Gathering The Enchanted


One Thousand Club

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IMPORTANT NOTE: If you're gonna join, be able to type decently please and BE ACTIVE! Don't just totally bail on the RP--I find that super obnoxious. T^T

In addition you must use DECENT grammar, please.

Earth is full of many humans whom are each different in their own ways. However, some people are gifted with extremely rare abilities--magical ones. How is this possible? You see, there's something no one on Earth is even aware about, except for a very few humans that teach at a particular academy. It is another dimension called Vyril, a land full of a species called Vyrilians. Unlike humans, Vyrilians are all born with one magical ability that they become more skilled at through their years of practice. They only possess that one power that they're born with and can possess no other magical ability.

Throughout history there have been a number of Vyrilians who have escaped their world and settled on Earth. Meanwhile, they fell in love with a human and had children. This obviously means that their offspring has both human and Vyrilian blood, meaning the child has a magical ability as well. These rare offsprings are considered

Vyril was once a beautiful land full of magnificent locations and creatures, however throughout the years that has slowly begun to change. Ever since Xyran became their leader, he has turned the land into a dark place. Not only that, but the citizens of Vyril have also turned dark minded as well. Brainwashed by their leader, they've all decided that they are a superior species and they should be able to take over Earth as well.

Xyran's Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/tumblr_mbcqr9QRmx1rdy3s5o1_500.jpg.a03ef24ec545a7ee65510db9d3205913.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4302" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/tumblr_mbcqr9QRmx1rdy3s5o1_500.jpg.a03ef24ec545a7ee65510db9d3205913.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Even though this is very top secret on Earth, the humans who do know about it are not going to let Xyran get away with such. Of course, no matter how many humans populate the planet, they would not be able to defend themselves against a whole population of Vyrilians with their abilities and such. Therefore, there is a special Academy where this group of humans is gathering young Filians to help them build their skills before going into battle. Yes, they must train here and prepare to take on an oncoming war. They have no choice; they are the only chance to protect Earth from eternal darkness.

Although the academy does their best to make these students feel welcome to their new environment, especially considering they're being thrown into such a life death experience, there is one thing they do not tolerate. Dark Magic. There's no specific type of magic really, but it means you're not allowed to use your powers for evil purposes no matter what. If you're caught doing so, the punishment will be execution. If you're lucky, you will get a second chance before going as far as a death sentence.

In addition, you will not attend regular classes at this academy. You will only be training and learning about your powers--learning to control and use them properly. You will be sent to various locations to complete a numerous amount of different training courses by your trainer.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/the_castle_by_bergamind-d5cmat3.jpg.cfb4a43e9e7c250d4e501e699a6aa7a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4303" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/the_castle_by_bergamind-d5cmat3.jpg.cfb4a43e9e7c250d4e501e699a6aa7a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This is what Vyril used to look like:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/1600x917_15761_Fabulously_beautiful_landscape_2d_fantasy_landscape_picture_image_digital_art.jpg.3ed343ea9d9757b02aa949925956c6ac.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4304" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/1600x917_15761_Fabulously_beautiful_landscape_2d_fantasy_landscape_picture_image_digital_art.jpg.3ed343ea9d9757b02aa949925956c6ac.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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This is what Vyril is slowly becoming now:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Wretched_Landscape__Sarilkor_by_MercurialXen.jpg.39e0b303c46c460b08818b07496e8205.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4306" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Wretched_Landscape__Sarilkor_by_MercurialXen.jpg.39e0b303c46c460b08818b07496e8205.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/hd-wallpapers-dark-fantasy-landscape-wallpaper-with-black-crows-1920x1080-wallpaper.jpg.0213d16a10ddeda4253fdc737c3b89f4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4307" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/hd-wallpapers-dark-fantasy-landscape-wallpaper-with-black-crows-1920x1080-wallpaper.jpg.0213d16a10ddeda4253fdc737c3b89f4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Portal To Other Dimension (Can only be accessed when activated correctly):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/fantasy-landscape_wallpaper.jpg.0a1c508cf1ea460dd237f881e69371b0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4308" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/fantasy-landscape_wallpaper.jpg.0a1c508cf1ea460dd237f881e69371b0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Admin of this role play: Nami


-Keep it PG-13, but yes romance is allowed. What's a story without romance~?

