Godling Academy (Actual RP)

jj9095 said:
Athena listens to the words of the song and opens her mouth in shock. She starts laughing at Eros. Ronkaime When Eros comes back she shakes her head at him not being able to stop smiling. "I dont think I want to 'get nasty'" She giggles. "But thank you I know I am a good girl." She says and takes another sip of her drink.
"Eros bows from the praise he received "Well you are a good girl,but wait until I'm done with you" he winks and get's his own drink
"Might I ask your name...?" Therax asked... His eyes turned milky white and he drew his crossbow turned swiftly towards the target and fired three shots rapidly... All three hit... One above another... His eyes went back to their normal silverish-grey color and he asked, "and may I ask who's your father?"
Jaden watched her go than shrugged,"Meh..whatever..it was fun while it lasted.." He waved her off,"Enjoy the goods! And come back if you want more!" He scooped up the plate,"And thus..I return to my rounds." He set off while carrying the food tray, wondering whose attention he would get next.
Lunetta frowned as she sat on the bench. "Name's Lune and it isn't father. I was chosen by Artemis." She turned her bow back into a charm and hooked it on the anklet. "You?"
Ronkaime said:
"Eros bows from the praise he received "Well you are a good girl,but wait until I'm done with you" he winks and get's his own drink
Athena had to put down her drink from not spilling it everywhere from laughing so much. "For the past 100 years I have kept away from you. Now I dont see why. You are honestly.. okay for a god of seduction." Ronkaime
[[ I had went to eat, also ]]

Nico "Oh, Iris!"she said, continuing to pretend to be Jake. Adriana released of Nico's mask to hug him, her arms around his neck,"Oh never leave me again, my sweet Iris. I'll run into 50 trees like that other guy then help you replant them, if you'll like." She laughed, laying her head in the crook of his neck.

Bree "Oh, okay,"Julie said, feeling lonely though she was surrounded by other students. The slow dance was nice, she had to admit that. And it wasn't that she missed Loki! It was just the fact that no one ever wanted to slow dance - or dance for that matter - with her except for family. Julie was out of breath, so she returned to the punch table for a drink.
jj9095 said:
Athena had to put down her drink from not spilling it everywhere from laughing so much. "For the past 100 years I have kept away from you. Now I dont see why. You are honestly.. okay for a god of seduction." Ronkaime
"So how about a date after we become mortal again" (do we become mortal or die?)

(Yes Damian)
Nico laughed as Adriana mimicked Jake. "Oh no James don't do that, those poor trees." He said mimicking Iris once more. He wrapped his arms around Adri. (savagePEST)
savagePEST said:
[[ I had went to eat, also ]]
Nico "Oh, Iris!"she said, continuing to pretend to be Jake. Adriana released of Nico's mask to hug him, her arms around his neck,"Oh never leave me again, my sweet Iris. I'll run into 50 trees like that other guy then help you replant them, if you'll like." She laughed, laying her head in the crook of his neck.
((Hurtful D'= jk jk xD savagePEST))
My name is Therax, pleasured to make your acquaintance... I guess you could consider me a descendant of Apollo... He strapped his bow to his back again and proceeded to say, "See, how fast you change from tears to curiosity... It's quite a peculiar syndrome we suffer from..."
Ronkaime said:
"So how about a date after we become mortal again" (do we become mortal or die?)
(Yes Damian)
((Both ^.^))

Athena frowns at Eros. "After we are reborn as mortals?" Athena leans in hearing the 'I kissed a girl' come on and she looks at the music with interest. "Eros you will probably have no idea who we were after we have met. You know we lose all memories."
"No, it's my skill of hiding my emotions in front of strangers." She said flatly. Her head was throbbing, her eyes burned, and she wanted to do nothing more than find Styles and smash on of his wine bottles over his head. But she didn't and instead kept her face blank and looked at Therax.
jake continues to take screams from pyro."Im sorry...Im...Im...Im sorry. can you please stop yelling at me." he sees Iris."Im sorry, I couldn't control my anger, it just happend, I couldn't control it.Im sorry."

as zeus transformed he stood up in an strong stance "what do you want child, every time you are sad, you call me out. why."

james punches zeus in the face." you took my mother away. Ordered her death by one of those furies. I know I found one still at the house when I went back, I tortured it till it spoke. It said your name."

zeus grabbed james by the throat, and lifted him up with one hand." I had your mother killed. she wouldn't listen to reason when I told her to send you here. she spoke back and opposed what I told her to do."

"I disown you as my father, you were never there for us. my mother was more of a father then you will ever be." he began to recite a poem.[media]

the skies were starting to blacken, and a twister funnel came from the sky over him and james, the power was cut from the ball." I am your father, your mother was a drunken who*e. How do you think I got her."

james taking offence to this tried to get his fathers to loosen his grip, but couldn't.
jj9095 said:
((Both ^.^))
Athena frowns at Eros. "After we are reborn as mortals?" Athena leans in hearing the 'I kissed a girl' come on and she looks at the music with interest. "Eros you will probably have no idea who we were after we have met. You know we lose all memories."
"I could never forget a pretty face like yours baby"
"I see you're troubled... Let me guess what's wrong with you this time..." Therax took a long pause it kind of looked as if he went into a trance while leaning against a tree near the bench Lune was sitting on... "That's it! "You were the one I followed out here... That is after that whole water wall and fire elemental thing burning out... Anyhow, Didn't you split off from a guy...?
Iris picks up Pyro since Pyro does not burn her. She hears Jake and turns around sadly. "What did you do?" She sees the lights turn out throughout the entire school and hears the doors in the nursery lock shut. She looks at Pyro, the only source of light. "Oh, Hell." She turns around and sits on a chair, still holding Pyro.

Athena sees the lights turn off in the ballroom and sighs. "Zeus.." Athena doesn't try for the doors knowing they automatically locked. Each door in the school locks in a blackout. "Everyone please relax! There are candles all over the room! Please take one if you like! Vex please bring some fresh air in here through any cracks you can find, Loki do you have instruments?" Athena gets on the stage. "Eros will you please join me?" Athena waits for Eros to get on stage and tells him what song she wants to sing. Ronkaime Bree Sock dakup savagePEST Nico


"My boyfriend, yeah. He left me at the dance after he was mad at me for dancing with a friend and got drunk." Lune sighed and took her hair down, letting the curls fall over her shoulders.
[[ Yeah. Sorry if I'm taking long. Just trying to figure out a good response ]]

Adriana blushed as she felt his arms around her waist. "Well,"she muttered into his neck,"Aren't we in a suggestive position." Her arms around his neck, their bodies close together, and there wasn't any slow music playing. Adri liked everyone, but did she like Nico more?

Then the lights went out. "What the..."Adriana breathed, pulling away slightly.

- -

Julie gasped as the lights went out, stopping in her steps. It was pitch black for a moment before, one by one, flames were lit. Candles were handed to different students. 'Well, this dance is going to get interesting.'


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