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Fandom Ghostly Lives: A Bleach RP

Rayischo said:
Ray said nothing and start to watch the stars, too. Than he stood up and stretches. "Could you come back at home I'm a few minutes? I have to tall to all with you." He said and than smiled. He pats Reika's head and than vanished.
@Reika Suzuya
She sighed and shook her head. Oh, there'd be talk all right. She dashed off back to the shop.

The bartender just decided to make Lena's drink the same as Mercer's. On the counter he set down two pints of old fashioned ale. Mercer picked up his pint and said to the barkeep, "Start a tab, I'll pay before I leave." Then he turned towards Rena, "Try it, this stuff is good. In fact I propose a toast, to Byakuya's ignorance and the well being of the Seireitei."
Lena smiled and touched her glass to his, "To Byakuya's ignorance and the well being of the Sereitei." She echoed, before taking a drink of her ale. "Hmm, it's not bad." She told Mercer with a grin. "It tastes better than plain old sake."
"Honestly it brings me back. Whenever my troops were victorious I'd roll out barrels of this stuff and celebrate with the men." he then sighed, "I miss my men. I fell in battle and didn't get to see our victory. I pray that I'll prove to be a great leader for my squad."
Lena looked down, not sure what to say. "You're squad looks up to you. They respect you." She told him, "You're doing the best you can, none of us are perfect." She shrugged somewhat sadly, "I think some of my squad fears me, because of the Hollow mask and everything."
Mercer sighed and then chugged the rest of his drink. When finished he slammed the empty glass on the counter and signaled for another round. "I can see that," he finally said, "it can be a little intimidating at times. Plus you also bare the name Kuchki, which I'm sure can't help. All that said, I wish I had the power that a hollow mask provides. So I'm not afraid of you." Mercer then picked up his new glass and started to down it.
Lena laughed and took another drink. "Having a mask isn't easy. It's sometimes a hinderance." She told him, taking another drink. "Especially before you can control it."
Rayischo said:
Ray sighed. "Where are Ichigo and Rukia?" He asked himself.
@Reika Suzuya
"Oh, they got here before you got back," Urahara said, pointing to the next room over. Reika stuffed her hands in her skirt pockets and walked in that direction without a word.
Rayischo said:
Ray entered the room. "Yo!"

Henrui slowly walks over to Urahara's Shop, hiding her Reiatsu and wanted to enter the shop.

@Reika Suzuya
"Hiya, Ray," Ichigo said, Rukia sitting right next to him. Chad was on Rukia's other side and Orihime sat next to Chad. Uryu sat next to Orihime. Reika walked over to the group when she entered the room, not saying anything. Urahara followed Ray and Reika in.
(Hell no a Rainbow xD )

Ray sighed. "So... I don't want that this conversation takes am hour. Listen carefully, it's important: A week ago some Shinigami were sent to the Material World cause a Bunch of Renegade Shinigami seem to catch Hollows and souls for some reason. We sent 6 Shinigami... only one came back. This Shinigami lost his Shinigami powers and wasn't able to talk anymore. After that we sent another group of stronger Shinigami... All of them came back, but they list their Shinigami powers too. That's why I'm here. It seems that Mercer and Lena get the same Mission. But I'm not only here cause I have a mission: I'm here to ask you all something. I won't accept a No." Ray said and looks serious.

@Reika Suzuya
Rayischo said:
(Hell no a Rainbow xD )
Ray sighed. "So... I don't want that this conversation takes am hour. Listen carefully, it's important: A week ago some Shinigami were sent to the Material World cause a Bunch of Renegade Shinigami seem to catch Hollows and souls for some reason. We sent 6 Shinigami... only one came back. This Shinigami lost his Shinigami powers and wasn't able to talk anymore. After that we sent another group of stronger Shinigami... All of them came back, but they list their Shinigami powers too. That's why I'm here. It seems that Mercer and Lena get the same Mission. But I'm not only here cause I have a mission: I'm here to ask you all something. I won't accept a No." Ray said and looks serious.

@Reika Suzuya
xD The rainbow apocalypse arrives whenever those guys are all gathered in the same room. Hahaha~

"So this guy can steal your powers or somethin'?" Ichigo questioned.
"Seems so..." He said and looks serious. "It seems that they only attack Shinigami or People with big Spiritual Power, but it could be possible that they going to attack Normal People..." He said. "So I ask you: Would you help the Soul Society to defeat the enemy?" He asked and looks serious.

@Reika Suzuya
Rayischo said:
"Seems so..." He said and looks serious. "It seems that they only attack Shinigami or People with big Spiritual Power, but it could be possible that they going to attack Normal People..." He said. "So I ask you: Would you help the Soul Society to defeat the enemy?" He asked and looks serious.
@Reika Suzuya
They all agreed to help.
Rayischo said:
Ray nodded. "Good to hear this" He said and let out a big sigh.

Henrui slowly enters the Shop and walks over to the room where the others are.

@Reika Suzuya
"Someone's here," Reika said, pointing as Henrui entered. She held a blank expression, getting the odd feeling she knew her somehow.
"That's the next pont I wanted to talk about." Ray said. "This Girl is one if the guys who killed or catched the Shinigamis." He said as he opened the door of the room and pointed at Henrui.

Henrui looks surprised. "What! I hide my Reiatsu! How is this possible?" She yelled and looks nervous.

@Reika Suzuya

Rayischo said:
"That's the next pont I wanted to talk about." Ray said. "This Girl is one if the guys who killed or catched the Shinigamis." He said as he opened the door of the room and pointed at Henrui.
Henrui looks surprised. "What! I hide my Reiatsu! How is this possible?" She yelled and looks nervous.

@Reika Suzuya
"That doesn't mean there won't be those who can still sense it. Not to mention, your reaction just sold you out more than Ray revealing you," Reika deadpanned.
Ray sighed. "She's one of the lower level Warriors of the guys who killed the Shinigami. She's a Renegade Shinigami." He said and looks serious.

"I don't killed any Shinigami!" Henrui yelled and looks angry.

@Reika Suzuya
Rayischo said:
Ray sighed. "She's one of the lower level Warriors of the guys who killed the Shinigami. She's a Renegade Shinigami." He said and looks serious.

"I don't killed any Shinigami!" Henrui yelled and looks angry.

@Reika Suzuya
"Just because she's a renegade, that doesn't automatically make her the culprit. Something seems suspicious about this whole thing," Reika said.
"I know that she's one of the Guys..." Ray said and sighed. "Right? Henrui Akatsuki? You're new at this group, right?" Ray asked her.

Henrui looks angry. "Yes! You dirty Visored! Why you're asking!"

@Reika Suzuya
Rayischo said:
"I know that she's one of the Guys..." Ray said and sighed. "Right? Henrui Akatsuki? You're new at this group, right?" Ray asked her.

Henrui looks angry. "Yes! You dirty Visored! Why you're asking!"

@Reika Suzuya
"You're the one who said she was part of the group, which is what that implies, baka," Reika sighed.

"Now, now, no need to start a fight here," Urahara chipped in,

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