Swearing is allowed, but try not to take advantage of it hahah.

-You are allowed to have
ONE character.

No controlling what other characters say, unless it's not an actual character owned by someone.

BE ACTIVE. Please, please, please. We're not asking you to post every minute of every hour, but we are asking you to dedicate some of your time to this role play, please, please, please.

-If you're saying something out of character
use parenthesis: (.....)

We'd appreciate it if you'd let us know in parenthesis if you have to go, so others are aware.

write at least ONE paragraph please.

List of Abilities you may choose from (Or create your own, but must be approved), any crossed off are taken. Since there are so many possible abilities we feel it's better if everyone has different abilities.

  • Acid Generation: Ability to generate acid, can be manifested through touch or as a spray (e.g. acid spit, acid blood, etc.).
  • Duplication: Ability to create physical duplicates of oneself.
  • Invisibility - Ability to render the user unseen to the naked eye and/or other forms of perception.
  • Kinetic absorption: Ability to absorb forms of kinetic energy into oneself and utilize it in some way, such as by converting it into physical strength or using it to power energy blasts.
  • Poison generation: Ability to assault others with one or more varieties of toxins, with widely disparate effects.
  • Superhuman Strength: Ability to have a level of strength much higher than normally possible given their proportions.
  • Night vision: The ability to see clearly in total darkness.
  • Innate capability: Ability to naturally have skills and/or knowledge typically earned through learning
  • Telepathy: Ability to read the thoughts of, or to mentally communicate with others
  • Psychic weapons: Ability to create a weapon of psychic energy that can harm mentally and not physically.
  • Disintegration: Ability to disintegrate matter through touch or through beams.
  • Gravity manipulation: Ability to manipulate or generate gravitation or other types of gravitational interactions.
  • Light manipulation: Ability to control, generate or absorb light particles.
  • Shape shifting: transform into one type of animal.
  • X-Ray Vision: The power to see through solid objects or people. Variation of enhanced vision.
  • Heat Vision: Ability to burn objects and other individuals with one's gaze.
  • Wallcrawling: Ability to adhere to solid surfaces, including walls and ceilings.
  • Waterbreathing: Ability to breathe under water.
  • Mediumship: Ability to see and communicate with the dead (i.e., ghosts)
  • Animation: Ability to bring inanimate objects to life or to free an individual from petrification.
  • Sound manipulation: Ability to manipulate sound.
  • Animal control: Ability to communicate with animals, birds and even aquatic creatures and get them to perform tasks on command.
  • Earth manipulation: Ability to control earth; sand, stone, rock, lava, dirt, or other minerals.
  • Fire and heat manipulation: Ability to control the kinetic energy of atoms to generate, control or absorb fire.
  • Plant manipulation: Ability to create, control, manipulate or animate plant life.
  • Weather manipulation: Ability to control or mentally affect the weather. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena (rain, tornadoes, lightning, ocean currents, etc.) or control the intensity of the weather.
  • Concussion beams: Ability to generate or transform various forms of energy into a "solid" or concussive beam of energy.
  • Superhuman speed: The ability to move, run, fly, react, think, and sense at speeds much faster than a normal human. Those with this ability also have accelerated brain activity which allows them to process sensory information so fast that everything seems to be moving in slow motion while the user moves at normal speed.
  • Teleportation: Ability to move from one place to another without occupying the space in between.

  • Flight: Ability to lift off the ground, to ride air currents or to fly self-propelled through the air.

Other abilities

  • Ice Manipulation: The ability to reduce the kinetic energy of atoms and reduce temperature, combined with the ability to control, generate, or absorb ice.
  • Aeromancery: The ability to manipulate wind.
  • Water Control: The power to control, generate and/or absorb water and moisture.
  • Conjuration: The ability to summon forth an object or organism.
  • Telekinesis: The power to manipulate objects with the mind.
  • Telepathic Armor: The ability to create armor out of surrounding objects with your mind.
  • Electric Manipulation: Allows him to manipulate any

    form of electricity such as lightning or the electrical current

    that runs through him and his device.

