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Realistic or Modern GEO Academy Rules and OOC

I posted Sunday night/Monday morning. It's Tuesday night, and I'm already two posts behind in an rp where the post minimum is once a week.

I can't keep up with that pace. So unless it slows down, I am very sure.
I posted Sunday night/Monday morning. It's Tuesday night, and I'm already two posts behind in an rp where the post minimum is once a week.

I can't keep up with that pace. So unless it slows down, I am very sure.
Well, I'm sorry to see you go, but I understand your reasoning. Thank you for letting me know, and not just disappearing.
Alright. Trying to get some sleep but failing. Thinking about making a post. Deciding wether to make Andreas socialize or naw.

Edit: LadyOfStars LadyOfStars so you get the notification.
He should socialize, even if he’ll just been mean to people. And more people have returned to the group.
Bill Nein Bill Nein
Noted will do... now how edgy is the question. Cuz rightnow he’s just being blunt...and sarcastic. He hasn’t really shown too much dislike towords anyone yet, excluding Ben. Only because he is his roommate so he has a survival instinct to make a half assed bond with him since I doubt he will find elsewhere to sleep since boi-o has major trust issues
Noted will do... now how edgy is the question. Cuz rightnow he’s just being blunt...and sarcastic. He hasn’t really shown too much dislike towords anyone yet, excluding Ben. Only because he is his roommate so he has a survival instinct to make a half assed bond with him since I doubt he will find elsewhere to sleep since boi-o has major trust issues
Maybe it’s best to hold back still. It’s too early to go revealing everything he’s capable of lol.
*andreas goes sicko mode and breaks the fourth wall, with all the characters necks and proceeds to stab each and every one of us* “I’m truly sorry. But as you can see. The game was rigged from the start. “ *Black mirror bandersnatch logo appears*
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