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Getting to Know thy Enemy


Guardian Angel
Two gangs fight to be on top but what happens when a bigger gang moves into town. Can enemies learn how to work together or will they both lose their turf.

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Blair sat at her desk in the middle of the night, she had fallen asleep while working again. She had a problem of working through the night and never getting any sleep. Though tonight was no different, the young women was up but for a whole other reason. Her heart pounded like a stampede of a thousand horses, her hair was wild and messy from her brief time sleeping. She had that nightmare again the one where her family was murdered in front of her. If only it was just a nightmare it was actually a memory that played in her head when she slept. This was another reason that she tried not to sleep and worked so much. She could feel the scar on her hip bone burn with remembrance, her hand found its way to it.

Before she could think any longer on the subject a man bursted through her double doors into her office. "Lady Death there has been an attack." His words echoed like booming thunder through the other wise silent room. She quickly snapped out of her trance and grabbed her twin guns from the desk. "Show me." Her voice was as cold as ice her fear of the nightmare washed away.

During the car ride to the scene she fixed herself, she couldn't have her gang see her this way. She was a strong women and needed to look as such. Her long black hair now waved and crashed like a waterfall down her slim back. A crop top covered her top half while a pair of shorts covered her lower, fishnet stockings ran the length of her legs and disappeared into her knee high heels. Every article of clothing clung to her body like a second skin, the outfit show cased her perfect curves.

Once the car had stopped she grabbed her guns and exited the vehicle. The night engulfed her figure but street lamps provided her with sight, though the sight before her was one she didn't want to see. The weapons found their way into their holsters crossed on her back, she slowly took in the scene. Across the pavement laid ten of her men, all of them were dead. Large pools of blood formed around their bodies and mixed into the rain as if began to pour. Anger and pain were strong enough words to explain the feelings that courses through her veins. As her blue eyes darted around the scene a marking caught her eye. Written in the blood of her men was a mark of another gang. The White Bats.
Axel stared at the bright screen of his laptop, moving his mouse and making a few clicks here and there. The man was holed up in his office like he usually was, stuck on some 'stupid chess level made for stupid players'. The program was recommended to him by a fellow chess player in the Stalker's Whisper and was proving to be, as the was described, incredibly stupid. A knock sounded on his door and Axel leaned back in irritation, knowing that it was one of his members with the usual report. "Come in," he said gruffly. A tall man with a spiked haircut entered the room, his expression grim as he looked upon Axel. It was Jason.

"What is it?" he snapped, irritation dripping from his voice. It wasn't going to be good news, that he could tell, and there was nothing he hated more than having to deal with gang matters in the middle of the night.

"There's been an attack. It's a bad one."

Axel's eyes fluttered closed as he took a deep breath. The gang rarely had attacks, and when they did, nothing good came out of them. The gang leader pushed himself out of the chair and briskly walked out of the room, not looking back to see if Jason was following. Axel walked to the gang's main garage, watching as the lights to one of his vehicles flashed brightly. He entered the passenger seat and in a few minutes, the two were on the road, heading to the scene of the attack. Axel looked at the car's mirror, noting that he looked like his usual weekend self, black jeans, a loosely fitted jacket, and hair that never seemed to be able to be tamed. His tattoos were mostly covered, and the frame of his body was prominent, muscular from years in the gang and tall. There was no time to plan out a 'threatening' look and he cursed inwardly, knowing that appearance meant a lot within the gangs. No matter, his face should be enough to scare others off.

He exited the vehicle, closing the door behind him, smelling the scent of death and blood. His hands were on his guns as he examined the scene, his face filled with disgust. His men, most rookies, had several knife wounds in their sides and pools of blood surrounded their dead bodies. It began to rain, and he stood there, anger across his features as his gaze traveled to the marking beside the bodies, a marking made from their blood. The White Bats.
Anger and disgust were words that couldn't even begin to describe the feelings she felt. In the light of the moon something glistened in the distance. She walked slowly over to one of the bodies and pulled out a dagger from his back. The blade was beautifully crafted and it dripped with the blood of her people but that's not what got her attention. At the end of the blade on the handle was a carving of a bat. Her slim fingers griped the blade tightly causing her knuckles to turn white. She shifted the blade in her hand and slid the sharp edge against the palm of her other hand. "I give my oath. I shall take this knife and plung it deep into the man who is responsible for this. On my life I give this oath." Her voice was cold and sent chills through present living members of her gang.

She turned from their bodies addressed the members of her gang that were here. "I want them ready for burial in the morning. We will have a proper funeral for all of them. They will be buried in the Night Stalkers cemetery behind the mansion." With that her men began collecting the bodies and she whipped out her phone and dialed a number. "Derek I have a mess that needs cleaning." She informed him of the address and got back into the car along with the dagger.

