy when he made a grave mistake. You see, Therax lived with his adoptive mother and father, but then one fateful day he altered their perception of his existence... Therax was cast out through by much of society leaving him to mostly fend for himself during this time of trials and tribulations... Apollo was assigned to watch over him without Therax's knowledge while he travels this world and attempts to redeem himself... As well as become the god he is truly meant to become...

Dorm partner: Prefers to be alone, but could change...

Pet or special item: Has a crossbow with a meteoroid from the moon faceted into it...

Information about God/Goddess:


God Of

  • Oracles & Prophecy
  • Music & Poetry
  • Archery
  • Disease
  • Healing
  • Identified with Foreign Gods

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses: Stays neutral unless there is an urgent need

Other Information: N/A
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I like the way you wrote your background but I do not like the fact that you pretty much said Therax has been to Mt. Olympus already/ the heavens. Any way you can change that up? We are in the middle of a ball room dance so you can just walk in and join us. A lot of people dont have a partner like my two characters and I dont mind dancing with Therax ^.^ Fix the background later 
If you can please post a picture of your dress/tux and the mask (there are masks xP) when you walk into the ballroom dance that would be awesome =)
We'll miss you! I wont be on except for random moments tomorroe until after 4pm. ArtisticKwittyKat234 i would like to hear your plas tomorrow for your first class!

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Okay. I wanna do achillies heel! or.... something for all the gods/goddesses. 
jj9095 the class will starts around 12 or 1 !
Name: Briana Hernandez

Age: 17

Descendant or Mortal Until Chosen: Mortal

Assigned God/Goddess (Your choice): Ares

Personality: Boyish, likes to scream, swift feet, immature, makes people want strength, never gives up, does NOT know how to talk to a boy flirtatious wise but does know how to beat one up!

Picture (Optional):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Kamidori.Alchemy.Meister.600.1233136.jpg.6825cda23c13873d14314ef17baa44a4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3084" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Kamidori.Alchemy.Meister.600.1233136.jpg.6825cda23c13873d14314ef17baa44a4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hobbies: Martial Arts, beating up boys, cons, fighting, exercise, sports, wrestles, judo, swordmanship, fencing, self-defense, kickboxing, you get the point.

Abilities (If Descendant): NOPE

Background/History: Her father was a hunter, a killer, a navy soldier. She grew up with her father and rarely if ever seeing her mother after she turned five years old. Her father was always pushing Briana to the best that she could be. She has always been the best at any sport or any fight. She exercises daily whenever she can.

Dorm partner (Optional): Someone be her dorm partner please D=

Pet or special item(Optional): Her fathers helmet and Loco the dog.

Information about God/Goddess: Ares is the god of war, battlelust, civil order and manly courage. He is one of the twelve Olympians and the son of Zeus and Hera. He was known as the savior of cities and the father of victory while also being known to kill men.

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses: Ares would have affairs with Aphrodite plenty of times and they have children ((Ronkaime, sup Rae)), he slayed Adonis, his rival for the love of Aphrodite. He supported the Amazones, warrior daughters of the god. Ares and Hephaestus do not like each other. Often fought with his half-sisters Artemis and Athena. Son of Zeus and Hera. Normally seen with Eris, god of discord ((savagePEST meet your new BFF)) Good friends with his mother Hera as well.

Other Information (Optional): meh.



  • Kamidori.Alchemy.Meister.600.1233136.jpg
    61.8 KB · Views: 60
jj9095 said:
Name: Briana Hernandez
Age: 17

Descendant or Mortal Until Chosen: Mortal

Assigned God/Goddess (Your choice): Ares

Personality: Boyish, likes to scream, swift feet, immature, makes people want strength, never gives up, does NOT know how to talk to a boy flirtatious wise but does know how to beat one up!

Picture (Optional):View attachment 17485

Hobbies: Martial Arts, beating up boys, cons, fighting, exercise, sports, wrestles, judo, swordmanship, fencing, self-defense, kickboxing, you get the point.

Abilities (If Descendant): NOPE

Background/History: Her father was a hunter, a killer, a navy soldier. She grew up with her father and rarely if ever seeing her mother after she turned five years old. Her father was always pushing Briana to the best that she could be. She has always been the best at any sport or any fight. She exercises daily whenever she can.

Dorm partner (Optional): Someone be her dorm partner please D=

Pet or special item(Optional): Her fathers helmet and Loco the dog.

Information about God/Goddess: Ares is the god of war, battlelust, civil order and manly courage. He is one of the twelve Olympians and the son of Zeus and Hera. He was known as the savior of cities and the father of victory while also being known to kill men.

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses: Ares would have affairs with Aphrodite plenty of times and they have children ((Ronkaime, sup Rae)), he slayed Adonis, his rival for the love of Aphrodite. He supported the Amazones, warrior daughters of the god. Ares and Hephaestus do not like each other. Often fought with his half-sisters Artemis and Athena. Son of Zeus and Hera. Normally seen with Eris, god of discord ((savagePEST meet your new BFF)) Good friends with his mother Hera as well.