Source (Feel free to find more here):


G = Girl's Dorm

B = Boy's Dorm

G Dorm 1:

  1. Tess Burton
  2. _________

G Dorm 2:

  1. Calynn Aberson
  2. _________

G Dorm 3:

  1. Aurora Selstion
  2. Scarlette "Scar" Kleinston

G Dorm 4:

  1. Ailin Nace
  2. _________

G Dorm 5:

  1. _________
  2. _________

B Dorm 1:

  1. Xen Vastman
  2. __________

B Dorm 2:

  1. Bannor Covenant
  2. __________

B Dorm 3:

  1. Daniel Evans
  2. __________

B Dorm 4:

  1. Tristan Young
  2. __________

B Dorm 5:

  1. Jaden Maxwell
  2. __________


The Principal leaves her office on special or rare occasions, such as when important announcements must be made or when they are ready to travel to Vyril. Students may visit her in her office on the top floor whenever they wish.

(Nami will be controlling the principal)

Principal Information:

Name: Silvia Falvera (Ms. Falvera)

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Ability: Ice Manipulation

Extra Info:Although no one knows much about her personality or real background info, she is pure Vyrilian just as many of the other heads of the school are. She loved Vyril with all her heart and she still does, but she will not stand for Xyran's leadership. He has turned her world into something it was never meant to be and although she may not show it much on the outside, it makes her insides boil with rage. She is the one who decided to create the Enchanted Academy on Earth, to gather all young mages to prepare for what's to come. She believes they are their only hope to save both Vyril and Earth from eternal darkness. No matter what, she is determined to stop Xyran at once and put an end to his brainwashing. In addition, Silvia is intolerable of any sort of Dark Magic. Although she used to have a very warm heart, it has grown cold throughout the years as she's become more frustrated with life. Therefore, she is actually the one who decided that execution would be the punishment for students using Dark Magic.

Appearance:View attachment 19683

Now, there's a certain trainer that will be training the students...more info on him coming soon.


Name: (First & Last)

Age: (13-18)


Ability: (Choose ONE)



Dorm Room:

Appearance: (Preferably a picture--art/anime--and/or description)



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I'm so joining you put a lot of work in your RPs and I can't wait to join this one. Join in a second.
Could my character be able to control water for battle and healing purposes? Like, it's her element so it can heal her as well as be her weapon.
Britt said:
Could my character be able to control water for battle and healing purposes? Like, it's her element so it can heal her as well as be her weapon.
That would be acceptable, but she would have to start out just being able to use water as a weapon, but she can eventually learn how to heal with it :3

Oh and @ your signature, Pretty Little Liars <3 :D
Okay, sounds good :) And haha yes, that's my favorite show <3 
Name: Tomorrow Nara

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Ability: Controls water.

Personality: Tomorrow is a very caring girl, she tends to put others before herself. She's social and friendly to just about everyone she meets. However, if you get on her bad side, things are different. She will be very catty and cold. But if you are close to her, there's nothing she wouldn't do for you.

History: She didn't find out about her abilities until she was around 8 years old, when she was splashing in her pool. She noticed that the water seemed to bend and move to her command as she directed it with her hands. At first, she thought she was just imagining it but she realized that this was real. She told her parents about it and they finally told her about her heritage and where her mom had originally come from. She had a very good childhood for the most part, except for the occasional loneliness since she was an only child.

Name: Aria, "Ia," Planetes

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Ability: Telepathy

Personality: Aria is a very calm and proud girl that takes many things seriously. She isn't so serious that she has no humor and doesn't laugh that much; She just has many things she is protective over and takes everything she does as though it has to be perfect. The girl has perfect grades, a good resume, and many talents. She isn't very strong physically, which gives her a huge disadvantage, especially when she can't move. she has good balance, which allows her to be fast, but isn't very flexible or strong. She is a bit of an otaku and enjoys wearing costumes, playing video games and watching cartoons. She is very quiet, but yet, she's an open book when it comes to anything, unless she had promised not to tell anyone a secret. Aria is amazing with sword fighting and enjoys tradition. Aria likes to think that she is a good cook, but when she makes something it always turns out looking pretty but tasting sick. If she is cooking or baking, the best thing for one to do is to run for the hills or hide so they don't have to deal with her emotional request for them to try anything.

