Gangland 2025

Sorry, I'm just being an asshole, also, thanks. I guess I'll wait until you start up the initiation.
Do an intro post. I'm busy - Believe me, right now, I'm the one who's in the real fucking mood to be an asshole, so I'll reply once I'm feeling chilled again. Just get an intro post or whatever up, and I'll get it in a while. @gamevoin
Name: Jenny Rae Kurbin

Gender: Female

Age: 24


Hair: Long and very blond. Kept impeccably combed. Ends begin to curl when uncut for too long.

Eyes: Right eye only. Dark blue with a certain softness.

Complexion: Well tanned white. SS lightning bolts tattooed on left side of neck, swastika on back and left hand as well as USMC crest on right side ending just above waist and broken heart on right hand. Two fighting stags stretch from her shoulders to her breastbone.

Body Type: Wide shouldered for a woman. Long torso with medium sized breasts and thin legs.

Height: 5' 11'

Weight: 155

Clothing: Black eye patch, black leather Pagan club jacket, cut-off Marilyn Manson T-shirt, black leggings with pistol belt and combat boots.

Jenny had the good fortune to be born a beautiful woman. Her long blond hair, nordic features and wide smile made her the most attractive wide receiver on her high school football team. However her born good looks contrast with the rough hands of a farmhand, black tattoos and bruises around her veins due to a Heroin habit. Her sharply sloping forehead ends abruptly at her thick eyebrows, under which a shallow set Cobalt blue eye sits in the right eye socket. The left is covered by a eye patch with the words "Fuck You" embroidered onto the felt. Under this high cheekbones marred by several freckles accentuate an angular jaw leading down to a thin neck.

Jenny's club jacket is a true work of art. The standard issue back (PAGANS on top, the emblem in middle and MISSISSIPPI underneath) is left as is but the left sleeve is covered by ribbons of all sorts, from military decorations to county fair prizes, resulting in a menagerie of color contrasting with an otherwise drab looking outfit. The right sleeve reads RIP on the tricep and contains a list of names stitched in gold thread. (Father, two brothers and several club members) On the shoulders are sewn a pair of epaulets taken from a German general's dress uniform in world war two. Just below these on the front of the jacket the 1%er and Sergeant-At-Arms patches lie on the left and right sides respectively. An Iron Cross is pinned below the 1%er patch. PFFP is stitched directly below the Sergeant-At-Arms patch.

Affiliation: Redneck Mafia

Reason for joining: Protection.

Personality: Jenny is usually focused on her task, indifferent to most other happenings and events. She cares little for idle chatter, though she will participate in it to entertain guests, which she enjoys a great deal. She does her best to cooperate with her coworkers and tries to be personable to strangers, hospitality and niceness being a part of her from youth.

Bio: Jenny grew up poor and white on a small farm in the even poorer, whiter and smaller town of Maternacht, Texas. She worked on his family's farm alongside her four brothers and parents. She barely finished high school and joined the Marines shortly afterward. A quartermaster's assistant, she saw no overseas deployment and little combat training but still carries lessons from OTC. She was medically discharged one year into her tour due to an accident in which she was blinded in her left eye. Jenny was devastated with the loss of the corps (as well as the disfigurement of her eye) and moved back to Maternacht an alcoholic mess.

It was at this point Jenny fell in love with motorcycles and the culture surrounding them. She felt that the only place where nobody was staring at her deformity was when she was going down the wrong side of the road at a hundred and thirty miles an hour. She encountered a chapter president of the Pagans Motorcycle Club in a local motorcycle repair shop. She migrated to Mississippi, the home of the chapter she had encountered, and forced herself through the initiation process. Before long Jenny was gainfully employed selling crystal meth for the Pagans. She eventually became a member and then the first (and only) female Sergeant-At-Arms of her Pagan chapter.

Jenny wore her 1%er patch proudly, until an assassin from a rival dealer massacred the majority of her family back in Texas. Faced with protecting her remaining loved ones, she defected to the Redneck Mafia, trading her prowess as a gunman and a chemist for the safety of her family and a sizable sum of cash.

Other: WIP
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It's good for me. Could use some sprucing up, such as filling out the reason, but otherwise I like it. @DrTrollinski inspect her CS please so she can get started.
Name: Leinani Nohea

Gender: Female

Age: 21



Hair: Short and a medium shaded brown. Usually unstyled.

Eyes: Bright crystal like blue.

