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German Girl x Jewish Boy (Holocaust Roleplay)

Finally, Avi shook his head as she disappeared and opened the front door before letting it slam shut. He hadn't left the house, letting his feet carry lightly against the floor as he made his way towards the basement of the house as quietly as he possibly could. This was for the best, he assumed, to end things then and there before anything escalated worse than it needed to. He went back into the corner of the basement and sat on the pile of blankets, closing his eyes as he rested.
It was a few hours later as the sunset when Emeric found his daughter crying in her room. When she told him the whole story he was not happy one little bit. He came running down the stairs fuming with anger. He grabbed Avi by the ear tightly "get up" he growled.

Avi yelped loudly, closing his eyes as he pushed himself up, leaning towards the man as he held onto his ear. "Please, Emeric, I haven't done anything! I'm sorry!" He begged, cheeks heating up to a bright red as he opened his eyes to look at the man. Fear was clear as it sparked through his eyes, just about ready to get down on his knees and beg for his life despite not knowing what he'd done.
"you come into my house, risking my life and my daughters life. Then you break her heart!? I may owe your father but I never owed you anything. Now if my daughter finds you sleeping down here she won't feel sympathy for you, she will kill you herself!" Emeric yelled. "I told you not to talk to her! That wasn't a bloody joke! Now you've dug yourself a 6 foot hole!" Emeric said as he pushed Avi against the wall holding him by his shirt. 

"You owed my father and I am my father's son! His wish is yours, and his wish was that I do not die! He told you to take care of me, because he saved you!" Avi exclaimed, frantically reaching up to grab at the man's arm in hopes of pushing him away. But he had no luck as the pain soared through his body, aching at the impact against the cold wall. "Your daughter doesn't care about me either, so don't go making excuses to break a promise you made to a dead man. My father would do the same for you no matter what." He grunted as he let his body go limp, brows knitting together at his forehead. "I'd be the last person to break Emmaline's heart and you know that."
Emeric's glare grew harsher and harsher as he listened to the boy. "Is that why my daughter is in her room sobbing?" He questioned "you're the last person I'd suspect of hurting my daughter but you did" he growled. He walked to the other side of the room "as for your father. I never knew any of this would occur when I made that promise" he said quietly.

"You told me not to talk to her unless she asked me questions, sir. The entire way here she asked me questions and I understand I could have said goodbye and come back here once you were out of my sight but that was too much to risk. I came through the tunnel once you were inside just as you told me to but she was down here as well when I came through, I couldn't help any of it." He growled, shaking his head as he began to make his way towards the steps to go upstairs and out of the house. "I can't pretend to be Charles for the rest of my life, sir. The next time someone does you a great deed, I suggest you don't make promises. And I'm sure that in that case, everything you have will be risked again." He said bitterly as he opened the door and shut it behind him.
Emeric was left stunned when the boy left. There was a pit of guilt in his stomach. He needed to tell Emmeline the truth about 'Charles' before she did something hasty for 'love'. So that's what he did. Emmeline was left a stunned as her father. Someone like him... was a jew? Emmeline was quick to stand up

"where are you going?" Emeric asked

"I'm not letting him go to one of those camps" Emmeline spoke as she put on her coat "Hitler is wrong." Emmeline said before running into the street... that was when she realized she didn't know his real name. "Jewish boy?" She called out confusedly as she ran beginning her search. Emeric was quick to follow "Avi!" He called out loudly.

Avi had been quite unhappy about the situation he now found himself in, especially because he had no idea where to go and it being dark out.. who knew what was going to happen. But he was willing to accept what had happened as it could have ended differently if he'd simply not talked to the man's daughter after all. If he had stayed with his mother and allowed himself to be taken, killed even, maybe that would be much better than where he was stuck now. But he couldn't change it. It was when he heard a female voice and footsteps that he picked up his pace, and even more so at the sound of the man he'd angered. "My lord, please don't let me die here." He said quickly as he looked around before simply coming to a stop and turning around. "Please don't turn me in, I'll leave, I promise! For good!"  He begged as they came into his view, getting onto his knees and covering his head.
Emmeline watched as the boy fell to his knees utterly terrified. This is what Hitler had turned these people into, begging for their life. Emmeline fell to her knees before the boy showing they were equal. She placed her hand on his shoulder "I won't" was all she said. 