History: The oldest child of a noble family of six, Aria is used to having control over large groups of people. Her father is a billionaire and her mother is a top class surgeon, and both adults supported the family with a large and nice house. Aria took sword training classes and tutoring so she could get ahead in her studies and defense skills at age 11. She was homeschooled for a long time and her father thought that the academy would be a good chance for her to make friends, so she enrolled. Both of her parents are very high-spirited and friendly to anyone that's friends with Ia.


View attachment 19592
Name: Xen Vastman

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Ability: Conjuration

Personality: Xen is a person who prefers solitude instead of communicating with others. He is not against interracting with other people, but he prefers to be alone with his thoughts. Xen takes everything in stride and is unphased by almost everything around him. He is always calm and never seems to change facial expression. Although he seems apathetic to the world around him, Xen is actually quite observant and highly intelligent. He will refuse to engage in activities he finds unnecessary and it is almost impossible to convince him otherwise when his mind is made up. Despite his unenthusiastic exterior, Xen tends to take things very seriously and makes sure where his priorities are. Although he has a bland personality, his behavior differs in many different situations. One of those situations involving women. He is uncomfortable being around the opposite gender due to past experiences. Despite how he may come off, Xen is a kind person and helps in his own way, being very reliable in any situation.

History: Xen discovered his abilities at a very young age. After exploring what he could do with his power, Xen came to his father and asked about his situation. His father had given him a long story about his lineage and what his powers meant. Xen immediately became fascinated and insisted upon learning more. After his father reluctantly agreed, he began training his abilities for a few years and became better each day. His father told him to never reveal his power to anybody, but Xavier never thought that would be an issue. Xen didn't talk to anybody at school, due to him being shunned for his personality and intelligence, so there was never any danger of having the secret slip.

Around the time his sister was born, Xen was taken out of school and began studying at home. Throughout the years, his life would comprise of only training and studying, while also looking after his sister. He loved being an older brother and always went above and beyond for his sibling. Around the time of his twelfth birthday, his mother died before his eyes in an accident, which caused him to develop problems with women, except for his sister. After the events of that day, Xen had already exceeded college level lessons and focused solely on training. During this time, Xen's sister became very sick and was being kept in a hospital, which drove him to become stronger. After completing his father's training, he learned about the situation in his father's old world and insisted on going, which his father eventually gave in to. He now hopes to further his training and protect his family.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.6cf1bea1bedccd82f685237150bdba84.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4333" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.6cf1bea1bedccd82f685237150bdba84.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Ailin Nace [Pronounced: Allen Nachay]

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Ability: Acid Generation

Personality: She's a very bubbly girl, often wanting to spark up a conversation. However, piss her off and you're done for. She tends to be a bit motherly, since she's the oldest child in her family, and is always looking out for her friends - or sometimes people she doesn't even know! The latter more often than not. She's rather insecure, but doesn't show it, and is rather ditzy on the outside. Sometimes she uses this as a facade, however, in a way to gain attention. Occasionally her sweet attitude can be false as well, as Ailin has been known to be quite bitter and rude at times, though mostly when something on the downside had recently taken place. Her grades are at about average, but mainly because she won't put in the effort needed to accomplish her work - this is partially due to the fact that she attempts to look dumb for her attention, and partially because she just doesn't feel like doing it. If you get her alone, you might be able to have an intelligent conversation with her.

History: Born the first of four children, Ailin led a responsible life from about age seven. A set of twin brothers was born when she hit that age, though from a different father than her own, and since her mother had grown ill for a few months, the girl took it upon herself to take care of them. Not too many years later, she had a baby sister born, and would oftentimes watch her as well. When she was very young, about four years old, Ailin remembers the first time she had recalled taking note of her power. She was picking flowers for her father, and moved to the rose bush. Reaching toward it, she pricked herself with the thorns, but instead of blood running out, as she presumed, a liquid of a greenish tint leaked out. She ran to her parents, showing them urgently, and that's when they explained to her that she was... Different. Due to this, Ailin was homeschooled for much of her life; until her mother sent her off to the academy, of course, when she was just fourteen. When she was little, the girl had always been insecure of how she looked. Her white hair and dull eyes were a dead give-away of her 'albinism' as her father would tell her, though she knew it had to do with the genetics he had given her. He could also possess the power of acid generation, and his striking features were similar to her own. Because of the incident that took place when she was four, Ailin has strayed away from roses, but is still very fond of flowers, admiring their color and beauty and height (as she is dull and short).