Complexion: A nice shade of caucasian skin.

Body Type: Small and Athletic.

Height: 5,8

Weight: 81Kg

Clothing: Tends to wear summer based clothing such as short shorts and shortened tank-tops.

Leinani or more commonly known as just Lei has a very impressive build for her rather young age, sporting a more athletic looking figure, making her every movement very majestic and graceful, even the most casual stance or walk she can pull off with a form of almost unnoticeable beauty. She has short lightish brown hair that has the casual bed hair look to it a lot of the time, no one knows whether this is intentional or not, either way it works. She features many Caucasian-American qualities inherited from her family, but a body build familar to those of her home state Hawaii.

Affiliation: The Devil's Arms (Although she'll carry out informant work for anyone who pays enough.)

Reason for joining: Family in the Syndicate.

Personality: Lei has a very outgoing and fun-loving personality, she loves deviating from the social norm and isn't afraid to be very close and personal with anyone she talks to, she has a very flirty personality, constantly chatting up people of any gender, it doesn't matter to her. She is a social goddess, somehow managing to be friendly and likeable even to those who hate her, she has a very `Sluttish` persona, going out and or making out with anyone who is up for it, most of the time Lei being the one to start it. She enjoys having a good time and is very defiant to authority. Although she can be very aggressive and openly hostile in her own way if anyone pulls `Dick moves` on her, IE lying to her, talking behind her back or insulting her with a low insult.

Bio: Born in Honolulu, Hawaii to a family of an American sailor stationed in Hawaii, she lived there for most of her life, gaining quite the reputation among her peers all throughout her school life, and an even greater one with her teachers, not a positive one however. She has a long list of felonies under her name, most being disorderly conduct, drink-driving or property damage. She spent most of her spare time partying, with anyone, anywhere, she was sent to prison for 6 months on one occasion after a college party got out of hand and she set fire to a police car, injured 3 officers with bricks, had a joyride in a stolen SWAT van with 2 of her peers, whilst drunk and looted an electronics store. Her parents sent her to live with her uncle in New York, where he was a rather high up crime-lord in the criminal syndicate known as The Devil's Arms. She now works as the public face 6 of the most famous nightclubs and bars in all of New York, the real owners being The Devil's Arm. She has become the poster girl for New York's reputation of vice and crime.

Her first actual involvement in crime came when she was 19, and she became "Owner" of the clubs. Where the nightclubs she "owned" known as the Akoni Club's, were being used to launder blood-money harvested in by The Devil's Arms, she held no objection to this, having no logical fear of the cops what-so-ever. The second was where her clubs were being used to conduct drug trades between the syndicate and their associates, she once again had no problem, in-fact asking and recieving 5% of the profit from the trades due to land ownership fees.

Being the "owner" of some of the most prestigous clubs in New York and probably the Eastern Seaboard, she has info on almost everyone who is anyone in the city, all of the cities rich, and being rich meant you were a criminal, came to her clubs to blow off some steam or chat business with their partners. She overheard many conversations and was even invited into a few as well, she earned herself the infamous title of "The Informant" She could get information from anyone or anything. Now-a-days at the age of 21, only a few short years later. She is contracted by various gangs to gather info on rivals.

Other: Has 2 highly successful brother's who live in Washington state. Hired a small but well equipped PMC to guard her establishments earlier in the year.



"I swear man if you're a cop....diiiiccckkk moooovvveeee"

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I like it, but it's all very extreme. I recommend you tone it down a little bit - the whole idea of her owning all these nightclubs and such at such a young age (The Devil's Arms is a Russian mob as well) isn't a realistic feature, even with the situation that the country's in. It's fair enough to say she's a criminal and that she has access to a fair amount of money, but the idea of her having all of this sort of involvement in all these drug trades and owning all of the best nightclubs is just beyond the level of consideration I can put into it - I create RP for people who join, and at the minute, it's going to be somewhat hard to do, given the grounds you've offered.

This isn't a method of criticism, but it's merely something that needs to be reconstructed, seeing as, at her age, it's impossible for her to reach a high rank in any given mob (in most mobs, you'd be lucky to even have many connections if you're working with them for that amount of time) at the current time, meaning that all of the idea of having these drug trades and so on is a tad bit unrealistic.

