Gangland 2025

Name: Cannon Brothers "Jacky" Cannon (Left). Frank Cannon (Right).


Age: Jacky (27) Frank (38)



Affiliation: Ninth Street (Gang)

Reason for joining: After their father died, and mother struggled to keep food on the table, the two brothers resorted to small time crime as a means to live. As they grew they both spent a fair amount of time in and out of jail until Frank turned 25. After that Frank and his brother started spending time trying to create something better for themselves. They had done well until their mother died. After that the two brothers became very bitter and angry with the world. Not too long later the two brothers joined a gang recruiting men and boys from their neighborhood, they are now part of a group known as the Ninth Street Gang.

Personality: Frank is the eldest brother, with a strong mind and general knowledge to help him do what needs to be done, he has became a higher up in the gang. Jacky, the younger of the two is not as wise, but is both a strong fighter and deadly shot. The two have brotherly love like no other and when they are together they amplify each others feelings and emotions.

Bio: Born and raised on Ninth Street, these two have become local legends in the world of small time crime, though they have recently begun to dream beyond the current streets their business has, up to now, been done held to.

Other: Their gang makes themselves known by wearing nice suits, and sometimes hats, making them resemble the old time gangsters of the 20's and 30's. Having an image in mind they tend to stick to older weapons as well, though that is in part due to the fact that the newer the weapon the harder it is to find, and so, on Franks suggestion, the gang has instead accumulated a good deal of older firearms and ammunition.
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@Chris Wyman - That's really good and all, but commonly, the leaders are NPC'ed by myself to create RP opportunities - If we don't do that, things can't be as dynamic and as easy-flowing as everything else. I have no problem with you being higher-ups in the gang, though.
Okay, no worries, yeah, if the older brother can be a higher up, and his younger brother be under him that will be good enough.
Hi Chris, you are good to go. And I won't be getting on my computer, so I'll be able to respond more often.
Hey, are you guys still accepting? If so, are there any gangs you'd recommend me to make a character for or any specific types of characters you want to be played?
It's still opened to new people. And as for the gangs, we have people in The Six (not really) and the Dicciano family.

Name: Aaliyah "Laila" Lawrence

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Affiliation: The Six

Reason for joining: "Revenge", Espionage

Personality: Driven by her passion, Laila is willing to do anything for the people that she cares about. She's prone to rash thinking and decision-making, as well as being very hotheaded. Having dropped out of high school during the end of her junior year because she knew that she wasn't going to be going to college, Laila is not the most intelligent thinker. If she trusts you, she will pretty much believe anything that comes out of your mouth, unless there is evidence to counter it. Nevertheless, she is compassionate, her actions mostly a result of her emotions. Laila has nearly no boundaries, and is a risk-taker.

Bio: The result of an inter-gang affair between a male member of The Six and a female member of The Gunma Family long ago, Laila has always been a little bit out of place. Her father died in a territory dispute for a coveted part of the city between five different gangs when her mother was in her third trimester of pregnancy. There was no choice but for her mother to raise her on her own, although she did receive help from her fellow gang members. When her mother died of a drug overdose in some estate just outside of New York (the house was courtesy of a rich man she had been sleeping with to receive large amounts of money) when she was a teenager, Laila decided to stick with The Gunma Family. After all, they were all she knew about the world. Because of them, she was able to learn the ins and outs of the drug trade like the back of her hand, and became acquainted with guns, both skills that have helped her survive as an adult in a desolate city overrun by crime. At the age of 22, Laila became pregnant with her son Sanders, whose father is one of the highest-ranking members of the Gunma. He had no problem with Laila and her son staying with the gang until two months ago, when he became engaged to some random whore he picked up off the streets to become his wife because he liked her ass. He's now trying his hardest to get Laila to leave the Gunma gang, and has taken Sanders into hostage, not allowing Laila to see her son unless she is able to infiltrate The Six and find out their secrets. Laila's "reason" for joining The Six is that she wants revenge on the father of her child, and to defeat the gang she was formerly associated with. She is pretty well known in the gang world because of her parents, and was used as an example of the possibility of peace between gangs when the treaty was signed, which means that her switch from The Gunma to The Six will not go unquestioned.

