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Fandom Gijinka academy

In the forest was a certain little gijinka sleeping. He woke up and slowly opened his eyes as Katrina approached he also saw Selena there he was here to find Yushiro but now he was confused. Who were these people? He looked around appearing to be in a daze "Am I at the school?..." he questioned.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Human_Celebi-1.jpg.40f2084dc8eb957f8d9e37c2bcb76884.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19151" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Human_Celebi-1.jpg.40f2084dc8eb957f8d9e37c2bcb76884.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Him waking up. He's wearing pants don't worry xD )

Lysandre took a seat next to Amadeus in the lunch room. "Hey how are you doing?"



  • Human_Celebi-1.jpg
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River would look concerned as he goes beside her. "Are you okay Seriana? Can I get you anything? What's going on?" He would put a hand gently on here to try and move her on her back.

Amadeus would look up. "Oh heya! nothinnn, just eating some sweets! What are you doing?"
Seriana whimpers softly."No, dont move me. it hurts alot, Go get one of the teachers to call the hospital, i think its coming."Since that time they had figured out it will be a little girl which had make her quite happy but at the moment she was thinking."Oh goodness to honest god this hurts, now i know how my mom felt."
River would blast straight through the wall, grabbing a teacher and a stretcher, moving Seriana onto it and quickly to the infirmary. "Move out of the way! Out of the way! Baby coming through! We don't have time just MOVE!"
(*Few hours later*)

Seriana was completely tired out and was basically half asleep but she was smiling wider and happier than anything since she was holding her child, her baby girl and as it turned out it was a fennekin gijinka since it had the telltale ears and everything and she nuzzles the sleeping child happily.
Lysandre smiled "Oh just having breakfast..." then he heard River in the hallway "T-the babie's coming?!" he had to see it. he waited outside a few hours and let the mother and father see their child before waiting to see the kid.
River would look at Seriana proud as the new child had arrived. He'd smile down at her, Amadeus would be in the room, looking wide-eyed at the new child.
Seriana looks back up at river with a small smile then she asked with a quiet and tired voice."Well would either of you like to hold her?"
River would nod, tears streaming down his face as he holds his new daughter. "Hey there.... You're not very big, but I think you might grow up to be strong like your mom and dad."
Seriana smiles seeing river so happy while the baby girl, waved one of her chubby fists in the air at her father."Well what should we name her, since as i recall we did not actually think of any names."
River would think for a moment. "Hmmmm I'm not sure. I can't really think of a good name... maybe Katarina?"
Seriana shrugs."I like that name but how about Fefe or Fynx."She made soft cooing noises at the little girl because she was absolutely adorable."Oh i cannot wait to show her to everybody tomorrow, well if i am not to sore to get out of bed anyway because that was Really painful but it was all worth it in the end."
Seriana giggles."Okay, Fynx it is." 
She yawns softly then snuggles against the bed more and her eyes shut since she has stayed awake as long as she could.
River smiles at her, clearly worn out by the ordeal but he can't blame her. They now had a daughter and were a family. Things were going to change and he was more than happy for them to.
River kisses her forehead, "you get some rest now. don't worry, the baby will be alright."
Seriana nods slightly and gives another small yawn before falling asleep. (Would you like to Timeskip until the morning they come home from the hospital?)
Claire walked down the main hallways, her strange attire catching some stares, which she ignored. She was used to it, though she didn't particularly care. She kept her head raised high, ears twitching as she passed the infirmary section of the school. She could have sworn she heard baby sounds, which was wired. She paused mid-step, too curious to pass it up. She reached a door and turned the knob, entering. "I could have sworn I heard a-" She stopped, staring at the scene. It looked like delivery rooms that she had seen on t.v. A young lady was sleeping on the bed and several other people were standing around in the room, including a blastiose holding a baby. "Well, I wasn't imagining it..." She stayed by the door, knowing that she was interrupting a moment where it should be just them. "Uhh... my mistake." She told them. For most things, she wouldn't care if she was interrupting, but for this, she would be considerate. Babies were only born once, after all.

((Hope you don't mind her accidentally wandering in... and sorry about the wall of text.))


((if we didn't want people walking in this wouldn't be a public RP. Anything can happen. )

River would smile at her, "You're alright. You must be a new transfer. I'm River Stevens and this is my girlfriend Seriana. And say hello to the newest member of our family Fynx. " River smiled, his eyes watering.

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((Just kinda a private moment. That's why I said that.))

Claire looked at River and looked. "Claire Johnson. I'm from Unnova." She said, then walked further into the room to get a better look at the baby. "Hello, there." She said in a softer tone to the baby and gave her a small smile. She noticed Amadeus and waved a small hello, then looked at Seriana. "Uh... cute baby." She said, a little akward but wanting to say something.... well, something nice.

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