Gijinka academy

Airagog said:
My character is traight. Boy x Girl lol.


Username: Swift Beurezu

Orientation: Homosexual. There had to be one in my group.

Name: Sohzin Beurezu (..well, it means Blazed in Japanese. no Judgey.)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Gijinka you are: Arcanine



Personality:Rather feminine in parts of his personality, can be flirtatious, tends to call everybody 'Lollipop'. Laid back and Seductive, doesn't hold any grudges as far as He's concerned. But he can be a real hothead when he's in a bad mood.

Good or bad side: Generally Neutral, but leans towards Bad. See history.

History: A lot like Nikki, Sohzin was bred and raised for brawling in a fight pit for entertainment the first time people laid eyes on him. He came from a rather rich family, but he was kidnapped at a young age that nobody remembers. The family wanted to hide the fact that he was Half-pokemon, but as soon as the public got one look at him, somebody sent a contact to go get the guy. So there he was, a Fire-type fighting full-on Pocket-monsters for the amusement of the public. However, he did not fight back as much as one would like to believe, they didn't have to whip him to get him to rush at the opponent. He enjoyed the thrill of tangling with a full-grown Houndoom in the ring. And as he heard the cheers, it got ahold of him. He started to do whatever the crowd wanted. If they would have him finish the poor sucker, he would do it in a heartbeat just to hear the cheers. If they wanted mercy, he would bow out of the ring. The objects they threw at him were eventually worn in his next match, which explains all the studded necklaces, and a especially pretty Necklace that he took a charm to. Sometimes, he would just stare at the thing as he waited for the next match.

But the pit was discovered to the public eye, and the man had to move out. One of the officers suggested that he 'get an education', and perhaps he took this too literally. In the 'Talent shows' that these groups tend to have, he eventually turned his fighting habits into Break-dancing moves, however offbeat that may sound. There's no actual goal in his life, except that he wants to live to see the next day.

Crush:If it moves... just kidding.

Other: Sohzin is not afraid to admit that he wears shiny things. In fact, he LOVES the stuff, as well as fluffy objects and chocolate. A real sucker for chocolate. 
..I swear if the picture is broken again I am going to eat a table.
[QUOTE="Swift Beurezu]Here, I'll make it! I love organizing c:

Your signature told it all. xD
-high five- 8D 



Hidden 'Shadz' Sha'do / Gengar / Male / Assuming Straight / ?

Ghost-Type with a goal to get ahead in the world. Mischevious, Charming, Prankster-Type.

Liana Sciafor / Haxorus / Female / Assuming Straight / ?

Dragon- Type with a royal upbringing. Quiet, Observant and Well-Mannered.



Lauren Screech / Mismagius / Female / Straight / ?

Ghost- type with a love for fashion, and a wild side. Proper, Can be a bit obsessive.

Melody Senkret / Melloetta / Female / Straight / 18

A double- edged blade, at most times is usually softspoken and shy.



Lysandre / Espeon / Male / Straight / ?

Psychic-Type Looking for Revenge, but has a kinder side. Slightly Mischevious.

Jade / Milotic / Female / Straight / ?

Water type who is rather shy, loves the ocean. Well-mannered and Disiplened.

Apollo / Gyarados / Male / Bisexual / 17

Has quite a shy streak, like Jade, but to a lesser degree.

Shade / Zoroark / Male / Bisexual / 16

A figure who is always looking for challenges to overcome in his life, loves to use Illusions.

Cileo / Celebi / Male / Bisexual / 17

A nurturing, Protecting guardian of the forest. Used to be best friends with Mew.



Yorutu Kasai / Braxien / Male / Bisexual / 14

Fire Type, The more outgoing of the two twins, gets into fights a lot more.

Aesami Kasai / Brazien / Female / Bisexual / 14

Fire Type, The more quiet of the two twins. Loves her brother deeply.

Ketsuban 'Ketsu' / MissingNo / Female / Demisexual / 16

A 'Glitch' with a tramautic Childhood. Has a bit of a Multi-personality thing going on.

