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Fandom Gijinka academy

Lysandre smiled up at Lauren up on stage, he wondered if he'd creep her out? oh well. he decided to telepathically talk to her. "your doing great"
Amadeus would look at the crowd, unsure of where the spiritomb was. He decided to open a rift to the skate park where the two were and stick his head through, "Hey you two! The show is starting, come on!" Amadeus says beckoning the two through the rift.
Bridget was watching the other two skaters' competition the entire time. She grew a wide grin and shouted to them, "Those moves were awesome! I'm impressed!" She turned to the Palkia, "There's a show going on? At school you mean?"

Katharinia adjusted her dress backstage. Her brother Kristian had his swords with him to act as security for the show.
"Heh, I could have done better" Roxanne said to Bridget. The Spiritomb's eyes then widened as she remembered the fashion show. "Oh shit! I was supposed to enter in the show!" She exclaimed as her skateboard turned into roller-blades as she sped off. "Come on!" She said loudly.
Cielo smiled "Oh thank Arceus, I was worried." he was curious though "I don't know anything about this place. I just got here, anyone I should meet? avoid?"
Ichimaru sighed after moonlight appeared next to him when he was trying to relax. "Look I know all that in there may have been quite exciting but your just not my type. So yeah if you could go away that'd be great sweetie."
Amadeus would open a rift to the school for them, "Come on come on! Inside here! You all can fit inside, so just run at it!" This is true, Amadeus could distort space very well and even teleport people.
"...Show? Oh, that fashion thing. Honestly, did they really start without us? . . . Thank you Amadeus, you're a sweetie." Calypso paused to smile a moment in his direction, before running down to grab her board. "Welp...might as well get going, eh?"

The female turned back to the Butterfree. "Y'see, there's a fashion show coming on..I don't think we have much time to chat, but you can join us if ya want. Little missy here has to come with.'

With those final words and a beckon to her, she walked through the rift.


The doors to the audiotorium opened with an ominous -creeeak-, but it was not the mentioned man, for he would be coming through the curtains. No, they were two strange figures that nobody had ever seen before, laced with backpacks. Instead of coming into the light, they both took a seat in the shadows of the farther rows.


Bridget grinned once again, "Count me in!" She shouted and hopped off her skateboard. She put on her rollerblade shoes and followed behind the others.
Lauren nodded at Nodan the kind of nod that said buy me enough time to gather the modules. She rushed to the back and made shure everyone was present she noticed there was a rip in space. Thank goodness Amadeus is here she thought as she prepped the outfits to go.

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Logan looked at lue "hi u okay"

Still dressed up he looked at her. 

MattieLee said:
Cielo understood now. "Your Charlie then?" he had heard about him from Yushiro but never saw the guy.
Charlie nodded "yup yushiro is my pinkie squishy"
Apollo and Jade decided to create a cool back drop for the fashion show. They both shot a hydro pump in the air making a rainbow and some pretty bubbles "Perfect!"
"I can teleport by myself, thank you very much." The Spiritomb said stubbornly as she teleported to the school by her own powers.


"Hey Kuru, I heard there's a fashion show, wanna go?" Aesami asked sweetly. (LOOK WHO'S BACK)


'Hmm, I think I might join the fashion show, but only if Aesami does' Yoruto thinks to himself, walking towards the place where the show is. (AND HIM TOO)
Perhaps it was just a general habit of the Giratina, but once again the crowd saw him not walking through the curtains of fire, not walking under the rainbow spray, but literally phasing through reality right next to Lauren's side, in front of the action. Quite a strange sight. He looked a bit different then he usually did, instead of a trench coat, he wore a suit (that was still rather ruffled, and white, but not like his normal clothes.) with a rather eerie back headpiece that showed off his Origin form. Wings and armor carved to a ruler's identity.

Buy time? He was an expert at that.

Without looking at the retreating figure, he started with a sinister grin that suited him right now.

".... Greetings, students of the Academy. Welcome to the show."
Ichimaru groaned after hearing that. "Oh you wanna talk about annoying? For your sake then I hope you can't hear. Bug Buzz." His wings started to vibrate creating a loud unbearably painful noise.

While Reverand was standing there he remember the petal with the note and quickly spoke up "You know what I've gotta go somewhere so maybe I'll show you some other time, good day." He quickly walked off into the alley way looking around for whoever he was suppose to meet.


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