Gathering The Enchanted

I'm sorry :c

Annnd all the abilities that are crossed off on the first page of this are all the abilities that are currently taken by a character :o

So that would include: Ice Manipulation, Teleportation, Weather Manipulation, Poison Generation, Fire & Heat Manipulation, Conjuration, Acid Generation, Kinetic Absorption, Water Control, and Telepathic Armor. (Those are all the ones taken)
It's ok.

Huh..some of those powers look pretty good..and I don't want to take

a power someone already has...what to do..
(Hmm..that's not bad. I'll give the idea of creating my own power some thought, thanks) 
( does a sentient piece of battle gear with a symbiotic relation to the

host sound to you?)
(Like, it's a piece of battle gear that bonds to the user. Inside it is like the spirit of

a powerful mythical beast and although this gear can bestow great power on the

owner..the lives of both the user and the beast are linked)
(( Alright, that sounds fine. Just remember that early on in the RP your character can't be quite skilled with the ability yet. That's the purpose of training. ^^ ))

Name: Daniel Evans

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Ability: Duplication

Personality: Daniel is a very energetic person and can never stay still for too long, he likes to always be doing something even if he's having a casual conversation he will end up tapping his foot or hand, the only time he isn't like this is when he is listening to music which seems to calm him. Daniel is also a very talkative, friendly person (although he prefers to talk more than listen) and tries to strike up conversations with complete strangers, he sometimes talks to the clones he makes (which dissapear in a few minutes) which may sound weird but he finds it amusing by talking to his clones. Daniel is also quite naive as well as very impatient.

History: Daniel had a normal life as an only child, his mum was human while his dad was vyrilian. As a child and young teenager Daniel done everyday things like going to school, hanging out with his friends and playing sports, however his life changed when he was 12. Daniel was on his way home from school when he decided to take a shortcut down an alleyway, his mum told him to never take shortcuts down them just incase but Daniel was impatient and wanted to get home, he didn't think anything too bad could happen. On his way through a young man about 15 stood in Daniels way and pulled out knife and demanded his belongings, Daniel did as he asked although he was very reluctant about it and handed everything slowly. This caused the mugger to get angry and slash at Daniel, Daniel put out his right arm to block it causing a gash to run up his right arm, he fell down crying and just as the mugger attempted to strike again a fist whacked the mugger in the face. Daniel followed the arm to realise his saviour was himself. After explaining what happened to his parents his dad explained about vyrilians and how Daniel was a Fylian and he promised to help control his power.

Dorm Room: 3

Appearance: Daniel stands quite tall at 5'9" and weighs around 150 lbs, he has medium length dirty blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Daniel normally wears a orange jacket with a black t-shirt with dark blue jeans and black sneakers. Daniel doesn't have any piercings or have any birth marks or other strange markings however he has a long scar across his right arm from when he was mugged.
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(( :o I like that! I was waiting for someone to use Duplication! I think that's such a cool ability xD Accepted :3 ))
(I'm thinking the spirit inside the gear should be like an elemental dragon, like a Lightning Dragon? So

it would fall under Electric Manipulation)
(I went with something a tad different, hope ya don't mind too much)

Name: Jaden Maxwell

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Ability: Electric Manipulation- Allows him to manipulate any

form of electricity such as lightning or the electrical current

that runs through him and his device. This allows him to charge

physical attacks with a lightning attribute, shoot bolts of electricity,

condense electrical power to form explosives and makeshift weapons,

and so on.


A genuinely friendly, well-mannered individual. He is also

honest but refrains from saying things that would intentionally

hurt someone, unless he's pushed too far. Jaden tries his best

to help others when they need it, even if they don't admit it.

A trait of his that's both good and bad. He hates seeing needless

suffering and will stand up for his beliefs and in people's ability

to choose their own future.

History: Jaden did not grow up a very priveliged child. If anything,

he typically got the short end of the stick at many points in his

life. He grew up in a family that paid more attention to their work

than to him, so he focused much of his attention on helping the

younger kids In his neighbourhood.

Helping them with bits of homework, driving away bullies or folks

who teased them, and just helping them sort through any problems

they had. He wasn't perfect, but he wasn't a bad kid by any means.

If anything, some folks said he was "wise beyond his years", and had

much maturity. Of course, when you finally did manage to light his had better run..

But his life was suddenly changed one day while in his last years

of high school. For you see, while Jaden did not have a magical

heritage, or so he thought, he was still a strong believer in the idea that there were

mysterious forces at work in the world. Sure enough, he was proven

right one day while on a field trip with his class to a popular lush forest.

During it, a mysterious meteor fell out of the sky one night, and,

startled from his sleep, the boy went and came upon a strange piece

of gear: A gauntlet-like device covered in scaly armor. A unknown voice

asked him what he desired and it realized he wanted the strength to protect

the weak and feel like he mattered.

Encouraged, he took the device and put it on. With the sentient device

now a part of him, he awoke the power to command electricity and

lightning, courtesy of Raiden, Dragon Lord Of Storms. It turns out

he had a Virillian ancestor who came to Earth long ago, married, and

settled down, but the magic went dormant over time due to going unused.

The kicker? That Virillian..was also Raiden's original partner.

Although the boy's control of the power was good, and he showed

potential, they both acknowledged there was much work to be done.

