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Fantasy God of Silver

Ooooooh, I didn't realize they could go back and forth between worlds, I thought it was a one-way trip and they were trying to figure out how to escape. So, do skills and abilities transfer over from the fantasy world back to Earth? Like, can they bring talents and items through the gate with them? I'm sure there will be some catch, since you can only use the system menu in the fantasy world and that is probably what triggers abilities and such, though I could always be wrong. So how do the two worlds connect in regards to taking things and skills to and from?

(This is starting to sound an awful lot like a mixture between "Log Horizon"/"Sword Art Online" and "[C]: The Power of Soul and Possibility Control", which is fine with me, I love those shows :3)
No trapped in a video game plot here, the players can come and go as they please and even earn money they can use in the real world by succeeding in the other world. (Which should very much remind you of [C] since that's where the original idea for the black card came from.)

Nothing at all can be brought from one world into the other. Even your clothes are merely replicas provided to give familiarity for your first entrance into the other world.
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Finally, it's time to cut the red ribbon and get this thing started. Barring a couple of people I've spoken to, if you aren't tagged below I'm sorry you didn't get in to group one.

The accepted characters for now is:

Martin Looptail (

@Idea )

Alexander Vale (@Seraph Darkfire )

Takashi kisaragi (@DaBarrelz )

Alice Escaden (@Mistic )

Vanessa Hadditch (@Stickdom )

If you didn't get in, apologies, I was only going to accept a maximum of five or six characters from the beginning, and if one of the people I've chosen declines I will go back and pick another character.

Now for the story! For your first post I'm looking for your character in the real world going about their day until the boy's voice speaks to them and they say yes. Nothing else unusual will happen that day. When they wake up that will have a silver bracelet on their left wrist. It looks something like this, but it fully wraps around the wrist tightly and cannot be removed. Nearby there is also a black card, like a blank black credit card. It appears completely blank until you flip it over a couple of times and the words "Gate Open" appear written in golden script. When your character says those words, a massive complex magic circle will spring to life on the nearest wall, the patterns and lines fading until it has turned into a simple black iron gate, light coming through the bars.

Touching the gate instantly transports you to the world of Rhune. The bracelet will still be there, but the black card is gone. You'll first appear inside Rhuneheim (left side of the map, lower continent). Rhuneheim contains a tiny square courtyard that contains just grass and a single tree surrounded on all sides by massive thick black stone walls. There will appear to be no way out of the enclosed space until the last of the players has arrived, at which point an arched tunnel will suddenly appear in each walls leading outside of the simple fortress-like structure. Rhuneheim is at the top of a large hill. Grassy plains spread to the South, there's a forest at the base of the hill to the East, a massive forest can be seen to the North. Far in the distance, mountains can be seen to the North and West.

Everyone will appear in Rhuneheim at about the same time just appearing out of nowhere in the courtyard, and this will be your first time meeting the other players. What will you do? Happy posting everyone, and welcome to Rhune!
Since it's the same setup and everything I see no problem with reusing a good post.
OverconfidentMagi said:
No trapped in a video game plot here, the players can come and go as they please and even earn money they can use in the real world by succeeding in the other world. (Which should very much remind you of [C] since that's where the original idea for the black card came from.)
Nothing at all can be brought from one world into the other. Even your clothes are merely replicas provided to give familiarity for your first entrance into the other world.
That still leaves my initial question of skills transferring over, unless you answered it indirectly and I missed it somehow. Like, say Vanessa learns a skill that allows her to jump farther, climb faster, etc. (seeing as she loves outdoor exercise, those would probably be her first choices), can she use those to any extent in reality? I think it'd be rather amusing for the characters to have some kind of footrace or something with "normal" humans and having an advantage or feat of some kind xD Though, I can see how that could get out of hand, and probably not possible.

And how does that work if you earn money in one world, how do you spend it in "reality"? Through the black card, I'm assuming, like a credit card?
Skills transferring over from one world to another is actually a plot point that should come up later on in the story, but for now just stick with no, nothing transfers from one world to the other. The only things that stay the same going to and from is your body and the silver bracelet, and even then the former isn't entirely true. Small or normal changes like just building muscle from swinging a sword around will carry over 1:1, but more dramatic changes, for example changing your appearance using magic, will not appear when you leave Rhune.

