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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern GEO Academy Rules and OOC

Sorry guys, busy day for me yesterday, I'll get to responding to things this afternoon
PenguinFox PenguinFox sorry if Emmanuel seems like he is asking a lot of questions. XD and I hope it is okay that I mention the beginning of rainfall.
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Lol well at the leas tyou’re surviving in that case. This roleplay makes me happy as well.

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone show off their individual talents.
A little surprised, but it's alright I guess. If needed I would be up for playing another female character. Unless that would just complicate things for other people.
I could ask around my discord server (most people on there are on rpn.) if they’d like to join.
Also, my recent post, I was trying to find a way to bring up that now they have different roommates, sorry if that's not how you would have done it...
Wow. I've been getting 0 notifications for this RP. For anyone who's waiting on me, I'll post soon!

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