Gathering The Enchanted

Kk it's cool Ill pick a different one but ill probably make my app tommorow or later because mobile sucks))
(( Whyyyyyyy x'D

Where did you get the name Mhoram? That sounds like some sort of god mixed with like the word 'ham' lololol.

//so cruel over here// ))
(I suck at creative names. Literally Varexes is the name i used for my Vindictus archer dude and I named him off of this guy Varus from League of Legends.)
(( Ayri, Airen, Ace, Cyton, Cespar, Cether, Eli, Fyn, Gryn, Seth, Jayco, Jin, Jinx, Jun, Lox, Lerin, Niro, Ospar, Reth, Rikar, Riki, Riku, Seryth, Scythe, Viper, Vilan, Voulx, Xavier, Xander, Zyton, Zi, Z, Talon, Hawke, Azrael, Jax, Wyvorn

Name: Tristan Young

Age: 15

Species: Filian

Gender: Male

Ability: Energy Absorption and Manipulation (Basically Kinetic Absorption but a bit more vast)

Personality: Tristan has always been a good kid, calm, mellow and smart. Sarcasm would be his second ability really, the guy always seems to bring some life to the group when people around but by himself he's quite quiet, and serious. He has a bit of an imagination when it comes to day dreaming. He would always imagine the wildest of things and sometimes question others about it. Which ended up with people giving him odd looks and asking him if he was okay. He is mostly a pacifist and doesn't like fighting much. He tries to help people a lot with words and is very loyal. Not two faced on any circumstances. He HATES lying. He can easily crack under the pressure when it comes to lying. When he first meets people he is pretty shy and quiet. Which means he will be like this at the start of the school year but then progress to becoming the funny guy everyone knows.

History: Tristan was the first and only child his parents had. He was meant to have a twin but the twin mysteriously died a few months into pregnancy. Tristan had never really been sad about it, I mean he sometimes wondered what a brother would be like but he never cared much about it. He was a pretty calm and mellow guy, he got amazing grades in his classes and was usually top of the class. Tristan has always felt different but never really figured out how or why. He never asked his parents of course, they would probably say "Oh it's something called puberty, sit down and let's talk." and then have a 2 hour lesson about 20 different topics. In school when he was in elementary he would cry a lot. He had that problem that he was over sensitive or over energetic. He always took things to an extreme if he did like to do them but in his first years he would be called many names. As he went on to middle school he started improving until he finally moved with his father.

His father had a whole different lifestyle from his mother, when she was sensitive and caring, but way too soft. His father was strict but reasonable, but he never really did that mushy feeling stuff. He was a tough person who cared for his son. The life with his father was much better, he improved greatly and wasn't as sensitive and really. As time went on didn't cry over stupid things, in his teenage years he was a pretty well known person at school. He was a funny and kind guy who still had his tough side. No one tried to mess with him because everyone frankly loved him. As he entered high-school things were good, Well until November 22nd that is.

This was a cold day on Tristan's second month of his sophomore year, a boy about 2 years older than Tristan had been taunting his friend and Tristan had made him look kind of like a dick for messing with his freshman friend. So the Senior asked Tristan to fight him and Tristan in the moment accepted. Tristan had never gotten into a fight before but before long today was going to be his first, and to him most likely his last. He looked at the Senior, he was a few inches taller than Tristan and a bigger build. He seemed pretty prepared for the fight, taunting before they had even started. Tristan simply mimicked the position the boy was in and prepared himself. The larger guy swung first, landing straight on Tristan's cheek but he managed to block it. He followed it up with a kick to the chest that left Tristan a bit winded and lose his guard. Which led up to a fast jab to the side and shove which made Tristan land on his butt. People at first recorded the match, knowing it would be a massacre from Thomas (Senior) but Tristan stood. He prepared for his jab and locked Thomas's hand with his forearm. Involuntarily, he felt a surge of energy in his left punch as it hit Thomas's Face. Thomas landed on the floor, knocked out as everyone echoed "Oooh!" and stared at Tristan.

At first Tristan felt Victory but quickly followed up by a slight sense of fear. What did he do? How did he knock him out in one punch? Tristan picked the Senior up and struggled but dragged him to the nurse. He had never knocked anyone out before and didn't know if it would be serious or not. But the boy woke up as they entered the Nurse's office and scowled but showed respect towards Tristan. As well as gratitude towards him, they were both reported to the principle's office together and luckily did not get expelled. Even though the boy had gotten into fights before it was the first time he confessed and he only got a temporary suspension. While Tristan was let off the hook with a warning due to Thomas leading the fight and throwing the first punch.