Avi groaned softly as her hand touched his shoulder, though upon realizing she wasn't there to hurt him after all, he lifted his head to look at her. He shook his head, letting out a shaky breath as his muscles visibly relaxed. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." He said suddenly, blue eyes looking at her sadly.
Emmeline put her finger to his lips to quiet him. "I don't care" she told him "I understand why" she said softly. "Just come back. Not as Charles but as Avi" she told him. "I don't want you in a camp" she reassured him. 
Avi huffed, though nodded his head nonetheless as he accepted her offer. His next move was surprising though, as his arms wrapped around her to pull her close to him in a desperate need for a hug. "I'm so glad you didn't come to hurt me." He gasped, closing his eyes as he held her close.
Emmeline yelped with surprise as she was hugged by him. She accepted it as his warmth kept her warm in the rather icy spring night. She hugged him in return not saying another word as they hugged for sometime. 
"Your father's still here." He suddenly whispered, a small smile forming on his lips as he finally pulled away from the girl to comb his fingers through his hair. Instead of saying anything else, he stood up and held his hand out for her. "Sir, I'm so sorry for everything I've put you through."
Emmeline smiled and giggled slightly before standing up with Avi. Her father had been minding his business leaning against a street sign. "Don't worry about it" he said bluntly. Emmeline's teeth chattered as a cold breeze came over them "can we get inside. It's bloody cold" she said with a small laugh. 
"That actually sounds like a brilliant idea." Avi agreed with her, smile turning into a grin as he wrapped an arm around her in hopes of keeping her warm against his body. He stayed quiet as they walked together in the direction they came, eyes focused on the sidewalk.
Emmeline smiled softly as they walked together. She felt warm and fuzzy now. Emeric walked in front, although he was happy of the acceptance the two had for each other. There was no way his daughter was going to be with a Jew during this time. He was going to marry her off to an SS soldier to make sure of it. 
"Can I be a little more honest about something? Since I've pretty much lied to you this entire time." Avi whispered to her, bumping their hips together gently as his thumb rubbed small circles against her side. "The one thing I didn't lie about was that you do have beautiful eyes." He chuckled, tilting his head as he looked down at her. This was probably the happiest he'd been in a while.
Emmeline blushed at his comment "I'm glad you're not a complete liar" she said before kissing his cheek. The lady-like thing to do at the time. She looked back down happily. Emeric turned to them "I have to get some bread. I'll meet you two at home?" He told them. Emmeline nodded "of course papa".
Avi clearly felt proud, cheeks heating up profoundly as her lips met his cheek. His eyes closed for a moment as he let it all register before nodding his head and using his free hand to scratch behind his ear awkwardly. He looked up as Emeric turned around, nodding his head in agreement towards the man. "Yes, sir." He said softly, flashing him a small smile as he glanced down at Emmeline.


Emeric had lied about going to get bread... well only partially, he was going to get bread. But it in the bakery was the man that he would marry to his daughter, the baker's son, an SS solider by the name of Emmett Huffman. At the age of 23, he was much to old for Emmaline, however not illegal at the time. Emmett had many badges for his work in the concentration camps.

Emmeline smiled up at Avi as they continued to walk until they reached the house, Emmeline lead Avi down into the basement once again "Safest place for you to be" she told him as she leaned against the stack of firewood. "Do you know the story of our fathers?" she questioned curiously.
Avi nodded his head and smiled, though instead of sitting in a corner, her stood in front of her and reached out to hold onto her hands. As a distraction for himself, he played with her fingers, occasionally bringing her hand up to kiss it. "All I know is my father saved yours during world war one, and your father promised him in debt for saving his life. I guess I'm the repayment." He murmured, his smile faltering as he watched her.
Emmeline smiled as she watched him kiss her hands and play with them aimlessly. She looked up at him "my father keeps a photo of your father. Most men carried a picture of their girlfriends or wives... but their friendship was stronger then that" she explained. "You look like your father.. I mean I've only seen the photo once or twice.. but you do. If you don't mind me saying".
He shook his head, smiling at her at the thought of his father. "No, I don't mind. But, your father doesn't like me." He commented simply, raising a brow as he squeezed her hands gently. "He cares for my father but only out of respect for him, nothing more or less. If they had a friendship as strong as you say, he wouldn't seem to dislike me so much. But he does, I can tell." He whispered matter-of-factly as he eyed her.

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