Being in a gang ment you weren't very close with the law. In fact you make up your own laws. The mess needed clean before police were on the site investigating. She wasn't going to have the police get in her way of her revenge.
"Jason, inform the members of this. We need to get this site cleaned before the authorities figure out something's going on. Blood will be spilled for what they have done," Axel hissed, clenching his fist until his knuckles whitened. Jason made a few phone calls to the lower ranks, walking away to let Axel calm down. The gang leader inhaled sharply and made his way towards the car, slamming the door shut as he entered. Knowing that Jason would be able to find his way back, Axel drove off, using the car's system to call a number he detested. The White Bats were powerful, judging from the scene he had witnessed, and there was a small chance that his gang would be able to properly wipe them out. As the call connected, he narrowed his eyes, hating every word he was about to say.

"Get me on the line with Lady Death," he snarled, venom in his tone. Axel pulled over, parking at the side of the road as he was unsure if he could keep his anger in check while on the road. Lady Death, the leader of the Night Stalkers, a rival gang sharing turf with the Stalker's Whisper was someone who he had only saw once and didn't wish to meet. Although the two groups shared similar names, they were competitive and not at all on friendly terms. But Axel had no choice but to call for assistance. He wouldn't let his pride get in the way of a dire matter.
Once she had gotten off the phone with Derek her phone began to ring. The apple device lit up with a number she never expected to ever call her. She knew the rival gangs number in case she ever needed it, after all they were always battling for territory. She clicked the green button and pulled the phone to her ear. "To what do I owe the please White Shadow?" Her voice laced with amusement but it didn't reach her face nor eyes. She was in pain losing men was never easy. Most of them were newbies but they had joined her and trusted her to protect them.

The women drew her phone to her chest for a second before she addressed her driver. "Head toward Jackal's bar. I'm going to need my bat." Jackal's bar was the hang out of gang members and leaders. White Shadow and herself were big around here so they didn't usually bother with smaller gangs. Though smaller gangs did exist in the big city. She knew that the owner Oliver Ross would have information about the White Bats. She knew little about the man but she did know he didn't give up information. Gangs have probed him before and he never whispered a peep. Lady Death was not merciful and she would do anything to get her revenge. After all her gang was her family, her only family.

As she watched her driver nods in response she pulled the phone back to her ear.
"Cut the amused crap out, Lady Death. You know exactly why I'm calling." Axel knew that the woman would attempt to contact Mr. Ross if she hadn't already and hoped the two could reach a similar view on the matter of the White Bats.

"There's been an attack and I'm a hundred percent sure that your gang has been hit too." He took a deep breath, keeping his temper in check as the memory of the day his rookies were recruited flashed through his mind. They were expected to be able to make it on their own and thrive using their own methods, but even so, Axel never allowed them to get themselves too deep within the gang itself. They weren't experienced enough to deal with those things, so why did the attack happen on them? He shook the thought out of his head and leaned backwards into his seat. It would do him no good to start questioning things now.
"Tsk" was the only response she gave him at the moment. As the car pulled into a parking lot and she exited the vehicle, her driver popped the trunk and she grabbed her bat. "Not like you need confirmation but yes I was hit. What do you want from me?" She knew her gang was a little on the small side compared to the White Bats. She switched to her blue tooth before entering the building. She left her phone in the car with her driver.

The women swung the bat in her hand before resting it on her shoulder. Blair walked into the building and as soon as the men laid eyes on her hoots and hollers were shouted her way. "Hey baby want to come home with me?" A man asked as he walked toward her, his hand snaked its way out and grabbed her waist. The women gave him the sweetest smile she could muster before pulling the bat back over her shoulder and then letting it swing forward. The metal bat connected with the mans face sending blood across the room. As the man collapsed to the ground she stepped on his face. "Touch me again and I'll break that pretty face of yours baby." Her words were dipped with the sweetest venom.

"Sorry White Shadow some people don't have manners." The women walked to the back and kicked open the office door. The room seemed to block out the music from the bar. "Hey Bit-" Blair swung the bat to his face and placed it on his lips. The blood from the bat smeared onto his face. "I wouldn't call me that if I was you." A smirk graced her fairy like features. "Now wait like a good little dog while I finished this coversation." She commanded him and she placed her rump on his desk. The White Shadow now had her undivided attention.
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Axel gave out an amused chuckle, his lips curved upwards in a sly smile. "Well, I assume you're getting information from Ross. I'm going to need that information." He stepped out of the vehicle, deciding to leave it there as he was already near the infamous bar among their gangs. His hand rested on his guns as he walked inside, taking notice of the a man with blood smeared over his features. "You did a pretty good job making yourself known here," Axel remarked, kicking the body of the man before stepping over it. He made is way to the office, pleased as his eyes landed on a curvy figure, her bat raised dangerously against Oliver's lips. The gang leader ended the call as he entered the room, his hand firmly placed against the throwing knife he kept near him.

"Lady Death," he said as a greeting, nodding his head as a smirk graced his features. "Is this your dog?"