Other Information (Optional): meh.
Kitty walks up to Briana " hiya wanna be roommies? "
I put on GA that she walked into Lunes room and got set up. If Bree doesnt want her as a dorm partner then you can have her kitty xD  
Kitty Layla doesnt have a dorm partner. Why doesnt she move in with you? Then they can really become BFFs xD
Of course you can! If you can please take a greek god that has not been taken that would be great but since we have so many characters we only have a couple left open but I am allowing there to be 2 of each god/goddess. The lesser gods only a coupole are taken which Nico knows. I know Demeter, Hecate, Athena, Hermes, Hestia, Hebe, Pan, All graces, etc are open. The ones that you cannot be are aphrodite, Eros, Zeus, or Poseidon. If you can please ask who you want to be before you make your character ThatFatsoHachi that would be great just in case if I missed something ^.^ 
We are very open minded and we have a lot of characters open like all the time. OH! No more apollos either. Our RP never stops so be ready to read like 10 pgs if you leave for an hour xD OR you can ask someone for a long ass summary lol
Oh and I don't care if she's Lune's dorm partner or if you go with Kitty ^^ Your choice
Name: Daniel Amity

Age: 17

Descendant or Mortal Until Chosen: 5th generation

Assigned God/Goddess (Your choice): Nemesis

Personality: Rude and easily agitated. Often likes things to be balanced or fair.

Picture (Optional): He is tall and lanky. He has short spiky hair curving to the left. He wears a brown long sleeve shirt with blue denim jeans. He wears an eye pacth on his left eye.

Hobbies: Drawing or Sleeping

Abilities (If Descendant): The ability to make things fair such as giving power to the weak or avenging the scorned.

Background/History: When he was a child his father was caring but when he reached 8 his father became farther and farther away from him. At school he was often bullied and had bad luck. When 16 his mom Nemesis appeared and he asked why is his life so terrible. His mom said it was because of the power i would soon acquire but it needs more sacrifice. After the encounter he left his home with a patch on his left eye. His strength and wisdom increased and he began his journey of trying to bring balance to the world. Also bisexual.

Dorm partner (Optional):

Pet or special item(Optional): He wears a pouch on his pants.

Information about God/Goddess: Nemesis is the goddess of retribution or revenge.

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses: She does not like Tyche ( goddess of good luck )
I just realized my bio template doesnt have a sexuality place but Im glad you put it in the background/History xD Accepted! I am having class like right now and its going to be a cool session so I would join! Go go go! ThatFatsoHachi
ThatFatsoHachi said:
Name: Daniel Amity
Age: 17

Descendant or Mortal Until Chosen: 5th generation

Assigned God/Goddess (Your choice): Nemesis

Personality: Rude and easily agitated. Often likes things to be balanced or fair.

Picture (Optional): He is tall and lanky. He has short spiky hair curving to the left. He wears a brown long sleeve shirt with blue denim jeans. He wears an eye pacth on his left eye.

Hobbies: Drawing or Sleeping

Abilities (If Descendant): The ability to make things fair such as giving power to the weak or avenging the scorned.

Background/History: When he was a child his father was caring but when he reached 8 his father became farther and farther away from him. At school he was often bullied and had bad luck. When 16 his mom Nemesis appeared and he asked why is his life so terrible. His mom said it was because of the power i would soon acquire but it needs more sacrifice. After the encounter he left his home with a patch on his left eye. His strength and wisdom increased and he began his journey of trying to bring balance to the world. Also bisexual.

Dorm partner (Optional):

Pet or special item(Optional): He wears a pouch on his pants.

Information about God/Goddess: Nemesis is the goddess of retribution or revenge.

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses: She does not like Tyche ( goddess of good luck )
What does he look like?
Name: Liana Brown

Age: 16

Descendant or Mortal Until Chosen: Descendant of Khione, 3rd Generation

Assigned God/Goddess (Your choice): Khione

Personality: She is a sweet girl who always seems happy. She does have a colder side that comes out if you piss her off. She tends to stand up for who she cares about and is very loyal.

Picture (Optional):

Hobbies: Drawing, making things out of snow and ice.

Abilities (If Descendant): The ability to create ice and snow.

Background/History: (I'll put this later)

Dorm partner (Optional): Kitty?

Pet or special item(Optional): None

Information about God/Goddess: http://www.theoi.com/Nymphe/NympheKhione1.html

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses: http://www.theoi.com/Nymphe/NympheKhione1.html

Other Information (Optional): She is Bisexual.
AAAAWWW shes so CUTE! Dude we have so many L's here its ridiculous xD I love her! Can her and Bree and I please have a threesome?! xD  
Accepted, duh

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