Gathering The Enchanted

roboblu said:
Edited! Sorry, I have read the plot a couple of times but I must have missed that. :C thank youuuuu.
Hahaha, it's okay! c: no problem ^^

You can start roleplaying whenever you're ready :D
((Nami! :D ))

Name: Calynn Aberson

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Ability: She has the ability to telepathically take matter around her and re-shape it into a type of armor around her lower legs. (So, she takes chunks out of the area around her, and then telepathically changes this into her leg-armor. Unfortunately, the chunks don't regenerate after she dissipates the armor.) This armor is a combination of green and silver colors, and has silver colored "wings" on her ankles. This armor allows her to run at very high speeds (Although not quite as fast as someone with pure super-speed.), and gives her very powerful kicks.

Personality: Generally quiet but very competitive, Calynn is the kind of person who will set her mind on a goal and overdo it completely in her efforts to complete the goal. She's usually polite and calm, but insulting her pride in any way can result in a very quick shift to a fairly angry Calynn who will go out of her way to prove you wrong.

History: Calynn grew up in the middle of five children, causing her to often be overshadowed by her siblings. Not willing to take that lying down, she became an incredibly determined and hardworking person, almost to a fault.

Dorm Room: G Dorm 2

Appearance: ((I actually found a picture! AHHH! :D It's not perfect, but I'll take it. ^_^ ))


Calynn has long, straight platinum blonde hair that reaches down just past her shoulder blades. Her face is round, and dotted with freckles and has standard amounts of teenage acne around her hairline and the sides of her face. Her eyes are large, round, and teal colored. And she has full, but short eyelashes and thin eyebrows. Her nose is small, and so is her mouth. Her ears are a bit on the large and round side. She is of average height, and a bit on the muscular side from running.
(( I've been convinced to restart this roleplay with different people & characters. I don't think the previous group was interested enough. I'm tweaking the storyline a bit as well. The academy will only contain training and the students will be shipped out to different places each time they train and will have to compete in various training courses. Then one day they'll be sent to the other dimension sooner--by accident more so. I want it to be more like the Path From Fayland roleplay I started, since that ended up being very successful and is still ongoing. I'm going to tweak some things in the description a bit and start a new thread for the roleplay so hold on before I accept anymore characters. ))
Alrighty! Well, I updated some things here. Since we're restarting the roleplay, all previous characters beyond this point are no longer existent (Not including my character, Lucem Tenebris's character, Vampiric Potato's character, and Cressy's upcoming character. Therefore, all abilities can be used once again, other than the current characters' powers.) Also, the half human/half Vyrilians are no longer called 'mages' because I personally thought that wasn't creative, that was just my previous co-admin's idea but he vanished, so they're going to be called Filians now, a specific race with both human & Vyrilian blood. In addition, the only 'classes' will consist of training. I wish for everyone to post regularly as well, so we don't fall behind like we did in the last one.

I'm going to create a Main Trainer also and each time they get taken to a place to all do a big training course we'll switch off roleplayers to control him and his current roleplayer will create the training course. Or everyone can create their own trainer to use when their turn comes, I just wasn't sure if anyone would want to make another character sheet, so. Up to you guys.

Anywho, here's the official new roleplay (I'm going to put in my first post from the previous roleplay as well, since its easy to start off with.):
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(( Is it? sorry I copied the wrong shit. Lolol, sorry I'm tired as hell right now x''D I EDITED THE LINK. ))
Name: Varexes Covenant

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Ability: Fire & Heat Manipulation

Personality: Very calm and collected, loyal to the last, intelligent, blunt, an open book, can be explosive about certain topics/when extremely pissed.

History: Varexes has always been an odd person, even at a young age. Parents have always looked at him strangely as if he were some sort of demon, not because he displayed any signs of his magical abilities but rather because he was so quiet all the time. Whereas at the age of 2 few children can communicate well enough to convey what they want/need besides through crying, Varexes would simply walk (or crawl) up to his parents and lead them to what he needed. Whether that be the kitchen for food or the bathroom for a diaper change, the only time Varexes would make a sound was when he cocked his head and made a confused noise as if he were saying, "WTF?"

