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Fantasy Gifted Academy ([{Always Open}])

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Tiberius kneels with pain but nothing a Godlike being couldn't handle, he stood up and smashed the ground, which rumbled and confused the opponent, Tiberius still had his regular powers even in God mode so he froze time and summoned his God weapon, the Sledge of War, a huge Andamanium Sledgehammer with mystic runes engraved on it, as rain droplets were frozen on air, Lord Tiberius raised the Sledge and whammed Kita straight into the ground, he continued time shortly after.
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Kita grunted and coughed up blood. She pushed herself back up, she knocked away the hammer. She gasped for air, and the readied her sword. She charged again, sliding under him and rising behind. She kicked him forward, and then as he was mid fall, kicked his side sending him towards the building.
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Marcus heard the fighting and decided to check it out. He opened up a window and started using handholds to climb the wall until he could see the Headmaster and Kita fight each other.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Kumiko ran along with her mother, having trouble to catch up and after a time, finally falling to the ground face first.

"Come quickly, I don't believe Delia will be able to hold back much longer!"
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Kumiko stood up, tears in her face and a bloody nose. She nodded, but she obviously was close to cry.

"Please sweetheart, I know that hurts but if you dont want to loose your sister and your nephew we must keep going!" Eulla said, her voice frantic.
FireMaiden said:
"Please sweetheart, I know that hurts but if you dont want to loose your sister and your nephew we must keep going!" Eulla said, her voice frantic.
Kumiko nodded sadly and went on. She would follow her mother, though sad.
Lord Tiberius crashed roughly and he barfed blood, he stood up and eventually grew bigger, he roared so loud it slowly shattered the windows, he threw the Sledge towards Kita and while it was in mid-air Lord Tiberius quickly recited a spell that made the rune carvings on the Sledge glow, which made it more powerful.
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Kita dodged the hammer, but almost fell as the hammer shook the ground. She raged, the anger growing hotter. Thunder boomed louder, the rain felt hotter, and lighting flashed, colliding with the ground beside Tiberius. She charged, leaping off the ground, her sword slashing her opponent's middle. The cut didn't go deep, but he wouldn't have long to go before he wold pass out due to blood loss.

[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Kumiko nodded sadly and went on. She would follow her mother, though sad.

Eulla and Kumiko was greeted by the battle sight. The rain was hot, thunder boomed more often. "Kumiko, be red to fight if this doesn't work," the goddess said, letting go of her daughters hand. She stepped out onto the battle feild and called out "Tiberius! Delia!"
Lord Tiberius falls to the ground and blow spews out, he had enough energy to reverse time for a few minutes, before Kita charged at her and when his wound was inexistent, when time stopped to when Kita was about to strike, Lord Tiberius froze time, he walked up the dorm building and managed to get an old photo...He rushed back down and unfroze time when he was back in human form, he dodged Kita's sword and showed her the photo, which was now soaked, it was an image...Of Lord Ronan in his younger years with Tiberius...In his 11th year old beside his father and mother...When they we're still together...

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"What? Why are you showing me this? And who just called me Deila?" She asked, lowering her sword. Her voiced was full of spite. She looked around and saw an unfamiliar woman. The woman walked over to Tiberius and Kita. "Delia, I'm so sorry for leaving you at such a young age. And I'm sorry I didn't come back any sooner." Eulla said. "Why does she keep calling me that?" Kita asked, shaking her head.

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FireMaiden said:
"What? Why are you showing me this? And who just called me Deila?" She asked, lowering her sword. Her voiced was full of spite. She looked around and saw an unfamiliar woman. The woman walked over to Tiberius and Kita. "Delia, I'm so sorry for leaving you at such a young age. And I'm sorry I didn't come back any sooner." Eulla said. "Why doespecially she keep calling me that?" Kita asked, shaking her head.
Kumiko flew up to Kita. "Haven't you always searched for your true name? Here you have it... Delia. ", she said, calm. The wound in her face had already healed and there was no blood.
"G-g-grandma?" Tiberius mutters to Eulla, Tiberius was sooo ashamed that he tried to date his own grandmother..."I can't believe I never saw it before! Grandma Eulla!" Tiberius remembered.
"What?" Kita sounded confused. The rain let up, but still felt warm, and the thunder and lighting subsided. "M-mom?" Kita felt tears well up.

"Yes sweetheart. I'm your mother. Again I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Delia." Eulla said, tears welling up in her own eyes.
"Well I'm embarrassed for trying to go out with my grandma...I'll be in my dorm now!" Tiberius says as he runs to his dorm where Elaine...Was still asleep...(G'night!)
Kita and Eulla hugged, Kita let loose the tears she had been holding back. "Why did you leave me?" Kita asked a little bit after she calmed down. "I had to, the other gods wouldn't let you with us because your father was a disgraced god. They cast me out too. Look sweetheart, you need rest, so I'll explain later."

(Kita and Eulla both go to bed)
@Shadow Dancer

Valentina saw Marcus reentering through the window as she had approached because of the sounds of what she could only assume to be a fight. "There are doors" She said blankly "Just to remind you" She glanced outside.

"Is this school under attack, or is this how loud it usually?"
Profoundcactus said:
@Shadow Dancer
Valentina saw Marcus reentering through the window as she had approached because of the sounds of what she could only assume to be a fight. "There are doors" She said blankly "Just to remind you" She glanced outside.

"Is this school under attack, or is this how loud it usually?"
"No attack, just a fight," Eulla said sadly walking into the library.

(Changed my mind, Kita went to bed)
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"Seems that the headmaster carried a short temper and is powerful as hell so this might happen on occasion. But it ended so every things okay. About the doors, the roof made it easier to observe." Marcus replied with a shrug
She flinched as the woman came into the library and looked over at her. Then said over at Marcus "Short tempered and powerful? Doesn't sound like a good combination"

Then at the woman who just came in, "Well, I guess since in the fight is over then it's fine." Should she introduce herself? She held her hand out at the woman "Hello, I'm Valentina, and you are?"

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