Desdemonda Philomena Eris / Darkrai / Female / Bisexual / 17

A Dark, mysterious dark type who would rather NOT have company over...

Roxanne Emory Distortion / Shiny Spiritomb / Female / Bisexual / 16

A defiant skater girl who will take on any challenge with a smile.

Koumori 'Missy' Sishin-tekina / Swoobat / Female / Bisexual / 16

A sweet, caring girl who would never give in to the bad things of this world.

Swift Beurezu


Bayah Shizako / Banette / Male / Bisexual / 17

Ghost type with a surpressed disease of the mind. Mischevious, but tends to be a klutz.

Serviah / Arbok / Female / Asexual / 18

A motherly Poison type figure that loves to gossip. Loves to smile.

Nodan / Giratina / Male / Bisexual / 19

A frightening Ghost- Type, tends to be proper and awkward around large groups, but....?

Catalypse 'Clipso' Matuzhak / Mandibuzz /Female / Homosexual / 17

A gambler at heart, more dark and laidback then people care to believe.

Winter 'Blizzard' Chazikeno / Glaceon / Female / Demisexual / 15

Ice type, very Shy and quite talented at dancing and talking.

Sohzin Beurezu / Arcanine / Male / Homosexual / 18

A fighter at heart, flirtatious and feminine with a laid-back air.



Nikki / Ninetales / Female / Bisexual / 16

Fire type who has a beauty that she doesn't notice. Serious, Hard-Working.

Bobby / Luxray / Male / Heterosexual / 17

Electric type who has lived a quiet life with Nikki. A complete goofball, but sincere.

Luke / Skarmory / Male / Heterosexual / 19

Can be cold as steel, and seems to be a bit antisocial. However, he is a loving person at heart.



Kito Sever / Joltik / Male / Heterosexual / 16

Cute little Electric type who loves to play. Enjoies the company of tall people.

Marcus Terrain / Galvantula / Male / Heterosexual / 18

A Calm, serious Electric type who looks after Kito as a brother.

Charlie Lighty / Chandelure / Male / Homosexual / 18

A Law-abiding Ghost/Fire type, tends to be a bad boy but has a soft heart.

Professor Rootley / Carnivine / Male / ??? / 18

A terrifying creature hiding in the Garden....

Sagley Reshimi / Serperior / Male / Heterosexual / 18

A grass type who can be mean, but believes in justice. Doesn't like dark types.

Logan / Yvetal / Male / Bisexual / 18

A darker character who seems to be quite misunderstood by his peers.

Kubee / Bisharp / Male / Heterosexual / 18

A loyal follower of Rootley, Collected and mysterious.



Nicholas Edmund / Tyrantrum / Male / Heterosexual / 17

A hotheaded Rock-type raised by Royalty. Spoken with a kind heart.

Ryuu Kenzou / Rayquaza / Male / Bisexual / 17

Quiet, calm, but he WILL fight if he absolutely has to. Has a connection with Nicholas.



Emilee Vurgo / Espurr / Male / Bisexual / 15

A quiet Psychic-type who tends to shy away from conversation.



River Stevens / Blastoise / Male / Heterosexual / 16

A Calmer Water-type, champion of a faraway region. A fantastic battler.

Amadeus Reginald / Palkia / Male / Bisexual / 16

A Water-type who tends to be uplifting and friendly to everyone he meets.



Taleo Elic / Jolteon / Male / Heterosexual / 16

An energetic, Silly Electric type. Carries around a Thunderstone with him.



Ichimaru Kaido / Scyther (Scizor) / Male / Heterosexual / ?

Quite the experienced fighter, carries a metal coat for emergencies only.

Reverand White / Tyranitar / Male / Heterosexual / 18

Quick to anger, This rock-type prefers to face challenges head-on. Loves to fight.

Jerico Curtiss


Luevia 'Tatae' Kille'eplith / Zorua / Female / Heterosexual / 15

A mischevous, hyperactive figure, unlike her apperance.

Cerise / Latios / Male / Heterosexual / 18

An overprotective, serious man. He will assumingly protect Beryl with his life.



