Glorious Font of Mountain Dew (OOC) [Incarnadine Waters]

Fuck me running... Thanks to a review of someone else's sheet, I have discovered that I've been overpaying for things in terms of EXP cost. See, when I built Nazir, and others, I accidentally paid too much for things like Essence upgrades. I thought when it said (rating) x Whatever, I thought it meant the new rating. Apparently I didn't read closely enough...

On the plus side, this means I just discovered I have extra exp to spend! Woo!

So, Khadvala, is it okay if I go ahead and give Nazir a few new charms? I kept a sheet of Nazir's original build and, from what I can tell, I got the following with the experience:

-Essence upgraded to 4 from 2 (I spent 56 on this instead of 40)

-Valor raised to 3 from 2 (9 instead of 6)

-Bought 3 Charms and 1 Combo (This I paid for correctly, at 24 for the Charms and 5 for the Combo)

-Bought several background (One 2 dots; one 3 dots; three 1 dots, probably Background points here)

-Raised Resistance from 2 to 5 (Paid for each individual raise. Total cost: 5 + 7 + 9 = 21. Should be 3 + 5 + 7 instead, or 15)

-Added 1 Specialty (I believe I spent a Background Point here)

As it stands, I'm assuming that the backgrounds came out to a cost of around... 115, if I used the wrong values, which means I should still have had EXP left anyway... I have the original sheet for Nazir, which is built using standard char-gen rules, though, and those are all the differences I found. If calculated correctly, that drops to 90 exp... Which means I've still got 11 EXP left to spend.

If anyone is worried about this, I can post the original sheet for you to review and compare.

Also, what's the EXP cost for background points? Not that I am considering getting any, just curious.

Edit: Just clicked that Celestials get 101 exp, not 151, that's Dragon Blooded. Edited.
I don't think Background points have an experience cost, as they tend to represent things you would gain through normal play rather than your character's training, but... I could be wrong, and I know some Storytellers do allow you to buy them with experience.

On a side note, since I thought my martial artist idea would be a bit out of place with the rest of the characters in the game, I'm going with the idea for a female Full Moon Lunar that I sent Khadavla. I just have a question... what do I do about choosing her Solar mate? Do I leave that up to the Storyteller, or should I work with the players to decide?
Good point... Thanks.

If your Solar mate is one of the players, I figure that's up to you. If it's an NPC, that's really something you have to discuss with the ST.
I just didn't know if the Storyteller had anything in mind... if it was up to me, though, I'd probably pick one of the players for the added opportunities for character interaction it provides, as well as being an easy way to introduce my character to the group.

...As for who it would be, though, I don't know. I suppose I should post my character sheet first and see if anyone has an opinion.

EDIT: Oh, also...

The exquisitte Cinnamon Sweet Moonbeam. (Thaumaturge and contract concubine on the verge of achieving sorcery.)

Lady Ivory Thorn: (Hauntingly beuatiful ghost skilled in the arts of moliation and compasionate possesion.)

: (Another ghost, this one a hero of the Fair Folk war nad founder of one of hte hundred kigndoms, also capable of compasionte posession.)
Do you still need help with any of these characters?
I suggest flipping through the sheets and thinking which may be the most dramatically amusing to play alongside.

I will be offline from tonight till Monday afternoon while I go on a long weekend vacation with my wife.
Sorry folks, but due tyo the removeal of a testicle due to cancer my posting will be erratic till I recover.
My goodness, cancer is popping up here isn't it? Already today I've had reports of people I know and their family getting colon and, potentially, breast cancer...

My symapthies. Hopefully, it's something you'll never have to deal with again.
I feel bad sounding upbeat after such an announcement but... Alright! Khadavla has allowed me to make some changes to Nazir due to my poor design (he WAS my first character) to make him a little bit more imposing! Now he actually knows a martial arts form and lacks his chainmail, so he continues to be bare-chested!

... Feels kinda weird saying yay about man going without a shirt but, hey, it fits the theme.
Khadavla, any word on how close the others in my group are to finishing their characters? I've been putting off writing a background because I've been rushing to finish a college assignment, but I want to make sure that I get it done soon enough that I don't hold up the game.

Also, would it be okay for me to redo parts of the character sheet before we start? I've been thinking of taking back the points I spent on Compassion, and switching a few Charms around.
Khadavla, any word on how close the others in my group are to finishing their characters? I've been putting off writing a background because I've been rushing to finish a college assignment, but I want to make sure that I get it done soon enough that I don't hold up the game.
Also, would it be okay for me to redo parts of the character sheet before we start? I've been thinking of taking back the points I spent on Compassion, and switching a few Charms around.
Good question, that.
Khadavla, any word on how close the others in my group are to finishing their characters? I've been putting off writing a background because I've been rushing to finish a college assignment, but I want to make sure that I get it done soon enough that I don't hold up the game.
Also, would it be okay for me to redo parts of the character sheet before we start? I've been thinking of taking back the points I spent on Compassion, and switching a few Charms around.
Good question, that.

Let me elaborate a bit further. Please do switch her around a bit. I need to get back in touch with Sarat and get his charecter reorganized indeed, and wasn't there someone else?
I believe you mentioned one other person, though I don't know who it was.

I'll try to get around to finishing everything up tonight.
One thing I've never understood is how people have issues with Celestial Exalted, to the point of taking revenge on the bearer of the Exaltation when it takes another host. The person who bore it originally is dead, either a ghost, reincarnated or in oblivion. Whomever has it now is a new person with a new soul and new personality.

... Unless the Exaltation seeks out the same person, from life to life, reincarnating into the same person's soul. Nothing I've read, however, denotes that.
Well, there are certain traits that seem to follow from incarnation to incarnation, but more along the lines of the kind of personality that will draw the Celestial exaltation to the new host. For examples, the First Age sorceror Devon shared the single minded focus with his Primordial Wars incarnation. Though one was focused on understanding Creation and Essence as only the Primordials could, and the other was a developer of weapons and equipment for specific battles, opponents, battlefields, and or exalts. Each was willing to go to some fairly extreme means to gain their understanding. Such as Devon seeking out the company of Third Circle demons for their perspective of Essence.
The problem is, though, people like Lilith and Eye and Seven Despairs, both of whom deliberately torture the Exaltations that were once hosted by people they hate. Why would they want to attack people who, while potentially similar, are not the same people? It'd be like punching someone because they got an organ transplant from your abusive step-father.
The simple answer is because that's all they've got.

See, Lilith was seriously mind fucked by Desus, and forced to do aweful stuff, and either like it or forget it. She is so hungry for revenge that she's willing to take Desus' current incarnation as the scapegoat for her revenge.

Eye and Seven Despairs is, as far as I can tell, a raving lunatic, so he doesn't really need a reason, as long as he can give some rationalization for himself.

But it can be seen in all of Exalted, with the clearest being the Solar Bond all Lunars have. True, they do not HAVE to love said Solar, as evidenced by Leviathan's story before and during the Usurpation, but they have a strong connection to the same Solar shard, no matter who's the host, and how terrible he might turn out to be.

You can see it in the Wyld Hunt. True that Solars can grow to become those mad tyrants from the end of the First Age, but it doesn't mean they all will, as far as we know. Yet despite it all, the Dragon-Bloods and Sidereals hunt them down when possible.

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