Godling Academy (Actual RP)

kitty laughs." Hey ash, where's you're brother?" she smirks and walks through the traffic." Come on guys!"
Sock said:
Alex sighed as he got his ears pierced, Styles was messing around with the earrings with a sigh. 'God, why do girls do this?" Alex shrugged and tried once again to contact Layla Layla?
Layla blinks. "Alex?"
Jack was walking around looking bored. He eyed a suit shop and walked in slyly, he came out with a top hat on his head and a bag. He grinned stupidly and and sighed. "Well. Clothes. Right."
"Ah, how wonderful, not having to deal with having to listen to such mindless excitement over clothes, fashion, and teenage romance," Vex sighed to himself as he ascended up one of the gargantuan mall's escalators. Once he reached the top, he began to scope out some of the finer establishments in which he might find expensive clothing for special occasions that was as dashing and slick as he was.

Although greatly distracted at one point by a few slot machines, a vendor selling amazingly beautiful small trinkets, and a gambling-products store, Vex managed to find himself a suitable ((pun intended)) dress-clothing store that really fitted ((again, intended)) his tastes. It was called Aces, Clubs, and Suits. ((3x PUN COMBO)) 
((Muahahaha the puns so strong))
Damian smiled at Jack "That looks cute on you, I should find me something." he said with a laugh. He looked at the suit shop and came out with a box.
Alex sighed I just wanted to say sorry, and check in. I hope your doing well. He shivered as he got his ears pierced and glared at Styles "Lets go do something else." He placed his hands on his head and walked out of the shop.
((And I see everyone still opted to ignore the obstacle I introduced. Oh well. A bit late to do anything about it at this point.))
(If you interact with people you wont get ignored, its just annoying for you to constantly nag about it.)
Nico said:
Damian caught up with Rae "Hey, miss me?" he teased "We should totally have a boys night out." He said.
"Yeah totally, and then we can go back to my house it's huge,What do you wanna do on this boys night out?" Rae said while window shopping
Sock said:
Alex sighed I just wanted to say sorry, and check in. I hope your doing well. He shivered as he got his ears pierced and glared at Styles "Lets go do something else." He placed his hands on his head and walked out of the shop.
Layla smiled. Thank you... Your apology is accepted... I don't know if you would want to but I would like to save a song for you tomorrow, if you would like. Layla walked around following the girls with a smile on her face. She sighed happily feeling better about herself and her relationship status. She skipped a step while walking and sees a store full of beautiful dresses. "GIRLS!" She points at the store and runs in.
Lunetta sighed at Vex before heading to the walkway and pushing the button. When the light turned green to show pedestrians can walk and walked across. Once she was in the mall, she headed to the dress shop.
[[ Hey everybody, how's everyone doing :3 This seems to be the latest I've ever got on, but nothing BIG has occurred yet. ]]

Adriana walked through the portal, gripping the credit card tightly in her palm. Oh, was she excited! This weekend was going to be so much fun. Buying a big ol' beautiful dress for the ball tomorrow, where she could go past her usual budget. But to get to the mall was a challenge. Adriana placed her bracelet on the floor and focused upon it. It vibrated before turning into something large: a golden flamingo. The golden bird flew up into the center of traffic, slowly decreasing altitude until the oncoming car got the picture. The car stopped with a screech as the bird landed. Adriana ran across the road, touching the bird which returned back to its bracelet form.

She entered the mall, peering into the different windows as she went by. In one, she spotted a group of people she found familiar, it consisting of Iris and Kitty. "Hey guys,"Adriana said as she entered the shop, heading towards the girls.

- -

Julie tucked the credit card in a small messenger bag she had brought for the day before walking through the portal. When she exited on the other side, blaring horns and the sound of tires moving came to her ears. The students stood on one side of the road, the mall on the other. Was this supposed to be another test? Julie's eye darted back and forth, trying to find an gap in the obstacle. They couldn't possibly use their powers, right? This was a public area. The artifact hummed on her chest.

But she needn't worry for someone else used their powers. A golden flamingo - weird - landed in the road, causing cars to stop. Julie took this as her chance to cross the road, her heart speeding at the thought of getting run over. But she was safe on the other side now. Julie entered the mall, automatically going towards the mall map. She found a dress shop and made her way there.
"Sleep." Jack said quietly. He rubbed his head and sighed. He walked around and bought a few shirts and some pants as well as some hats and belts. He bought a giant bag of candy, grinning to himself and munching on it as they walked.

By this time Anna had managed to get a cart and had it full of bags, as well as her arms, she hummed to herself, buying whatever she liked.
Sock said:
(If you interact with people you wont get ignored, its just annoying for you to constantly nag about it.)
((This is not starting. Vex I didnt answer back to it because you werent trying to interact with anyone. The guys are having a night out, I say you find all the guys/ bump into them and hang out with them))
Bree said:
Lunetta sighed at Vex before heading to the walkway and pushing the button. When the light turned green to show pedestrians can walk and walked across. Once she was in the mall, she headed to the dress shop.
((There, see, Sock? How hard would it have been for you to have posted something like that? It's good toknow /someone/ is considerate enough to not just completely disregard the things I post))
Alex sighed Has James asked you to the Dance yet? If he hasn't..well-- Alex hesitated would it alright if I did?
savagePEST said:
Julie tucked the credit card in a small messenger bag she had brought for the day before walking through the portal. When she exited on the other side, blaring horns and the sound of tires moving came to her ears. The students stood on one side of the road, the mall on the other. Was this supposed to be another test? Julie's eye darted back and forth, trying to find an gap in the obstacle. They couldn't possibly use their powers, right? This was a public area. The artifact hummed on her chest. But she needn't worry for someone else used their powers. A golden flamingo - weird - landed in the road, causing cars to stop. Julie took this as her chance to cross the road, her heart speeding at the thought of getting run over. But she was safe on the other side now. Julie entered the mall, automatically going towards the mall map. She found a dress shop and made her way there.
((Oh wow, look at this, even the person who hadn't been following the recent posts somehow managed to acknowledge my obstacle. savagePEST, I salute you.)) 
((Okay I'm gonna stop b*tching now :P ))
Damian smirked and his eyes glinted mischievously "I say we get a few drinks and party all night long." he shrugged and gripped his bag "I say since you are the great party planner, you plan it."
FroggieJay said:
((Oh wow, look at this, even the person who hadn't been following the recent posts somehow managed to acknowledge my obstacle. savagePEST, I salute you.)) 
((Okay I'm gonna stop b*tching now :P ))
(I said one thing, you don't have to be a complete b!tch about it. Seriously, sorry jj9095 but I'm not the kind of person thats just gonna sit around and let someone b!tch at me.)
Iris sees Adriana and smiles. "Roomie! Come on! We found a perfect dress store!" She walks in and meets up with the other girls. She starts grabbing shelves from around the store and runs to a fitting room. "Come on Adri! Wait for me here and tell me what dress looks better on me." Iris smiles and runs into the fitting room excited.


"So, which one?"
jj9095 said:
(Last one or First one. I like the first one more.) 
Anna grinned "Oh, its on." She smirked at him, she had already bought her dress and was overly excited about it "I still have to get my mask, come with me?"
FroggieJay said:
((There, see, Sock? How hard would it have been for you to have posted something like that? It's good toknow /someone/ is considerate enough to not just completely disregard the things I post))
((FroggieJay please. If one person doesnt do it, it is fine. I dont want people fighting here please! If anything PM each other if this is truly needed.))

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