Would Telekinesis be okay? [The supposed ability to move objects at a distance by mental power or other nonphysical means.]
Britt that's my favorite show too :D and your character is accepted as well! 
Lucem Tenebris accepted :D  
Party Poison she's accepted :D  
Kotomi yes, telekinesis is indeed allowed! :3 
Ene Kagerou there's just a few things about your character~

She doesn't sound very 'gifted'...would you mind explaining more of her Vyrilian side? Since one of her parents is a Vyrilian of course. :3 
Name: Tess Burton

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Ability: Poison Generation

Personality: Tess, being blessed with a curse as she sometimes considers it, was once a stubborn and impatient young child. However, she had to learn to be calm and patient for the sake of herself and the protection of others. At the age of 17, Tess is now an independent girl who only speaks up when she feels it's necessary. Although, when she is in situations where she must speak with others she's easygoing and kind. Then again, there are times when she spontaneously switches back to her old ways and acts harshly towards another. Not only does this take the person aback, but it can put them in some serious danger. Just like her attitude, Tess's ability can also be spontaneous--which can lead to terrible situations such as activating her poisonous breath and causing those around her to choke. In addition, her power may activate during stress unwillingly and unconsciously. Fortunately, due to her ability she is granted poison immunity.

When it comes to honesty, Tess is very loyal and trustworthy. As for her emotional capacity, she is understanding and non-judgmental. She is very creative and loves to express herself through art.

History: Tess's mother is where she gets her human blood from and her father is the cause of the Vyrilian in her. When she was younger she attended a public school until around the age of seven years old. Her ability had not become apparent until that point in time. Also, Tess was very stubborn and stressful at times, which eventually lead to a terrible outcome. One day at school when she was being picked on by another student, Tess became angry and when she continuously argued with the student, she wasn't aware that she was breathing toxic fumes on her. She was completely and utterly startled when the student choked to death right before her eyes. Fortunately, none of the teachers knew it was her fault of course. After all, no one knew it was possible to breathe toxic fumes--not even Tess herself.

Later, her parents discussed her ability with her, which outraged her even more. She didn't understand why she had to be some sort of deformed being or why her parents hadn't informed her sooner. Her parents then forced her to become home schooled, telling the school that their daughter was too traumatized by the event that happened recently. Throughout the future years, she finally started to adapt to her abilities and understand.

Appearance: Tess has skin like porcelain and glassy deep brown eyes. She has beautifully thick eyelashes and thin eye brows as well. Her face is heart shaped with a petite nose and pale pink lips. Tess's silky hair is dyed cherry red with black streaks scattered throughout and straight bangs that fall just above her brows.

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Kaoru Nori [He goes by either name]








Kaoru is quite the lazy type, as you can probably tell from his ability. He uses it for everything. To get his food, to make it, to pick up things, to close doors, etc. He isn't one for endurace, considering he never does anything. But when he went to the school, they forced him to run and do endurance tests. So, Kaoru is learning, and getting better with that. Also, he isn't one to talk much. He may approach some people to ask them a question, as he doesn't have social anxiety and get embarrassed. He's more of a neutral type of person, kind of careless it may seem.


Kaoru grew up with his little sister, and his mom. His father had left Kaoru's mom when Kaoru was just a baby, him being the one with the ability, and not wanting it to happen to his child. Kaoru always seemed to not get along with his little sister, as usual siblings do. So, the day he discovered his ability, he was angry at her. She was making him mad, and so he thought really hard, concentrating enough to throw a toy at her face. It was laying on the floor, and all of the sudden it was thrown at her face with immense speed and force, leaving a few scratches, and blood on her cheek. Kaoru had no idea it would happen, he simply wanted it to, but didn't know it would actually move. Before the incident, as a baby, things would usually fall off the shelves, things would randomly open, but nothing so serious as to what he did to his sister. Kaoru was 7 years old when it happened, his mother came to the conclusion that he threw it at her. For the rest of his life, he tried so hard to prove to his mom that he had something special. He would practice this ability everyday. Then, one year later, when he turned 8 years old, he'd figured it out. He could move just about everything with his mind. Kaoru immediately went to his mom, to show her. He moved an apple off of the kitchen counter, and to his hand as an example. His mother was astonished, remembering that his father had that ability as well. She then sat him down, and told him never to use it in school, or anywhere in public, also to never use it to hurt someone. Kaoru was excited and he did as he was told, later on being sent to a school to study it more.