Axel moved his way towards one of the desk's drawers, finding a cigarette packet and lighting it before placing it in his mouth. He inhaled sharply and blew out, the nicotine calming him for a brief moment. Axel dropped the smoke, crushing it with the soles of his shoes before bringing his gaze up to the woman before him.
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Her attention turned to the door as a tall handsome man walked in. Blair didn't remember him being this hot? She had him stacked out once and she can tell the pictures didn't do him justice."White Shadow" she greeted in return. Her attention turned back to the dog. "For now he is my dog, after all my dogs usually don't last long."

She hopped off the desk and twirled her bat as she made her way to the side of the desk. "Now Oliver. Can I call you Ollie?." She leaned against his desk. "I would like to know about the White Bats. Now I don't know if you know about me but let me key you in." The black haired women leaned in close her lips skimmed his ear. Her hot breath tickled down his neck as she began to whisper to him. "I always get what I want Ollie." The whispered words were still loud enough for White Shadow to hear.

She could sense the man tense under her closeness and a smirk played on her lips.

"Now Ollie. Who is the leader? Why are they here?" The women leaned back into her spot. "I ain't tell you anything cagna." She quickly withdrew the White Bats dagger and pressed it deep into her throat. "You don't think I know Italian? The only reason you are alive right now is because you have information I need." The dagger dug into his flesh and blood trickled down his neck.

"His name is Wolvesbane. No one knows his real name. I don't know why he's here." He spoke reluctantly but she could tell he was witholding information.
Axel's mouth turned upwards in a smirk as he watched the attractive woman withdraw the first bits of information from the man. He placed a palm on Oliver's arm, applying pressure on the inside of his arm.

"It won't do you any good to give us the bare minimum," he drawled, watching as the man squirmed in pain. "I wouldn't want to have to rip out any of your arms." Axel tugged down as he said this, pleased as he dislocated Oliver's arm.

"Lady Death, you need to train your dogs better. They're disobedient." His eyes wandered down the curves on Lady Death, a pleased look on his face as he noted her fishnet stockings with approval. "Would you like to tell us exactly who Wolvesbane is, Ross?" Axel knew the man despised it when Axel called him by his last name and he stared as Oliver's mouth turned downwards in a grimace. He cocked his head to the side as if daring him to say something.
"This is why my dogs don't last long." The women pouted slightly as she withdrew dagger from his neck and pulled the dagger into view of everyone. "You see this dagger Ollie? I found it plugged in the back of one of my own. These men are in my pack they are like my babies. Do you know what happens when a mama wolf loses her babies?" She gripped the handle tightly and her eyes met with Oliver's for a second. " She hunts down the poor fool and puts him out of his misery." As she ended her sentence she plugged the dagger deep into the mans leg. The blade went all the way through his leg and in the computer chair he sat in. A scream of pain erupted from the man and he gripped at the blade in his leg. "Your in the way of me getting my revenge."

Blood seeped out from his leg and dripped onto the floor. "Alright! His real name is Gabriel, Gabriel Anders. He came from the city next door to us. He's trying to expand his gang." The man whimpered out the words in pain. "He moves a lot. Doesn't stay in one place at a time. He has a lot of vice leaders to run little groups of his. They plan on taking down all the gangs in this city before moving to the next." She could tell the man was in a lot of pain. Not only was blood pouring onto his nice carpet but his arm was seconds from being ripped off.
Axel's lips curled up in a smirk as he watched in amusement, releasing his hold on the man's arm as he spilled what seemed to be the majority of his information. He stepped back, analyzing the room and decided to let Lady Death do whatever she pleased with Oliver. His nose wrinkled as he caught sight of the blood staining the man's carpet and sighed, knowing that the stain would never come out unless the carpet was replaced. It would be troublesome if Oliver complained about this. That is, if he lives after this. A small vibration from the inside of Axel's jacket brought the man out of his thoughts, and he pulled the phone from his pocket.

"There's been another attack." Jason was on the other line, his voice ragged. He must have ran from something.

"What the hell happened?" he hissed. "I thought I told you and the rest to be careful."

"No, White Shadow, the attack wasn't on us." Silence.

Axel's gaze flickered briefly to Lady Death as he dropped the call, his fists clenching in anger. No doubt would Lady Death receive a similar call in a few moments, and as he thought this a small ringing penetrated the thick air in the room.
Her attention was withdrawn when the White Shadow answered his phone. She didn't know what it was about but soon turned her attention back to Oliver. As she opened her mouth to speak a sound came from her blue tooth. The women touched the button on the side of her ear and answered the incoming call. "Lady Death we've been hit again." As the words left her fellow gang members lips she could feel a small ping of depression pass over her.

She turned back toward Oliver and twisted the knife slowly before ripping it carelessly from his leg. "Speak a word of this to the authority and I'll come back to kill you and your wife Sofie." As Oliver's eyes widened in spoke as a scary smile spread over Blair's lips. "I did my research. I would like you to keep your ear out for anymore information."

With that Blair turned from the man and exited the room. Once back in the bar everyone around her backed out of her way. They could feel the pure anger that rolled off of her small frame.

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