Simply training to succeed in Rhune should put the characters at a level above their peers when it somes to physical tests at the very least.

Yup, the black card can be used as a credit card in this world (along with a handful of other fun uses). I'm sure I'll explain it more as it comes up in the RP.
@DaBarrelz Since you're back online, did you still want scythe as your starting weapon? Know that since a scythe is not truly intended to be used as a weapon it will be incredibly difficult to use.
@OverconfidentMagi I'm about to start on my opening post, wanted to clarify, what do our characters have on them when they enter the new world? Like, do our clothes automatically change and the weapons spawn in our hands, or do we keep what we had on for the first entrance and get stuff as we go on?
Nothing at all can be brought from one world into the other. Even your clothes are merely replicas provided to give familiarity for your first entrance into the other world.

When you appear in Rhune you have your semi-armory replica clothes, the silver bracelet, and your weapon. Basically just look at your equip tab in your menu and that's what your character has on them (bracelet is unlisted). Things in the inventory tab are not on your character, and nothing you had with you when you touched the gate is there.
Ah, I see. In that case, can I have Vanessa's weapon changed to a wooden rod, like a long slender staff? You can get fancy with it if you want, add the little cliche swirly end-piece on the tip of it or whatever. But she probably would be more in tune with that than a spear to start with, since she plays with sticks more than anything, she's much more of a "bash your brains while cackling maniacally" than a "precision Madame Stabby-Stab" kind of girl xD
The spear she's given is just a wooden pole with a tip on it. If she wishes to make it a staff she can take or break the end off herself. Don't worry about beginner weapons much, you wont need to stick with them very long.

@Idea Will you be getting your post up sometime soon?

Since it looks like DaBarrelz may or may not be joining us, I will be deciding on another character to accept as we're still just starting off on the adventure.
OverconfidentMagi said:
The spear she's given is just a wooden pole with a tip on it. If she wishes to make it a staff she can take or break the end off herself. Don't worry about beginner weapons much, you wont need to stick with them very long.
@Idea Will you be getting your post up sometime soon?

Since it looks like DaBarrelz may or may not be joining us, I will be deciding on another character to accept as we're still just starting off on the adventure.
we started? I didn´t get anything...
Strange, I tagged everyone in a few different places when it started. No problem though, we're still waiting on 1 more anyways. This site and not getting notifications about things seems to happen so often it's ridiculous.
OverconfidentMagi said:
Strange, I tagged everyone in a few different places when it started. No problem though, we're still waiting on 1 more anyways. This site and not getting notifications about things seems to happen so often it's ridiculous.
I´ll just be using my old opener, is that fine?
OverconfidentMagi said:
The spear she's given is just a wooden pole with a tip on it. If she wishes to make it a staff she can take or break the end off herself. Don't worry about beginner weapons much, you wont need to stick with them very long.
@Idea Will you be getting your post up sometime soon?

Since it looks like DaBarrelz may or may not be joining us, I will be deciding on another character to accept as we're still just starting off on the adventure.
Eh, I was thinking more like this:


But I can understand it just being a simple spear. If you don't feel like changing it, I guess I can work with it xD
So stickdom's char still needs to show up, and I'd really like if if someone responded to one of my PMs to fill the vacant spot.

You all are free to post at will, paths out of the courtyard open when the last person has arrived and the surroundings are described in the OOC and settings tabs for you to decide which direction you feel like going once out of Rhuneheim.
Ah yes, I still need to write my opening post. Just got back from work a little bit ago, filling out some paperwork and returning some phone calls, then I'll get to writing it.
OverconfidentMagi said:
So stickdom's char still needs to show up, and I'd really like if if someone responded to one of my PMs to fill the vacant spot.
You all are free to post at will, paths out of the courtyard open when the last person has arrived and the surroundings are described in the OOC and settings tabs for you to decide which direction you feel like going once out of Rhuneheim.
you shouldn´t expect many posts. We ARE in finals season and this RP has particularly long posts, length-wise.

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