Other: Laila has a total of 6 tattoos; 1 on either wrist (2 total), 1 on her collarbone, and 4 on her back.
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Im really interested in joining the RP, im just wondering if when i create my character, if i could also create my own "Gang"? I wouldnt make them extremely powerful yet, more like an up and coming.
@JacobLoL - I don't really know about that. I mean, it might work, but the opportunity for RP isn't quite as high as opposed to if you joined a gang. Explain to me what you had in mind and I'll think about it :)
DrTrollinski said:
@JacobLoL - I don't really know about that. I mean, it might work, but the opportunity for RP isn't quite as high as opposed to if you joined a gang. Explain to me what you had in mind and I'll think about it :)
Well i was thinking, at the moment they could be an up and coming street gang that is growing quite fast. I think they should sort of own part of the drug trade, maybe for prescription drugs or something, it would be easier to bring the gang and my character into the RP if they own something that the other gang/s arent to happy that they own (guns, drugs ect). Since they are still small but growing rapidly, this could be a threat to the current gangs? idk?
Well, it's not going to be a threat to the current gangs seeing half of them could obliterate you xD

One thing that could be done, they could have got a dodgy deal with a certain gang, and now they'd turning to one of the active gangs for assistance (The Six, The Dicciano Family, etc.)

DrTrollinski said:
Well, it's not going to be a threat to the current gangs seeing half of them could obliterate you xD
One thing that could be done, they could have got a dodgy deal with a certain gang, and now they'd turning to one of the active gangs for assistance (The Six, The Dicciano Family, etc.)

yeah that could work, i was also thinking that atleast one of the gangs may not be to happy with their hold on the gun/drug trade and may want to take that hold away (not every gang ofc).
Maybe one of them, yeah. A small-time gang is hardly going to be able to fight off a larger gang, though, so they'd need some outside intervention. It'd be best to start off on a scene where they've realized that they're at conflict, or something. You can post a character app, if you like :) Create a gang one, but make sure you make a character sheet for the leader, too. (@JacobLoL)
@JacobLoL the gang you ally with will effect relations with other gangs. The Dicciano family and La Desierta don't like each other. It's the same with The Six and Gunma.
Name: Greta Waston

Gender: Female

Age: 28



Affiliation: The White Gloves

Reason for joining: Money


+ Curios

+ Intelligent

+ Reliable

+ Cynical

+ Vengeful

+ Harsh tendencies

+ Lustful

Bio: Growing up with four other siblings had it's own challenges in itself, all having different fathers is another.They were raised in a single parent household, with her mother unable to hold a steady job she often prostituted herself. Being the whore she was nothing was ever very stable in the home. Greta was the eldest and took on all the responsibility of the children. Ages ranging from 9 -26 now, not much has changed.

While still living with her mother all the children were often abused to introduced into drugs. She had a younger sister who was quickly falling in the footsteps of her mother, and two brothers angry and upset with everything in the world. Greta did everything she could to keep all of them safe. In her high school years she found herself a long term boyfriend about as corrupt minded as she was. Both cynical and intelligent though both had some soft spot for the other. After finally convinced to drop out of high school to earn more money with her new lover, she moved in with him. She brought with her the youngest sibling, Jacob. While her boyfriend was already a part of the cartel it didn't take much talking for her to follow with him.

He showed her everything she knows, from guns to how to talk to other gangs. She profited enough money help with the rent with her lover, and kept enough money for Jacob to stay in school and have clothes to wear. Though the youngest she's always treated him like he was her own child and in a sense she raised him, and though she left the other two to fend for themselves no part of her feels guilty.

Other: Still with long term lover, keeping her younger brother with them.


Name: Jacob Kyne

Gender: Male

Age: 16



Affiliation: [[ I was thinking no gang, just around Greta a lot. ]]

Reason for joining: -


+ Laid back

+ Flirtatious

+ Broad-minded

+ Emotional

+ Straight forward

+ Persistent

+ Irresponsible

+ Hot headed

Bio: Blah Blah, Loves Greta, respects her as a mother figure, blah blah, stuff I already said, I'll add later.

Other: Jacob doesn't have very many friends, he tends to stick around Greta and the people she hangs out with.

[[ Please notify me with any changes that need to be made. ]]​
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Name: Danny Teller

Gender: Male

Age: 27


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/132276-004-D454BC44.jpg.235213a950d8987aba41d00cbc8b5ded.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35694" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/132276-004-D454BC44.jpg.235213a950d8987aba41d00cbc8b5ded.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Affiliation: D.O.C (Disciples Of Christ). The D.O.C are an exclusively white "Skinhead" gang that have large numbers on the west coast, specifically California and have just recently branched out to New York City. They are known for the extreme violence gang members commit. The D.O.C are up and comers in the drug and gun trade in New York City.

Reason for joining: Originally safety, now? Power.

Personality: Danny is an extremely violent yet charming individual with extraordinary leadership abilities which made him a perfect candidate to lead the D.O.C in New York. He also is extremely racist.

Bio: Danny was born and raised in San Diego, California. During his high school years, Danny and five of his white school friends grew increasingly alarmed at how black and Latino gangs were terrorizing the white kids at school and thus they formed the D.O.C gang which at first was for protection, getting drunk and bashing "non-whites". Although it quickly grew into a proper street gang, meddling in the drug and gun trade across California.

Other: N/A

((I sort of added the gang bio into my character bio..))



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