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Get wrecked (1x1 with DarkOne95)


Junior Member
You think you have what it takes? If you do, then go ahead and step into the arena. You might have noticed the very large crowd and the jumbo-tron, don't let those distract you. There are quite a few people here to think that they are more deserving than you, but I see something in you. It could be a spark of something special or the faint hand of death on your shoulder, I honestly can't tell. Anyway...If you're up for the the challenge, let's see just how many rounds you can go...but if you should fall or be rendered incapable.of continuing, then your body becomes forfeit and our property. Why not leave us some cool specimens, I assure you that you'd rather not end up the one unable to progress further.

Come! Fight! Win! Advance! Claim your prize!

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Delgado stands out in the middle of the arena, having drawn a crowd from all over. He smiles as he feels all eyes on him, the crowds anxiety and blood lusting gaze almost making him salivate. He loved this feeling more than anything else, and he was glad that they would be able to put on a show for their spectators. He had had the honor of dining with a few of the heads from the 9 Houses and wondered if they would be honoring him with a few exhibition matches. One could only hope for something like that, what he wouldn't give to sink his teeth into the soft flesh of one of those who was set to inherit such powers. He bit his bottom lip until blood began to flow, swallowing a mouthful of saliva so as to not drool where he stood. "The games are about to begin! We kick start this event with two fighters that are quite well matched," his voice carried throughout the arena so all could hear, "We have a young Prince from Kathiga, Kiba Sarutobi, who has become a legendary knight in his father's army," he paused for a moment, "He will be facing off against a female swordsman...but don't let her gender fool you, she's a fiery one."