As he walked home Tristan called his mother and talked to his father about what happened. He told them he felt a "surge of energy" as he punched the boy and they both sighed. They explained that he was a "Filian" at first he was a bit skeptical but coming from his dad who wasn't a very imaginative person. He seemed to believe it. Only a month later he was sent to a "special" school for those of Vyrilian blood. As he reached the tall Hogwarts style building he sighed. He wasn't going to miss much of his old life really, he was just mad he was the new kid again.

Dorm Room: B Dorm 4


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(Sorry it took so long)

Name: Aurora Selstion

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Ability: Water Control (Since the person who had it is considered 'retired')

Personality: Aurora is most always calm and collected, or at least on the outside. She is pretty good at hiding her emotions behind a mask if they ever get out of control, which can happen at any time of day just like anyone else. She can be feisty and cruel if she ever becomes angry and when that happens her power can get out of control, tending to cause someone to get an injury. She loves to help others out when she can but isn't much of a social butterfly so she will tend to stay in the background or shadows unless it's deemed necessary to do otherwise. She is blunt and to the point, hating to sugarcoat things, but always, well mostly, has a calm and soothing tone to her voice. In addition to all of this, she is fiercely protective and loyal over those she befriends and always puts other before her self.

History: Aurora was always by herself wherever she went, shying away from anyone within touching distance. She was always the person to blend into the shadows and be ignored, like she was never there. She made a few friends throughout some years but when she turned 14 she got into a fight with the school bully who was picking on one of her friends and a few newer students. They exchanged some not so nice words and it quickly turned to a physical fight with fists and all. By now it was only Aurora and the other girl and since Aurora didn't know how to fight back very well she took it all with her eyes close. What she didn't see was the other girl struggling to breathe and she found out why later by her parents, her mother being Vyrilian and her father a regual human being. Apparently she had the ability to control water and during her little encounter at school she unconsciously took the water out of the air and made it sort of bubble around her in a way, making the air so dry that you couldn't even breath it in which is what happened to the person she was 'fighting'. Aurora struggled to go through school knowing how much power she had and not how to control it, pushing everyone away even more for that reason, and once she turned 16 her parents suggested that she goes to a special school that was taking in half Vyrilians for something she didn't know about. She accepted their offer and left the house soon after that.

Dorm Room: G Dorm Room 3

Appearance: (Her eyes are completely the blue color of the top of them, the green/yellow isn't there.)

Name: Zendari Debbenath

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Ability: Traech Shifter.

Personality: Zendari can be very shy when it comes to showing her ability to a trainer, other classmates or the staff when they need to see the action of her ability. Other than being a cry baby about it, she really opens up if you get to know this sweet little flower! Well, Zendari is not very girly due to her ability. Plus, it's just how she is. Being an artificial make-up mess isn't who she is, and she thinks wearing make-up is very stupid and it just hides the real you... Don't you? Zendari is also sort of a clown if you can make her laugh. She becomes a comedian, and gets really witty when she wants to.

History: Born on November 22, 1986, Zendari was a very playful girl in the ages of 3-10. At the age of four, her mother had found about her odd ability before Zendari herself knew about it. Her father left her at the age of 5 leaving only her mother to care for her. But during that month when her father left, it was very troubling. Zendari's mother couldn't take care of her and try to work at the same time because it was very busy. School wasn't option, and Zendari was finally sent into foster care. 6 months later, Zendari's mother commit suicide due to the fact that she had lost her job from being late and a bad attitude. For years, Zendari was heart-broken and couldn't live with herself.

Years later after her mother's death, she discovered her ability when she was in a school fight. (Finally her foster parents sent her into the 5th grade) Zendari was walking down the hall alone until a group of boys had stopped her in her tracks and began to pick on her. She had gotten angry, and started to swing her fists at the walls of the hallway, until she had found a large hole in the wall and kids screaming their heads off. While Zendari was confused and shocked at her 8ft. tall appearance. Ever since, she's been popular, and non-popular in a way...



(Except, she doesn't hold blades or gadgets...)
Question, when you say Dark Magic is forbidden, does that also include

manipulating Darkness itself? Like Dark Energy too?

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