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Fandom Getting Out of Pittsburgh { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan sighed heavily as he listened to Asher and shook his head. “I’ll carry you everywhere so you can’t reinjure yourself.” Jordan commented as he moved, noticing Asher still moving, until he stopped. “I’ll back to get you.” Jordan said as he moved forward and checked the handful of rooms on this floor. He dropped three runners in various rooms and found several rags, beans, alcohol, tape and some old scissors. Then he turned to head back to Asher with a smile. “Ready to move to the next floor?”
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

This was what Asher knew. He did not like his life as it had been. He was starting to question too much to stay there and be happy, but at least he had food and a place to stay. He also did not have to worry about finding supplies. He never once had to search for them. He pouted as he waited. And waited. And waited some more. He was pretty sure he heard the screeches of runners, but he assumed it was fine when the screeches stopped suddenly and painfully. When Jordan came back, Asher ignored the mild sense of relief that came back to him. “How exactly do you expect us to get to the second floor? That seems beyond impractical.” He looked up. “Why don’t you promise me that you won’t die, and I will wait here for you?
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan grinned as he looked at Asher. “I’ll carry you up of course.” Jordan replied with a shrug of his shoulders as he looked at him. “But I guess I could leave you down here, waiting forever if something does happen to me.” Jordan told him and turned away towards the door at the end of the hall where the stairs were. “Here I go. All alone. Heading to what could possibly be my death.”
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Carry him up the stairs? Was that really Jordan’s first thought to that? “That would make me feel unbelievably helpless,” he argued with the no one that was near him since Jordan was already leaving in the most ridiculous way possible really. “How would I even save you from your possible death if I can’t even walk very far or very quickly without feeling like someone is tearing at my insides?” He groaned and then walked after Jordan anyway, because he hated waited.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan hadn't thought about that, how it would make Asher feel. He was so caught up in trying to convince him that there was more than just simple flirting between them, that he hadn't taken what he was feeling into consideration. Jordan paused, hearing the groan and looked back, seeing Asher walking after him. "You don't have to come with me, and if you don't want me to, I won't carry you either. Why don't you wait down here, or we can just skip the second floor and go back to the street."
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

This reaction was unexpected. Had Asher’s words changed something in Jordan? He was a little confused. He had gone from unabashedly flirting, there was no question there, to now.. concerned? When Jordan paused, Asher too stopped, though not as fast as he could normally, so he stopped close. He searched those strange eyes for an answer to the many questions that he had. The many warring emotions and feelings. This was just who he was going to be for the rest of time it seemed. “Jordan. It’s okay. I mean, no, it’s not. I am cranky that I am useless standing here. I can’t move fast enough to do anything efficiently. If I bend at all, I feel like I am going to break something. It is not your fault that I can’t figure out how to be okay with this.” He placed a hand on Jordan’s chest. “I appreciate your concern, though. It’s.. it’s nice to have someone actually care about my wellbeing. So, you do what you would normally do for our survival, and I will be here to mooch off of your abilities."

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