As the names were called the arena floor opened and brought each fighter to the surface, and once the introductions were complete, Delgado left. Kinda found himself standing in the middle of a huge arena, not quite sure of where they were at the moment. Looking over at his opponent he grinned as he quickly placed his hand on the handle of his sword. If he were able to win this game, he would be granted the power to seize nations, to have those that would see his country crushed bow before him. He was an ambitious young man with large dreams, and he was willing to bet his life on what he felt was worth dying for. Country and family meant the world to him, and right now the only thing standing in his way was this girl. He studied her for the moment, taking note of her clothes, trying to deduce where she might be from, and at the same time taking a look at the large katana she carried. She certainly seemed well versed in the art of sportsmanship, but he was curious as to how well she could actually wield it against an opponent. Right off the bat he could tell that if he weren't able to fight her at mid to close range that this fight would surely end in her favor, as the length of her blade was most certainly an immediate issue. 'Just got to take this one opponent at a time. All my focus needs to be put in to this fight and nothing else. This is the girl standing between me and my goal, and here and now is where I will put a stop to that.'
She studies her opponent from afar; he looks like some sort of captain I soldier of high rank. Just his presence gives off an aura of a mighty warrior. She is here today for one reason and one reason only to ensure that her sword-skill was the best in all the lands. He is only the first step to becoming the best in the world and there was no way he was going to stop her. She draws her long katana, wielding it with one hand as it lays at rest at her side. She then points the weapon at her opponent and motions him to come to her with her left hand. ' I will not lose this day'
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With a quick push off of his back foot with a quick and heavy burst of wind, Koba was sent hurling toward the girl, drawing sword sword in the process and slashing a blade-like wind directly at her. He would try to take place in this fight and keep as close to her as possible, if he could avoid fighting her from a distance, he felt that he would certainly heighten his chances of victory.
Is a little surprised at the wind/blade technique her opponent has thrown at at her, but she quickly dashes to the side to avoid the wind attack and counters with a low blade of fire hurling towards her opponents feet. 'He doesn't know that I am also well taught in the ways of the wind, I shall hold onto this advantage'.
The sudden fire attack catches Koba by surprise. He quickly stabs his sword into the ground, performing a handstand, and with a powerful blast of wind he flips back upright. It was a quick and smooth transition, and as he floats upright in the air, he slashes down another wind blade at the girl. So she's a fire type, huh? Interesting.
Powerfully jettisons herself into the air straight towards the attack. When the attack nears she counters the attack with an upwards swing of her blade. Most of the wind attack is dispersed but she is hit by the remainder of the attack she was unable to counter slicing at her shoulder and thigh. As she approaches her target her sword is consumed in flames as she attempts to impale her target.
Kiba smiles as the girl sails toward him, seeming to believe that she can simply impale him on the sharp end of her flaming sword. However, this was the perfect opportunity to possibly take the lead, so he quickly maneuvered his sword in such a way to capture and guide her blade. By turning his blade sideways he managed to capture the blade tip in the hole in his sword and guide it to his left side, however he wasn't able to avoid it completely, and found himself skewered right above his left hip. He gritted his teeth in pain as the air around him and his sword began to swirl violently, as he gathered the power of the wind for one of his techniques. Sword Breaker! This technique was best used when the opponent's weapon was caught without injury, as it would prevent any further damage, however by using it under these circumstances, he was very likely going to do even more damage to himself. With a violent twist of his wrist the accumulated air acts as a blade around the sword, and since her sword is trapped within his, it's the only thing left to cut through. The motion and execution is quick, however the proceeding attack is a bit less fluid, due in large part to the fact that by doing this, he has applied extreme force to the end of the sword that had struck him. As the sharp snick! of the sword could be heard, Kiba choked back a groan as he spun and sent a diagonal slash of wind toward his opponent. If it didn't land he didn't mind, as he would use this time to deal with the wound he had just received.
The tip of the sword snaps within her opponents weapon."how dare you!!!!" She screams as the force of the move lifts her a bit over her opponent. She engulfs her body in flaming armor to take most of the wind slash but counters with an x- patterned fire slash. ' I will destroy him'.
Her counter to his attack doesn't leave much room for thought, so he simply jumps back into a gap in her flaming X to avoid injury. As he clears the safety of that attack, he pulls the broken shard of sword from his side with his left hand, keeping his eyes on his opponent. The pain wasn't too bad, which let him know that the sword had penetrated top deep, but he knew to expect some discomfort throughout the remainder of the match. He drew in a deep breath, and held it in as he dashes forward and begins an onslaught of slashes. Those that only hit air let out a powerful wind blade and those that connect with blade and or flesh with also explode with wind cutting power. His plan is to try to do as much damage as possible in the shortest amount of time to hopefully get in a great position to later unleash his final and most deadly of attacks.
Engages her opponent head on parrying and attacking, his attacks explode on contact dealing small cuts during the onslaught. At one point during the barrage of attacks she parries whilst sliding the blade up his own in an attempt to slice at his chest not only skillfully but powerfully.' I'll catch him off guard soon enough, I just need to hold out a bit longer.'
Her counters were quick and precise, he could clearly see that she was indeed skilled with a blade. He was lucky he had shortened it a bit though, because with her skill she would've certainly taken this battle to him. He felt that he was barely hanging on as is, and that's when her blade started to made its ascension up his weapon. He barely had time to think and reflexively closed the distance between them to take the power out of her slash, and at the same time he thrust his hand forward, firing a focused blast of wind at the space below her neck but above her breast in an attempt to blow her back. Her blade would most certainly reach its mark, but his attack would make an otherwise fatal wound far less severe.
'Shit'... She isn't fast enough to dodge the attack so instead she trades blows with her opponent. The concentrated attack blows her back knocking the wind out her. She hits the ground and stumble for a bit but recovers rather quickly. Breathing raggedly

after the attack. The damage felt a lot worse than it actually was, but at that moment she realized her opponent wasn't going down easily. She inspects her blade and finds traces of blood residing on it. Relocating her target she tries to spit how much damage she actually did.
Kiba was glad that he managed to get some distance between the two of them, breathing heavily as he felt the wetness of blood sliding down his stomach. From the feel of it he could tell that she had gotten him pretty good, it wasn't deep enough to be fatal but it was surely enough to effect his fighting abilities. Damn it! His left hand lightly pats his sliced shirt, the crimson color beginning to become more and more apparent. While the cut was shallow enough to be non-fatal, it was deep enough that it would certainly continue to bleed. He was certainly getting the worst of their exchanges, and needed to do something to change that. He forced a smile as he looked over at the girl. "Its too bad I couldn't knock all the air out of your body, you're making this harder than it needs to be...savage."
"How dare you call me as savage you wretch, whoever you are captain hero, it's rude to not only hit a lady but to break off a piece of my sword." She yells across the battlefield.She could easily see the damage she inflicted on her opponent. " I should have cut you in half captain hero but it seems I'll have to bleed you dry."she smirks as she dashes towards her opponent not letting him get a chance to recuperate.
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