Take this into consideration for me, make any necessary changes, and I'll get back to you once you're done :)
DrTrollinski said:
I like it, but it's all very extreme. I recommend you tone it down a little bit - the whole idea of her owning all these nightclubs and such at such a young age (The Devil's Arms is a Russian mob as well) isn't a realistic feature, even with the situation that the country's in. It's fair enough to say she's a criminal and that she has access to a fair amount of money, but the idea of her having all of this sort of involvement in all these drug trades and owning all of the best nightclubs is just beyond the level of consideration I can put into it - I create RP for people who join, and at the minute, it's going to be somewhat hard to do, given the grounds you've offered.

This isn't a method of criticism, but it's merely something that needs to be reconstructed, seeing as, at her age, it's impossible for her to reach a high rank in any given mob (in most mobs, you'd be lucky to even have many connections if you're working with them for that amount of time) at the current time, meaning that all of the idea of having these drug trades and so on is a tad bit unrealistic.

Take this into consideration for me, make any necessary changes, and I'll get back to you once you're done :)
Not really a high rank, she isn't actually IN the gang, an associate, the trades only take place IN the clubs, she has NOTHING to do with them, it's merely just "Hey can we borrow this place for a drug trade?" "Sure" kinda deal. Also, geninue question here. How do I make RP hard for other people? That made no sense to me, if anything it adds to the RP, like having an informant is very useful to most people. So I'm actually if anything making it easier for people.

But I guess if it bothers you THAT much I'll change it.


DrTrollinski said:
I like it, but it's all very extreme. I recommend you tone it down a little bit - the whole idea of her owning all these nightclubs and such at such a young age (The Devil's Arms is a Russian mob as well) isn't a realistic feature, even with the situation that the country's in. It's fair enough to say she's a criminal and that she has access to a fair amount of money, but the idea of her having all of this sort of involvement in all these drug trades and owning all of the best nightclubs is just beyond the level of consideration I can put into it - I create RP for people who join, and at the minute, it's going to be somewhat hard to do, given the grounds you've offered.

This isn't a method of criticism, but it's merely something that needs to be reconstructed, seeing as, at her age, it's impossible for her to reach a high rank in any given mob (in most mobs, you'd be lucky to even have many connections if you're working with them for that amount of time) at the current time, meaning that all of the idea of having these drug trades and so on is a tad bit unrealistic.

Take this into consideration for me, make any necessary changes, and I'll get back to you once you're done :)
Changed it, now she's the public face for the clubs, IE the public THINK she owns the clubs, yet it's actually The Devil's Arms that own the clubs, she's just there as a front, although she still hangs around them and acts as the owner infront of the patrons. Also the trades were scaled down.
There's no need to start an argument here, I was just saying - Yes, the informant idea is indeed fine, that does create RP, but the idea of 'owning six of the most reputable nightclubs in New York' is the only thing I have an issue with - that's the only part where complications arise. A couple of nightclubs is fine, but pushing it to six of the most popular is a little bit too far, especially with the presence of The Dicciano Family in New York, aka the biggest organized crime family that there is in New York right now - that's the only thing I'm asking you to change, to be fair.

Also, I don't know if it's what you intended, but your previous response came across to me as rather hostile.


Thank you for making the changes. You're free to write up an introduction post, if you wish.
Name: Ryan Brookes

Gender: Male

Age: 23


Affiliation: The Corporation

Reason for joining:Forces (see bio)

Personality: During his time in the rich half he was very ambitious which got him to a high ranking post in a runes/rituals company. This was achieved through lies, cheats, and the occasional murder. After reaching his post he was bored and needed a new goal. That goal was to explore the gangland. He's also arrogant/self centered and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty. He's also very hardworking and is nice once a person gets to know him. Last he's also quite and is always formulating a new idea or plan.

Bio: Rasied on the rich half of the U.S. He always had an interest in the Gangland. Living with many advantages led to a weak understanding of danger. His curiosity got the better of him and he left his home to explore the gangland. Big mistake he had no idea what he got himself into. Most of his supplies were stolen in the first week. He was captured by the The Corporation and forced to be a laborer. Because of the things listed in the other section he is being given the opportunity to be upped to member instead.

Other: Gun training due to runes and little bit of knife/hand to hand training.
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(La Desierta was wiped out by the Dicciano Family, but if you DO make a LD character and the GMs allow it, which I'm sure they will, there could be confrontation between my character Chezzari and Ryan due to them being in rival groups. It would be interesting.)

