General Discussion

Bramtic Bramtic I don’t want to sound rude or pushy , but when is the next time you’d be able to make a reply? I’m looking forward to continuing with Istar’s story , or re-starting it I suppose.

Also , Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna , since Istar’s been there a while can I safely say she’s already spoken to that Elf Preistess of Selune while she was waiting? Assuming she’s still there for Istar to talk to , anyway. I’d say the conversation would’ve been more about Selune and Corellon than anything , since Giles wouldn’t be there and Istar wouldn’t have talked to Keth yet.
My sincerest apologies, I'm just about to reply. I was waylaid by the flu. 0/10, would not recommend. You aren't being pushy at all - I would have wondered the same thing. Replying now...
Yes, she had spoken with the priestess, until she had to leave. Thus letting Istar fall into the 'short nap' where the 'dream' happened.
At this point I honestly think Istar isn’t as bothered by slurs. Besides , Longears is better than Knife-ears , which in turn is better than fey mongrols , which is all immeasurably better than ‘faithless woodland sprite’. I’d say that last one is the worst racial slur to her , personally , because she’s Corellon’s Paladin. Not to mention the fact that she’s probably one of only a handful she knows of to be a Paladin for a Seldarine God or Goddess.

Besides , the last thing she’s gonna do is say something like ‘don’t call me that’ to someone who’s both in a position of seniority above her and with whom she wants to be friends. She’s trying to give the impression that she’s tough , adept , and capable so he’ll start to have a better opinion of her.
I changed Istar’s text color back using the ‘highlight old text and open the hex color picker’ , because I felt the new color was just too subdued to work for Istar and her endless amounts of energy and eagerness. Apparently the old code was ‘59B300’ , which is something I need to put in her character sheet so I remember it.
She would not have had a chance to eat yet. Istar had only been waiting a few minutes before Thaddeus arrived. And then a few more minutes after when Keth sat down.
Ah , I see. Since I decided to go ahead and post now I chose not to mention whether she had eaten or not , but I’m sure she’ll say something to Keth about being a little hungry sooner rather than later.
Yes. Do not be concerned, there is no damage dice to coincide with the results. It's just flavor.
Wasn't concerned at all! If there was damage, I would (pardon the pun...maybe) roll with it. Just wasn't sure if it only applied to Istar since she's right on Keth's heels.
Is it actually a reflex save , though? Because if it’s a reflex save Istar gets her Divine Grace bonus , which effectively means she gets at least (I’d have to check to be sure) another +4 bonus.
Yes. It is a save.

Think of it like you knock a cup on a table and it starts to fall and you react to catch it. Or you walk and shift your step to avoid a hole. You're using you're reflexes.
Ah , I see. (A surprise to be sure , but a welcome one).

Reflex save: Roll(1d20)+8:14+8 Total:22

Perception: Roll(1d20)+3:9+3 Total:12

No one fell into the bottomless pit of horrible death!

No that's not actually a thing.... In this city.

You both successfully avoid stepping in a pile of manure. Istar much more gracefully, as if you did not even notice it at all, your stride was unbroken and smooth. You can decide if she actually saw it or not.

Thaddeus, you notice it just before you set your not in it and do a quick stutter step to not do that.

The perception checks I'll handle in my next post. The ball is in your courts!
Wait , the platform’s part of the ship , and not a sort of dock for the ship? I was under the impression that since a sewer-like hatch led to it that it was a docking area for the ship , or a boarding ramp or something to that effect. I also thought that ladder was fully enclosed for several feet (at least 8-10 feet) , but I could’ve just imagined that wrong.
The ladder and walkway are NOT part of the ship. But you could foreseeably see the ship or one like it.

The ladder was partially enclosed, a few (six max) feet to get through the street and rock. Then leads to the wooden walkway, that will in turn lead to the ship.

Bramtic Bramtic HK Fifty HK Fifty Peri Underhill Peri Underhill
Ah! So I was (mostly) right. A little off on how many feet there was of bedrock , but otherwise mostly right. I don’t think Istar’s quite made the connection between ‘hanging air walkway’ and ‘flying ship’ just yet , though that’s mostly because she’s not had enough time to think about how people get off of a sky city. Especially since she’s mostly focused on not falling to (what she thinks would be) her death right now.
My sincerest apologies, I had a very different vision of the world in my head. I have, with DM approval, edited my initial post to make it (I think) fit as things are supposed to. Basic point is still the same - Thad is in the throes of a hissy fit.

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