Katrina Rogers / Ditto / Female / Pansexual / 15

A mischevious, fun loving girl... but tends to get random at certain periods of time.

Beryl / Latias / Female / Heterosexual / 18

A psychic type with an alternate personality named Mai.



Kristan / Gallade / Male / Bisexual / 17

A swordsman who doesn't seem to trust any newcomers. Protective and can be kind.

Katherina / Gardevoir / Female / Heterosexual / 17

Has a more serious and calm outlook on things then her brother, and is more outgoing.

Selena / Cresellia / Female / Demisexual / 18

A Cheerful figure who loves the outdoors, nature. Can be creative and thoughtful.

Bridget / Butterfree / Female / Bisexual / 17

Another skater who is upbeet, cheerful, and loves to make a friend.
[QUOTE="Swift Beurezu]-high five- 8D 


Hidden 'Shadz' Sha'do / Gengar / Male / Assuming Straight / ?

Ghost-Type with a goal to get ahead in the world. Mischevious, Charming, Prankster-Type.

Liana Sciafor / Haxorus / Female / Assuming Straight / ?

Dragon- Type with a royal upbringing. Quiet, Observant and Well-Mannered.



Lauren Screech / Mismagius / Female / Straight / ?

Ghost- type with a love for fashion, and a wild side. Proper, Can be a bit obsessive.

Melody Senkret / Melloetta / Female / Straight / 18

A double- edged blade, at most times is usually softspoken and shy.



Lysandre / Espeon / Male / Straight / ?

Psychic-Type Looking for Revenge, but has a kinder side. Slightly Mischevious.

Jade / Milotic / Female / Straight / ?

Water type who is rather shy, loves the ocean. Well-mannered and Disiplened.

Apollo / Gyarados / Male / Bisexual / 17

Has quite a shy streak, like Jade, but to a lesser degree.

Shade / Zoroark / Male / Bisexual / 16

A figure who is always looking for challenges to overcome in his life, loves to use Illusions.

Cileo / Celebi / Male / Bisexual / 17

A nurturing, Protecting guardian of the forest. Used to be best friends with Mew.



Yorutu Kasai / Braxien / Male / Bisexual / 14

Fire Type, The more outgoing of the two twins, gets into fights a lot more.

Aesami Kasai / Brazien / Female / Bisexual / 14

Fire Type, The more quiet of the two twins. Loves her brother deeply.

Ketsuban 'Ketsu' / MissingNo / Female / Demisexual / 16

A 'Glitch' with a tramautic Childhood. Has a bit of a Multi-personality thing going on.

Desdemonda Philomena Eris / Darkrai / Female / Bisexual / 17

A Dark, mysterious dark type who would rather NOT have company over...

Roxanne Emory Distortion / Shiny Spiritomb / Female / Bisexual / 16

A defiant skater girl who will take on any challenge with a smile.

Koumori 'Missy' Sishin-tekina / Swoobat / Female / Bisexual / 16

A sweet, caring girl who would never give in to the bad things of this world.

Swift Beurezu


Bayah Shizako / Banette / Male / Bisexual / 17

Ghost type with a surpressed disease of the mind. Mischevious, but tends to be a klutz.

Serviah / Arbok / Female / Asexual / 18

A motherly Poison type figure that loves to gossip. Loves to smile.

Nodan / Giratina / Male / Bisexual / 19

A frightening Ghost- Type, tends to be proper and awkward around large groups, but....?

Catalypse 'Clipso' Matuzhak / Mandibuzz /Female / Homosexual / 17

A gambler at heart, more dark and laidback then people care to believe.

Winter 'Blizzard' Chazikeno / Glaceon / Female / Demisexual / 15

Ice type, very Shy and quite talented at dancing and talking.

Sohzin Beurezu / Arcanine / Male / Homosexual / 18

A fighter at heart, flirtatious and feminine with a laid-back air.



Nikki / Ninetales / Female / Bisexual / 16

Fire type who has a beauty that she doesn't notice. Serious, Hard-Working.