As he grew older and began to socialize with other children, he became a peacekeeper of sorts. When children would cry he would walk up to them and say something in baby-language, then waddle off in order to retrieve whatever it was they needed. If it was something he couldn't help with, Varexes would retrieve an adult. While this wasn't necessarily a bad thing, many parents thought this was odd, but very sweet and cute. Later on, when Varexes was even older, he would actually gain friends rather than simply be an all-around good baby.

These friends of his were the happiest children on the planet, because he would always be there for them and do anything he could to entertain them. Always being the one to entertain or find something interesting to do, Varexes would be the ring-leader of his friends. While this may make him sound like a gangster, he was quite the opposite, always chewing out friends for teasing others. With this mentality, he quickly became a "ladies man" from the age of approximately 6. However, this would change at the age of 15.

In grade school Varexes would turn from an incredibly popular child to one that is feared by adults and students alike. Progressing through school and life like any normal teenager, one day he would run into a situation that would flip his entire world upside down.

It was a normal day out with his girlfriend and other friends for a birthday party when a group of gunmen came into the mall where the theatre was. Lighting up the place and shooting down 5 people, two of which were his friends, the place quickly became violent and full of screams as some people ran and others ducked to the ground. While Varexes's group got down, he stood there in a fury. Two of his friends had been shot, their blood oozing out of their lifeless bodies just as other bodies lay around him without friends and family to care for them. Normally being the peacekeeper, Varexes turned into a warrior of justice, his body bursting into flame that had no heat. Nothing and nobody got scorched, there was no heat or sign of smoke. Varexes's body simply became a pillar of flame that deflected the hundreds of rounds that were thrown at it. When Varexes reached the gunmen, he grabbed one by the front and the flames enveloped the attacker, drawing screams of pain as his flesh smoldered and began to crisp. Within seconds, the smell of burned flesh hung in the air as a pile of ashes dripped from Varexes' hands until he turned to the other gunmen, who fled directly into the arms of a SWAT team.

From that day onward, he became a loner. His friends abandoned him and his girlfriend came up with the excuse, 'My parents are afraid of you...' in order to break up with him. Going from extraordinarily popular to becoming the lone wolf, Varexes didn't seem to change at all. However, instead of being the light-hearted one that brought laughter to whatever room he was in he brought silence. Still smiling at all of his teachers and old friends, greeting them as normal, no sign of his deadly and frightening powers altered his appearance or mannerisms. People were simply afraid of him now.

A few months later was his 16th birthday, and several government agents came to retrieve him on the account of him being of Vyrilian descent. With no other choice, Varexes went with them, saying good-bye to his loving parents and younger brother who were the only people to accept the new development with zero changes as to how they treated him.

Appearance: This is Rin Okumura (before he turns into a demon) so if you want more of a description, google it. But change the hair color to WHITE.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/-Hatsuyuki-Hadena-_Ao_no_Exorcist_-_01v2_-704x400--E57A04C5-.avi_000098014.jpg.0c15c1f1493e101c9deb6352d141419d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5367" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/-Hatsuyuki-Hadena-_Ao_no_Exorcist_-_01v2_-704x400--E57A04C5-.avi_000098014.jpg.0c15c1f1493e101c9deb6352d141419d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • -Hatsuyuki-Hadena-_Ao_no_Exorcist_-_01v2_-704x400--E57A04C5-.avi_000098014.jpg
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@Alcatraz xD very interesting~ hahaha. Just a few things. Wait I lied, just one thing. xD Errrrrrrr, would you mind changing his name? x'D I'm sorry! Hahah it's just that two characters with the same name in both my roleplays BOTH controlled by you is gonna confuse the hell outta me lololol.

But other than that, fabulous as always~ ||D
I love that name as well xD But I'd feel like the elf from Fayland had some sort of clone hahahah

And okaidokai~ that's fine xD Ty :3 (I keep forgetting I don't need to use parenthesis here since it's not the actual roleplay//habit//) xD
(( Shit, could've sworn you wrote Thomas up there x'D I just replaced Varexes with Thomas on the website for no reason then ||D Fml.

Annnd oh crap, you're right. @Cressy would you mind choosing a different one? :x I'm saweh~ ))
(( Mhoram though? Really? xDD lolol

//slapped for having so many issues with Alcatraz's character choices// )) 
(( @Lucem Tenebris Yeah, pretty much xDD ))
(I did write Thomas. But I decided on Mhoram instead. :3

Thomas Covenant Chronicles are an AMAZING trilogy.)

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