He was soon found by folks from the academy and told of his situation.

On one hand, the boy hated the thought of being Forced into a war, and

having no say in the matter (Although he could always fry the folks with

lightning bolts) , on the other hand it, it would allow him to get away from

his neglectful family and he would help to protect the world he called home.

What awaits them from here? And why was Raiden trapped in the gauntlet

in the first place?

Dorm Room: 5


Stands about 5 foot, 10 inches in height with short scruffy black hair and an about-average

physique. He has fair skin and brown eyes. The lad also typically wears black sweatpants with

brown shoes, a white top and a black jacket.
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sorry for the late response! I was shooting my bow. I came back up to respond to this though before I go back out 'cause I don't wanna keep you waiting xD

and my first reaction to your character sheet was: "Oh lawdy, excellent writing skills and wonderful grammar c': One of the most valuable gifts a human being can possess. //tears of joy//" xD No but seriously, it makes my life when people can write really well.

However, (I know, you're probably like, NO NOT THE HOWEVER WHAT DID I DO WRONG?!? xD ) there's just a few things you gotta fix for me. Don't get me wrong, the whole thing about Jaden being given his power from the meteor and all that was really cool and creative. It's just that pretty much defeats the whole purpose of the roleplay.

The students at this academy all have a parent who has Vyrilian blood and a parent with Human blood. One having escaped Vyril and the other having been a Human on Earth all these years. So, when they had a child the kid has both human and Vyrilian blood, making them a Filian. (One with both human and Vyrilian blood). The only students allowed at the academy are Filians. After all, they're preparing for battle against Xyran & his brainwashed Vyrilians before they take over Earth & Vyril with eternal darkness.

As far as I can tell, your character has no connection with Vyril at all xD Which is a very, very, very big problem indeed. So, I love the idea about the meteor, but unfortunately he has to have gained the ability through bloodline. :x

Also, the power's real cool, I just need you to tell me a bit about it in the description since it's not on the list on page 1, I don't think.

Lastly, I need you to choose an actual dorm room number xD You can have a roommate by choosing a dorm with someone in it currently or one without. ^^

Sorry! :u Other than that it was a wonderful character sheet though! :3 So if you can just fix up those few things it'll be alright c:

Oh! One more little detail. The students don't sign up for the academy, that's pretty much impossible considering it's top secret xD They're taken away from their families and brought to the school since all Filians on Earth are being tracked down to help prepare for war. They have no choice, plus it's also to help enhance their ability/skills. It's kind of like a draft in a way. 
Oh! I lied, one more thing x'D

Hahaha, I'm sorry I'm such a dork.

Would you mind adding a few details about your character's appearance? The photo is in like a Sepia tone so it makes it a bit harder if other roleplayers want to describe what your character looks like from their point of view. Like 'A boy with black hair and blue eyes walked into the room blablabla' xD

Sorry, I probably seem like a total pain right now x'D I feel bad, but it's just a few things that can easily be tweaked xD
Name: Scarlette "Scar" Kleinston

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Ability: Animation

Personality: Scarlette likes to keep to herself. She is extremely shy, and always has been. Even though she likes to separate herself from the crowd, she has sympathy for everyone, and will do whatever she can to help someone out. Behind her eyes lies a pain, a want to be normal. But then again, that could never happen. Scarlette is always disappointed in herself, and never believes she fully completed her task. She pushes herself, but some say she might push a bit too far. Scarlette is not a happy person, not at all.

History: Scarlette was once the oldest child in a set of 3 children. All 3 were raised by her mother with no male figure present. What happened to her father is a mystery, one she doesn't want to solve.

She discovered her abilities at the tender age of 7 while playing with some of her wooden toys. She doesn't recall exactly how this discovery went, but from then on she was treated... differently. At school she was bullied for "Making up stories" and even the teachers called her crazy. One day at school, when she was 11, Scarlette decided to show them what she could really do. Grabbing a toy off the shelf she worked her magic, and Bam. It happened. She had brought the toy to life! The toy soldier marched across the desk in a neat, clean line. Back and forth, back and forth it went until one child smacked it off the desk. "WITCH" All the children cried, some laughing, some screaming. The teacher gathered the kids and told them to get in the corner of the room. "You, Mrs. Scarlette, GET OUT OF HERE!" The teacher screamed, pushing her out of the classroom. Scarlettewas scared for life, and never felt happy again.

Dorm Room: Girls dorm #3 (If possible)

Scarlette stands 5'5. She is a very thin girl, with a few gentle curves. Her daily outfit usually consists of skinny jeans and some sort of T-Shirt and Converse.
Oh...well, thanks for your honesty. How about this? A Virillian came to Earth a long, Long time

ago, married, and became Jaden's forgotten ancestor..but over a long period, maybe decades

or centuries, the magic was used less and less until it went dormant and all but vanished.

But the gauntlet responds to those faint traces and awakens his dormant magic, how

about that?

I'll change what I can but if that's asking too much, that's ok.
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@CloudyDay wonderful! :D Accepted! :3

@GamerXZ hm.....I guess that's fine....^^" Just don't forget to edit the other things I asked please :3 Once you do lemme know and I'll accept when I'm okay with it xD

Sorry for the hassle! :x

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