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Fantasy Gifted Academy ([{Always Open}])

Will we shut down the RP due to few replies?

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Valentina shook her head rubbing the back of her head rather nervously before forcing herself to stop that that movement. "Sorry for the mistake, I'm Valentina" She held her hand out to shake his. You can learn a lot about a person, about how they fight and move, from just a hand shake.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Kumiko hugged her happily. "That is AWESOME! We will have so much fun."

"Yes, although I didn't believe planning lessons would be that hard. I'm thinking of talking about mandrake for my first lesson."
"Well nice to meet you Valentina." Marcus accepted the hand shake. As he did he caught her scent and barely kept himself from tensing up he knew the smell, he smelled it on some of the hunters that chased after him she was a blood manipulator.

They were employed by the hunters to take down more powerful vampires like himself serving a bait before one forced their victim to kill his friends and himself he had seen it done after barely avoiding the trap. He looked at her hand and did not see the sigil of the hunters a sword overlapping a cross, but he remembered to be careful around this woman she could just be hiding the sigil under a glamour and just not recognize his vampiric nature quite yet.

FireMaiden said:
"Yes, although I didn't believe planning lessons would be that hard. I'm thinking of talking about mandrake for my first lesson."
Kumiko nodded. "Mandrake is pretty cool stuff. I remember those... Back then, when we pranked some other gods with them..."
Valentina rose an eyebrow at him, his hands were cold, not human but there wasn't much else to go off of. He'd also seemed to have a strange reaction to her, she probably smelled like blood. This isn't the place to be making enemies. She smiled at him and stepped away "I guess I'll be back to work and out of your hair then" She said bowing her head slightly before pushing her cart away.

Deceased body temperature where known traits for vampires, ghouls, and necromancers. There were a few other fairies that had colder body temperature but they would have easily hidden in under glamour or gloves. As she went towards the fictions section again she rolled her eyes, reminding herself that their was no need to hide here. It was a school for the freaks of the worlds, like herself. She wasn't hired for a kill, she was here to put away books and help students with homework.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]K
Kumiko nodded. "Mandrake is pretty cool stuff. I remember those... Back then, when we pranked some other gods with them..."

"That was fun. Anyhow, most of the kiddies here only know about them due to the famous human movies Harry Potter."
"Mandrake?" Fredrick thought after he heard the woman say the name of the plant. He looked at the papers of the books that need to be ordered. In the thirteenth position was a book called "101 Uses for Mandrake". "Right on time I suppose" he thought to himself once more. He then thought of the J.K. Rowling books of the boy wizard after the woman mentioned them, he needed to re-read them for some extra information. The cat outside the door was now wondering if he wanted to stay here and listen to more of this conversation or head to the library to read. What a hard choice. In the end he chose to stay.
Marcus smiled back and did the same sitting back down and opening his book and continued to read waiting for a student to need his or one of his co-workers assistance he came here for a quiet place to continue his search not to become overly paranoid. He just hoped that his paranoia was not justified.
Yami walked out of his dorm room only to go out into town and come back an hour later with a small leather pouch similar to the one always hidden in his cloak. After which, yami went back into his room.
Tiberius awoke from a brisk nap and saw his computer in front of him, he was looking up dating tips before he m napped and he noticed Kumiko and Eulla still outside, he felt highly embarrassed for Eulla declining his dinner offer and continued to his dorm, where Elaine was sleeping all day, he laid down on the top bunk and got some sleep...
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Kumiko rolled her eyes. "Have you ever seen them? They are awful..."

"Yes, but in my 15 years of being on earth, I've learned that real mandrakes have far greater effects. Oh and I do feel somewhat bad for turning Tiberius down, it ajust in human years I'm about 20 something years older than him."
The conversation continued the drama was being lifted as well. Today no papers would be delivered, but Fredrick would learn a new story at the very least. Not many times has Fredrick stopped his work completely for something, but today his interest was peaked and he's now waiting to see if his curiosity will indeed kill him.
FireMaiden said:
"Yes, but in my 15 years of being on earth, I've learned that real mandrakes have far greater effects. Oh and I do feel somewhat bad for turning Tiberius down, it ajust in human years I'm about 20 something years older than him."
Kumiko giggled. "Dont start that, we both know i win the age thing.", she said and laughed, holding her friend like a kid would hold her mother. In fact, Eulla had always been a kind of mother to her, at least from the feeling Kumiko had around her.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Kumiko giggled. "Dont start that, we both know i win the age thing.", she said and laughed, holding her friend like a kid would hold her mother. In fact, Eulla had always been a kind of mother to her, at least from the feeling Kumiko had around her.

