Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Layla stops dancing with Alex when the lights come off. She holds his hand afraid and gets close to him. When she sees Athena start singing with Eros she smiles and grabs Alex close to her. Sock
Nico chuckled and looked hiding a blush "I guess we are." He smirked. He then realized the music stopped "What happened?"
Needless to say, Jaden was not prepared to see the lights go out,"What the..oh geez.." As

if this day couldn't get more eventful. He heard Athena's order and grabbed a candle off

the pedestal,"Great..all we need now is a random monster attack and we're in business."

He replied to himself sarcastically.
Therax notices the lights go out... "Fair enough... I hate to belittle your boyfriend and you, but are the lights supposed to randomly go out? Or is someone in danger or something?" As he says this Therax makes a gesture like he's about to dart to the school...
jj9095 said:
Iris picks up Pyro since Pyro does not burn her. She hears Jake and turns around sadly. "What did you do?" She sees the lights turn out throughout the entire school and hears the doors in the nursery lock shut. She looks at Pyro, the only source of light. "Oh, Hell." She turns around and sits on a chair, still holding Pyro.
Athena sees the lights turn off in the ballroom and sighs. "Zeus.." Athena doesn't try for the doors knowing they automatically locked. Each door in the school locks in a blackout. "Everyone please relax! There are candles all over the room! Please take one if you like! Vex please bring some fresh air in here through any cracks you can find, Loki do you have instruments?" Athena gets on the stage. "Eros will you please join me?" Athena waits for Eros to get on stage and tells him what song she wants to sing. Ronkaime Bree Sock dakup savagePEST Nico


"uh sure" Eros' joins athena on stage
"No idea but they can take care of themselves." Lunetta shrugged at him and looked up at the stars. Honestly there was Gods in there.
"Random black out, I guess,"she told Nico, her attention aimed towards what was going on around them now. Adriana pulled away completely from Nico,"Too bad this isn't a Halloween party."

Julie's outstretched her arms, her hands feeling for whatever was near her. This was a challenge, especially since she only could see with one eye. She walked towards the candles, picking one up. Singing and a flute filled the room.
Nico huffed "Well that is no fun." he pouted childishly. He looked around and saw candles "Yeah, that would be creepy." he laughed.
"Well, Would you want to go on an adventure... Lune? Distract yourself from some of the thoughts you're most obviously having..." Therax asks... As he signals over towards the blacked out school...
"I got angry,I was in the river when he came, I summoned a wall of water, to defend myself. he stayed back, knowing that I could hurt him. I did threaten him, and couldn't control my anger, and some of the water instead of defending me, and somewhat splashed him.I picked him up and got burned, and brought him here thinking that they could do something to revive him. I told him how I waited for two days for the irises to bloom, I wanted to surprise you at the ball. But you were there with someone else so I left."

zeus kept squeezing till james almost passed out. he loosened his grip dropping him." say anything like that again and I will kill you."

"your not a god only, a peagon god, their are no gods, only beings that run around calling themselves gods, and your king of the idiots."

zeus goes to kick james in the chest but is stopped.

"wait, you kill me, olympus goes crazy and you being god of control will have a hecktick time just trying to control that. now listen, I want closure, why did you have my mother killed?" he said as he was coughing but some blood.

"your mother stopped loving me. she was about to take you and run, and I didn't want that. so I had her killed I gave her an order to stay and she was about to leave.and the only reason I cared was because I needed someone to take over as king of the gods, and you were one of my choices, and if you moved then I wouldn't know where to find you."
"Maybe Athena could ask Hades for a couple souls, have them swooping around the place or something,"Adriana continued,"To have some real ghosts." She turned her head towards the candles,"Lets get one before someone steps on my dress."
Nico laughed "Maybe, I'm not sure Hades would go through with that." he smiled. He walked over to the candles and picked one up "Well this is a interesting Ball." he mused
Anna nodded "Yeah, its nice.." She curled her arms around Rae, planting a small kiss on his lips(Ronkaime)

After about 5 glasses of wine Jack was..drunk. He giggled and slung his arms over Damian's eyes, muttering "Guess whooooooo~"

(Nico jj9095)

Alex curled his arms around Layla, kissing her forehead, swaying softly as the two gods sang together.
Athena looks at Eros and nods at him. Athena sings on her own for the next song using her hands as well and a piano.


Layla looks at Athena shocked never thought she was that kind of girl.
Damian laughed he himself getting a little on the drunk side. "I dunno, who is it?" he asked his voice slightly slurred. (Sock)
Adriana pouted, taking a candle for yourself. "Well, if Hades is anything like Jack I wouldn't be surprised,"she replied.
dakup said:
"I got angry,I was in the river when he came, I summoned a wall of water, to defend myself. he stayed back, knowing that I could hurt him. I did threaten him, and couldn't control my anger, and some of the water instead of defending me, and somewhat splashed him.I picked him up and got burned, and brought him here thinking that they could do something to revive him. I told him how I waited for two days for the irises to bloom, I wanted to surprise you at the ball. But you were there with someone else so I left."
Iris looks at Jake sadly. "I wasn't there with another guy. I was just talking to him... I saw you coming and freaked so I asked him to dance with me..." She listens to his words again in her head. "You- you waited to says for those beautiful flowers to bloom?" She looked at Jake with shock not knowing how she was supposed to be mad at him. "I thought you- I thought you were ignoring me..." 

Ronkaime said:
Rae stops dancing wait I have something for you "He walks up to Athena "May I?"
Athena hands over the mike to Rae. "You may." Athena sits down again around Eros. "And my part is done."
(Sorry guys, gotta hit the hay, night)

The young man continued to wander, offering his goods to help ease the growing tension in the air.
Nico shrugged "I'm sure they are like each other in many ways. Like I'm kinda dark and evilish like Erebus." he said and stretched.
Anna watched Rae with a raised eyebrow.

Jack giggled, putting up a country accent "Honey-boo boo" He nibbled on Damian's ear, giggling softly. 
Alex whispers a gentle "Your so beautiful, Layla." He kissed her gently. (THERE.)

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