Bobby / Luxray / Male / Heterosexual / 17

Electric type who has lived a quiet life with Nikki. A complete goofball, but sincere.

Luke / Skarmory / Male / Heterosexual / 19

Can be cold as steel, and seems to be a bit antisocial. However, he is a loving person at heart.



Kito Sever / Joltik / Male / Heterosexual / 16

Cute little Electric type who loves to play. Enjoies the company of tall people.

Marcus Terrain / Galvantula / Male / Heterosexual / 18

A Calm, serious Electric type who looks after Kito as a brother.

Charlie Lighty / Chandelure / Male / Homosexual / 18

A Law-abiding Ghost/Fire type, tends to be a bad boy but has a soft heart.

Professor Rootley / Carnivine / Male / ??? / 18

A terrifying creature hiding in the Garden....

Sagley Reshimi / Serperior / Male / Heterosexual / 18

A grass type who can be mean, but believes in justice. Doesn't like dark types.

Logan / Yvetal / Male / Bisexual / 18

A darker character who seems to be quite misunderstood by his peers.

Kubee / Bisharp / Male / Heterosexual / 18

A loyal follower of Rootley, Collected and mysterious.



Nicholas Edmund / Tyrantrum / Male / Heterosexual / 17

A hotheaded Rock-type raised by Royalty. Spoken with a kind heart.

Ryuu Kenzou / Rayquaza / Male / Bisexual / 17

Quiet, calm, but he WILL fight if he absolutely has to. Has a connection with Nicholas.



Emilee Vurgo / Espurr / Male / Bisexual / 15

A quiet Psychic-type who tends to shy away from conversation.



River Stevens / Blastoise / Male / Heterosexual / 16

A Calmer Water-type, champion of a faraway region. A fantastic battler.

Amadeus Reginald / Palkia / Male / Bisexual / 16

A Water-type who tends to be uplifting and friendly to everyone he meets.



Taleo Elic / Jolteon / Male / Heterosexual / 16

An energetic, Silly Electric type. Carries around a Thunderstone with him.



Ichimaru Kaido / Scyther (Scizor) / Male / Heterosexual / ?

Quite the experienced fighter, carries a metal coat for emergencies only.

Reverand White / Tyranitar / Male / Heterosexual / 18

Quick to anger, This rock-type prefers to face challenges head-on. Loves to fight.

Jerico Curtiss


Luevia 'Tatae' Kille'eplith / Zorua / Female / Heterosexual / 15

A mischevous, hyperactive figure, unlike her apperance.

Cerise / Latios / Male / Heterosexual / 18

An overprotective, serious man. He will assumingly protect Beryl with his life.



Katrina Rogers / Ditto / Female / Pansexual / 15

A mischevious, fun loving girl... but tends to get random at certain periods of time.

Beryl / Latias / Female / Heterosexual / 18

A psychic type with an alternate personality named Mai.



Kristan / Gallade / Male / Bisexual / 17

A swordsman who doesn't seem to trust any newcomers. Protective and can be kind.

Katherina / Gardevoir / Female / Heterosexual / 17

Has a more serious and calm outlook on things then her brother, and is more outgoing.

Selena / Cresellia / Female / Demisexual / 18

A Cheerful figure who loves the outdoors, nature. Can be creative and thoughtful.

Bridget / Butterfree / Female / Bisexual / 17

Another skater who is upbeet, cheerful, and loves to make a friend.

"I can categorize ALL of you."

You signature said for yourself what i'm going to say to you. xD
[QUOTE="Swift Beurezu]If someone complains about this I will bite then o----o
Sent from my SM-T210R using Tapatalk

I'm not complaining. I'm praising. xD
Okay, thank chu. :w: this took a fight with my parental figure to complete, so I gotta go early tomorrow.

In any case, good night children,

Sent from my SM-T210R using Tapatalk
[QUOTE="Swift Beurezu]If someone complains about this I will bite then o----o
Sent from my SM-T210R using Tapatalk

It's too perfect. Redo it and make sure it's terrible.

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