"You are an old lady. In other news, I believe we have an eavesdropper," Eulla laughed.


"Who does Tiberius think he is! Trying to me, me a storm goddess in side that school! Also posing as a war god! The nerve of that guy!" KitA raged, not caring if anyone was around her. She was angry at him, at who ever snitched, just about anyone she could think. But she knew if she didn't calm down soon there would be a problem, but she was having trouble.
"No reason... I was merely jesting-..." As the other figure came up he simply spoke in a calm voice "Salutations", he stated as he turned towards her, as she left he gently placed a hand on your shoulder, glancing at her figure as he couldn't comprehend what she was, although he believes she is guised, as this school is for the gifted, she can't merely be human, Von is a patient man, however her ability is making him wonder, as it is seemingly impossible to deduct what she is or what she can do, from a simple greeting.

"Von, is the name, love." He stated as he bowed before her, as if he just finished a play, the man would let out a little grin, enjoying the game of deduction, attempting to predict what these two are capable of.


@Shadow Dancer

(Took a nap, sorry)
FireMaiden said:
"You are an old lady. In other news, I believe we have an eavesdropper," Eulla laughed.

"Who does Tiberius think he is! Trying to me, me a storm goddess in side that school! Also posing as a war god! The nerve of that guy!" KitA raged, not caring if anyone was around her. She was angry at him, at who ever snitched, just about anyone she could think. But she knew if she didn't calm down soon there would be a problem, but she was having trouble.
Kumiko seemed a bit hurt. "Old lady?", she sadly asked.
Fredrick suddenly had the feelings of fear, anxiety, and a sense that a teenager was very angry at someone or something. He knew that if there was a time to leave, right now would be that time. He tried to play off actually being a cat... With a vest on... While holding documents that only a human can type... With a collar... Truly, his chances of getting away were very slim. Still, he attempted to walk off. His walk was like that of a cat that was about to get fired, specific indeed but there was no other way to put it. Hopefully, this will end well.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Kumiko seemed a bit hurt. "Old lady?", she sadly asked.

"Your time it's self, that was a compliment not an insult. If you died the would would plunge into caos."
FireMaiden said:
"Your time it's self, that was a compliment not an insult. If you died the would would plunge into caos."
WordedGently said:
Fredrick suddenly had the feelings of fear, anxiety, and a sense that a teenager was very angry at someone or something. He knew that if there was a time to leave, right now would be that time. He tried to play off actually being a cat... With a vest on... While holding documents that only a human can type... With a collar... Truly, his chances of getting away were very slim. Still, he attempted to walk off. His walk was like that of a cat that was about to get fired, specific indeed but there was no other way to put it. Hopefully, this will end well.
She nodded and then looked at that weird cat. "That try to escape is ridicoulus, boy."
Kita got up from the bench and walked into a random ally way. She began to punch the brick wall over and over again. After a few minutes she stopped seeing that blood had stained the wall. Looking down at her knuckles, she saw her fingers were busted up and covered in dirt. "Crap," she muttered walking back to school. She passed Eulla and Kumiko, waved and walked inside. She walked into the clinic and washed the blood and grim off her fingers and went to find the headmaster.

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Valentina narrowed her eyes at Von, looking at him up and down. "I'd appreciated not to be referred as love" She said firmly putting another book away.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]She nodded and then looked at that weird cat. "That try to escape is ridicoulus, boy."

Fredrick gave up and turned to look at the girl. He meowed a spell and sent a message to her mind. "Look, I won't tell anyone of this conversation... Mostly because I have no one to tell." The cat sent to the two ladies. "Plus, you wouldn't hurt a cat would you?" Fredrick wondered if his cute stature was going to help.
WordedGently said:
Fredrick gave up and turned to look at the girl. He meowed a spell and sent a message to her mind. "Look, I won't tell anyone of this conversation... Mostly because I have no one to tell." The cat sent to the two ladies. "Plus, you wouldn't hurt a cat would you?" Fredrick wondered if his cute stature was going to help.
She smiled and without casting any spells, she sent a message to his mind as well. "Reveal your human form already, fluffy... Otherwise i will cuddle you until you do."

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