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Fandom Gijinka academy

Katrina walked though the halls, in her true form for once. She frowned, hoping that something to do would come to mind soon.

Beryl sighed and sat up on the roof, looking over the edge, watching the students from afar. She planted her head on her hands, letting her wings take what warmth from the sun that she could. "Hm..."

((Lol, I have no idea where anyone really is.))
Sohzin had traveled back to the academy and decided to roam about the halls as he once did. But instead, he found himself back in the Performance room, finding nothig else to his entertainment standards. Which were severely low, so nothing was going on.

He met Serviah in the room, who was directly across from a raging Giratina and a desperate Mismagius. Sohzin had a curious quirk to his personality, he tended to focus on less important thigs rather then the bigger picture. So he decided to ask Serviah why they were panicking. The serpent only shrugged her shoulders, telling something abouta certain puppet ripping the curtains and that Lauren wouldn't be held down.

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Yoruto appears behind the Leafeon, sensing her confusion and need of help. "Hello, miss? Do you need help with something?" He asked, tapping her shoulder.

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Maple squeals slightly with surprise when somebody taps her on the shoulder then she turns around and looks at braixen."Y-yeah, i need help finding the grass type wing of the school."
"Follow me then." The male Braixen walks towards the grass section of the academy. "I'm Yoruto, by the way." He adds in a calm voice.
Maple giggles softly then blush slightly when he bows and she walks into her room then she just playfully bows back to him."Thank you Yoruto." (*Mini-heart attack or Major nose bleed warning*)
Maple smiled slightly since she did think he was quite cute in a awkward sort of way."W-would you like to hang out, What is their to do at this school?"
Yoruto turns back to see the Maple. "Lots, actually, there's a swimming pool, a coffee shop, a maze-like garden outside and a dark forest." He smiles at her.
"Mmm, the forest sounds fun. Plus you don't have to change or get wet. I would go swimming but only my twin sister knows the protect spell." Yoruto smiles at the grass type.

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