Name: Luo Gui

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Ability: Aeromancery

Personality: Luo is a polite young man who cares deeply for others who deserve it, treating anyone who doesn't openly show dislike towards him as close friends due to his desire to be close to people. Though nice he's also very formal, never really being outgoing and always following traditions and rules to a t. He's very hard to make angry though quiet a softy when it comes to getting sad. Though he'd never snitch on someone, he'd rather others not break rules or be mean spirited in the first place and tries to stop it all before it starts. He's very much a bookworm, always burying his head in a book, sometimes getting so deep into it that he ignores the world around him.

History: Luo was born in China to a loving mother and a distant father, the former taking care of him all of his life while the latter barely showed his face at home more than once a month. Despite this he grew up happy, making friends easily enough despite how he looked more like this father, a foreigner, than any of the locals. He was always nice even when others tried to make fun of him and his passive nature made it hard to dislike him. It wasn't until he was 11 did he learn of his talents deep into the season of fall. While at first he thought it was mere coincidence, he soon learned that he was able to make the wind sweep up the fallen leaves with the tiniest of encouragements and even found he could make little gusts and vortexes while he was inside. Of course he showed this to his mother and she in turn called his father who came home that very day and stayed there for a whole week to explain to his son who he was, what he was and what work he did. Now seeing his father as a tragic hero trying to save a world that wasn't his own, Luo looked up to him and went off to get proper training in his skills as soon as he was of age.

PsycoWarlock13 fabulous xD not that I need to since you're an admin, but accepted~ xD

Since you're an admin, you can make your trainer/teacher whenever xD
Lucem Tenebris]How many more characters will be needed? [/QUOTE] Sorry for the late response! The thread's up now! You can start whenever you're ready! [URL=" said:[/URL]

( Britt Party Poison Kotomi PsycoWarlock13 )
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Still accepting I hope!

Name: Georgie Summers

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Ability: Kinetic absorption

Personality: Georgie is a sweetheart. He is always kind to those he meets, even if they irk him or are unnecessarily rude. Generally friendly and always willing to lend a gentlemanly hand, George is popular among the old ladies and his guy friends; young women of his own age, however, are another story. Whenever he is in the company of a lady, George tends to get a little frazzled, quiet, and awkward. After a while he will warm up again, but there's still a part of him that half-believes in cooties, even after 17 years.

History: His father having died at an early age, George and his older sister were raised by their working mother, who tried her best to make ends meet and provide for her children. Luckily George and his sister got excellent grades -in fact, George has been at the top of his class for a decade now- and generally stayed out of trouble. They were good kids who loved their mother.... And had supernatural abilities. Both Georgie's and Annabeth's powers manifested at age three: kinetic absorption and invisibility, respectively. This drove their mother crazy at times, but the trio managed to make it work. It was difficult for his family to let George go, but he was wrenched from his life by the academy without option. Homesick and heartbroken, the young man now heads toward his new school.

Appearance: George is awkwardly tall in a way that many teenage boys are- he's all elbows and knees at the lofty height of 6'2". His hair is a curly dark brown and is cut short to keep it away from his eyes, which are a light green. The teen's skin is dotted with freckles, but luckily not much acne. He has a clean white smile and is usually well-kept.
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roboblu yus, we are going to be accepting for a very long time if not 5ever! xD

Annd, just a few things I wanna point out. Young mages are being seeked by the heads of the academy and once they're found they are forced to be taken away from their family and sent to the academy to become more skilled in their ability, not to mention be ready to protect their people. Therefore, it's no choice to go. Other than that, he's acceptable :3
Edited! Sorry, I have read the plot a couple of times but I must have missed that. :C thank youuuuu.

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