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Fantasy Gates of Tirath - Sword & Planet Adventure [OOC]

Gates of Tirath Rules New
I have written up rules in ages! Is it still apropos to have No Godmod as rule 1? :P
Anyhoo, let's give this a go - a nice common sense set to start! Subject to change if situations require it.

1. Treat others with respect
This should go without saying, but please remember to respect each other throughout the roleplay and on the server, and remember that there is another human being on the other side of your screen. Hate speech and harassment of other members will not be tolerated.

2. Communicate with others
This roleplay recognizes that people can get busy and that real life takes priority over the story. It's fine if you need some extra time to come up with a reply, need to take a break from things, or even quit the roleplay all together. All that we ask is that, if possible, to please communicate this clearly with other members.

3. Be mindful of the posting schedule
I think a generous aim is one post a fortnight. I’ll not kick anyone out for going inactive, however a period of two weeks without a post or any communication about it will have us continue on the RP and presume that player is on hiatus for the time being.

This means that anyone involved in interactions with them is free to skip the reply and continue onwards with the roleplay. Their characters may also be shuffled to the background as off-screen NPCs, though they are able to rejoin the roleplay at any time should the player return. Everyone shall respect the characters of others when this happens and minimize any further interactions or consequences for them. If you’d like your character to be kept up with the story due to any absence – let me know, and I can coordinate a way relevant to the current story and fitting characters’ goals to have some in-story catch-up happen if someone is away with plans to return.

4. Engagement is key
I feel that length of the roleplay post is less important than the ability to interact with it and reply in an easy manner. I'm not a huge stickler for paragraph or word length but I am a firm believer in ensuring that every post provides other roleplayers some dialogue, action, etc for them to bounce off of in their response. Quality over quantity is the general rule of thumb. Leaving a post with no options for anyone to engage is how RPs die sad lonely deaths :C.

While I have set up this scenario with some inspired source materials and events, I've created a Lot more to it to provide a full and diverse environment and I'm happy to help develop it together as we play and write together. This is a Sci-Fi setting and to characters that aren't advanced enough, that technology is seen as magic, there are remnants of a technological space-faring society that are left behind from centuries ago, as well as some other technologically advanced cultures and civilizations that have been temporally displaced here. Use your imagination, in respect to all players keep everything within reason and not overpowered, while having fun in our sandbox.
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Hey, I know you're new to the site, but just thought I'd mention that on here OOC, Character Sheets, and Lore are typically done as separate threads to help keep things organized and make navigation easier~
Hey, I know you're new to the site, but just thought I'd mention that on here OOC, Character Sheets, and Lore are typically done as separate threads to help keep things organized and make navigation easier~
Oooh good to know! I wasn't sure if that would come off as a bit much or not. That's useful - I'll split all this up then :).

Thank you!
question, what species are there in this world? i dont want to accidentally make a character that wouldn't make sense for this world
Can my wanderer character be a lycanthrope of the werewolf variety? Would that fit under Anu-Khai?

So, about the technological items...could my character have a 6 ft long staff that can shorten down to 1 foot? I was going call it a force staff, because when he strikes with it, it unleashes a gravitational force that can knock-back or knock down enemies. It would be paired with a bracer that call the staff back to his hand in case he dropped it or used it as a ranged weapon.
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Can my wanderer character be a lycanthrope of the werewolf variety? Would that fit under Anu-Khai?

So, about the technological items...could my character have a 6 ft long staff that can shorten down to 1 foot? I was going call it a force staff, because when he strikes with it, it unleashes a gravitational force that can knock-back or knock down enemies. It would be paired with a bracer that call the staff back to his hand in case he dropped it or used it as a ranged weapon.

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