Gangland 2025

Name: Chezzari Riczezio

Affiliation: Dicciano Family

Reason of Joining: His Family was murdered by men. Men with badges, glocks, and bats. Think you call 'em cops? He killed the cops. He became a cop killer and one of the most wanted men in the city of New York. He went to a life of crime, and for five years he lived on the streets, evading the law and making money off of robberies, muggings, pickpocketing, and he begged for food. He was living pretty good, until one day, he got tired of wearing shitty ripped clothes, tired of eating stale bread, tired of doing small jobs and having to run away like a rat after. So he went to the Dicciano Family and joined as a enforcer.

Gender: Male

Other: He owns a Mac-10, M9, AK47U, and a AP Pistol, all of them in his suit jacket.

In the RP, I want you to tone down on the badassery image. Also - I'm not going to let you carry all of those weapons in a suit jacket. The Mac 10 and the pistols are fine, but the AK is going to have to be left out.
Yep, agreed. You can be awsome, but not that awsome. And how big is an AK74U? It could fit in a jacket, if you're smart on where you put it. Maybe, I need to look at it.
AK47U is like the size of a SMG. what I would do is left side have the AK going completely down the right side of the jacket, with the MAC-10 and pistols on the left. If you really want me to kick less ass, I will leave the AK at my house with my Thompson.

Also, the gun would have a sawn off triangle stock that AK47Us usually come with, making it considerably smaller then aswell.


Like that, without the flashlight attatchment underslung the barrel.
That would certainly fit in a coat if you did it right. So I personally say it's fine. Just remember, SMG's aren't the most accurate thing in the world, or guns with a small barrel an no stock.
Exactly. Trust me, unrealism in roleplay is one thing that pisses me the fuck off, so I'll keep it realistic.

So how should I join the RP, what is happening right now?
(@Beowulf) The leader's in captivity if the Venetian side of things, but @KurtH6355 - You could start off by trying to contact one of the right-hand men of Amari - By the way, there's no ranking system. Some members just get to more honorable positions than others :)
Oh, and by the way, I did reply. Going to really try and be more active in this then I currently am.
Amari is a Family? And why am I trying to contact the right hand man? Will my questions be answered if I read the overview/intro?
@Beowulf - I've replied, too. It just took a while :)

@KurtH6355 - No, no. Vincent Amari is the leader of The Dicciano Family. Well, the New York family, at least. Most of the actual Dicciano's are dead xD

Contacting Amari's right hand man will help you into the family itself, if you get what I mean. I prefer to start on initiation :P
I NPC him. You'll have to hang on for a while. I have other things to do and replies can take a little while for me - I need you to edit some things, if you don't mind:

1. I only really like RP's in third person. First person bugs me, for some reason.

2. We don't really have a hideout for The Dicciano Family - If you could edit it, you can make it so that you've gone to the right-hand man's own home instead. (@KurtH6355)
The good doctor is every NPC you will ever meet. And reading the overview may help you get a feel for what is going on. The East side of the US is pretty much owned by criminal syndicates, families, and gangs.
Well, had a year long sleep. Might as well go somewhere. Actually I just start right now.

Name: Tengo Rindge.

Gender: Male.

Age: 28.


Has a quickly recognized spiky, yellow hair that stands up.

Wears a blindingly red suit with a white tie and white shoes.

Affiliation: The Corporation

Reason for joining: Dreams about removing the police from the world.

Personality: Tengo exhibits a cool-headed, easy-going personality. His smooth-talking demeanor belies a snarky sense of humor, often teasing people about their own problems.

Bio: Ten years before the events of this play, Tengo was a top systems engineer and one of the best in the industry. He was selected to work on a secret national project. Due to the value of this project, many spies tried to inflitrate it, Tengo was suspected as one of such spies, and was arrested. He was then interrogated, and was pushed into fear and hopelessness. One of the detectives left the room, forgetting his gun.

Tengo desperately attempted to escape, succeeding somehow while holding a guard at gunpoint. He ran off to a park, with the police on hot pursuit. Tengo proceeded to take a little girl hostage. In the end, he escaped with a kill count of four officers and his hostage. He went underground, and was considered missing until the next year, when he started his first crime spree and continued it, but he eventually was caught. After eight long years of imprisoment, he was finally out. He went to his Fiancee, hoping she would accept him back into the normal life, but sadly, she commited suicide back in his first crimes. The last straw was that he found out he was proven innocent of his initial crime, (spying) which was the cause of all this.

He decided to take revenge on everyone who killed him, the moment he escaped, he was dead.

But he needs someone powerful to assist him in his dream...


Despises police as corrupted killers with a self-driven sense of justice.

Has experience with small arms of all kinds (Pistols, SMG's, shotguns.)

Fresh out of prison, doesn't really know much about the evolved world.

May act as a hitman, but no, no sniper rifles.

Probably has the knowlege to handle the outdated computers. (AKA the PC's you stare into himself right now, not the laser super-jet tablets with 200gb VRAM.)
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Sorry for not getting back sooner. He seems like a rather flamboyant character, not sure if he would fit in with the Devil's Arm. But, the kind @DrTrollinski is the man that made all of the syndicates and other assorted crime organizations, so he'll know a lot more about them the I will. Oh, and while I'm here. Could you NPC the Redneck for me, Dr.?
It's too extreme. The Black Sun is part of the government, and if anyone even tries to sabotage them, they'd get wiped off the face of the earth with every bit of US Firepower that hasn't even been publicly released yet. The Dicciano Family won't actually be a priority, because they're currently quite famous for clearing up a lot of the crime in certain areas rather than causing it.

The only thing I can't agree with is him being hired as a government agent/operative, only because The Black Sun are there, and they're the only government force on the East side (aside from the lower levels such as the police department) - There's also the CIA, but they consist of only two members and live in secrecy, and investigate one or two people at a time. Other than that, though, government is sort of a no-no - We haven't allowed people to RP as that thus far, so I'm afraid I can't bend the rules (even though I really do like your character).

Devil's Arms are a really 'out there' sort of faction. They're dangerous, they're a nuisance, and they control one of the biggest drug rings out of all the gangs - They're easily one of the most threatening, and The Syndicate are pretty much the same as them, same sort of scale, but they don't cause quite as much trouble. They're more internal operations or behind the scenes.

The Dicciano Family... The only really bad branch of it is in Venice - The one in New York isn't a problem. They don't murder and kill - they own a lot of the businesses across New York, hence why a lot of the higher-up members are so rich (take the leader, for example. One of the richest men in New York) - A lot of people know who they are, what they do, where the originate from - They're all dangerous, but the leader (Vincent Amari) is a complete psycho xD He's in a spot of trouble right now, though, so it's his second-in-command that's doing things for him, for now. @gamevoin

And @Beowulf, yes, yes I can.
A-right, thanks for the info. I really didn't have the faintest idea, so I went with the "Throw in the wrench" part in the overview because why not.

Edit incoming!

Done, he is no longer a super agent and is now a proper criminal.

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