(At least, they were wiped out in NY, dunno about other places. Right now, the RP is taking place in NY and Venice, and I think another location. My character is in NY)
My mistake. I should have asked for the status of the criminal organizations. My story could take place in a earlier time or be different versions of the LD like a southeast version or something.
(Taking place in a earlier time would free with already going RP storylines, but I have no place to speak. The GM and Co-GM @DrTrollinski & @Beowulf are fairly active, so I'm sure they'll get back to you quickly. If you're gonna be a LD, I suggest being a survivor that tries to revive LD and then the Dicciano gets all rowdy? The Dicciano and The Devil's Arms are currently kinda hostile and if the Revived LD were to attack Dicciano with TDA on their side, it could lead to an interesting war that could be the end of a powerful mafia. It'd definitely be a crazy event)
I'll role with a rebuilt LD where the founders conscript people into rebuilding the cartel. This could be where my character comes in instead. I like the idea of a war. I'll let the GMs pick.
They aren't completely gone, just mostly gone. I say flesh it out a bit more, then we'll see. And the Dr will have to look at it.
ryanpk200 said:
I'll role with a rebuilt LD where the founders conscript people into rebuilding the cartel. This could be where my character comes in instead. I like the idea of a war. I'll let the GMs pick.
We don't have people who join the RP as high-ranking members off the bat in cartels and such due to the lack of RP opportunities for myself - I NPC characters for people that join so they can RP - As for LD, there wouldn't be much of a war. If you lose a war to the Italian Mafia, you don't commonly go back to fight them again, especially after all the stuff that Dicciano did to LD xP
You could try and help get them back on their feet by being a low rank. And after a while they might decide .to fight back on.
DrTrollinski said:
We don't have people who join the RP as high-ranking members off the bat in cartels and such due to the lack of RP opportunities for myself - I NPC characters for people that join so they can RP - As for LD, there wouldn't be much of a war. If you lose a war to the Italian Mafia, you don't commonly go back to fight them again, especially after all the stuff that Dicciano did to LD xP
I wouldn't join as a high ranking member. I was thinking the LD could take people off the street and force them to join.
Gender: F

Name: Eleanor Maria Remirez-Blas

Age: 23

Appearance: (She fit it best, okay?!)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c24e7cc0f_BlackHairedGreenEyedBeauty.jpg.db3d21ff40a547d6e7fd0f1e18225518.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50894" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c24e7cc0f_BlackHairedGreenEyedBeauty.jpg.db3d21ff40a547d6e7fd0f1e18225518.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Affiliation: The Six

Reasons For Joining: Safety

Personality: Eleanor is quiet, loyal, and hoards a Mexican Temper fit for a hurricane.

Bio: El was born in the slums of Florida with her four brothers and mom. She always had their protection, an often times caught their physical and emotional abuse. It was a love-hate relationship at best. Eleanor's pretty face and red temper put her in a bad place more often than not with the men she relied on to keep her safe. Their behavior toward her gave her an almost docile personality, but rebellious when fueled by her anger. She was manipulatively smart despite a lack in education. It was necessary for her survival. She ran into The Six when her brothers decided, as a newly formed punishment, to leave her out alone miles from home and resulted in them getting shot to death for passing out of their territory. She had no knowledge of the world around her except the danger it possessed and the stories told to her by her less than sweet siblings, so her horror was crippling. The Six, though not the most kind, took pity on her obvious innocence a felt genuinely delightful when compared to what she had grown up with. Eleanor found herself sucked into their criminal lifestyle, both willing and eager for knowledge and a life better than what she had known. She didn't know any better.

Gender : Male

Age: 31

Name: Devonte Torres

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Devonte.jpg.daa9c0f15919ccae5bb5516645ca68db.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50896" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Devonte.jpg.daa9c0f15919ccae5bb5516645ca68db.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Affiliation: Dicciano Family

Reasons For Joining: Money and Power With The Ladies

Personality: Devonte is a manipulative sleaze. A regular Sociopath Narcissist .

Bio: Devonte would sell his own mother for the right wad of cash. In fact, that's just what he did. For years he dealt in human trafficking, his sisters and mothers (sometimes even his younger brother) were sold for the pleasure of sicks like him. He enjoyed the power and the cash. When he sold them off permanently, he needed a new job and the mafia gave him the money and the power over innocents he craved. The family took use of his lack of emotion and cruel desires.




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@RiahB Consider yourself accepted. Feel free to introduce your characters - We start things off with you meeting the gang and getting recruited, etc, so you should start off just with them trying to get in contact :)

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