Gangland 2025

Name: John Abraus

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Appearance: (a picture or be descriptive.):

Affiliation: (small time, mafia, gang, crime syndicate.) Neutral

Reason for joining: (safety, power, etc.): Profit

Personality: Calm, easy going. Gets frustrated real quick.

Bio: As a boy, he was born into wealth. He had gotten into good schools and was the top engineer. But he wanted to truly "live" so, he ran away and had to survive on almost nothing. He saw that the gangs were just warmongering barbarians, so he decided to make some money...

Other: Sells weapons and combat droids that are just... strong. Very expensive, and if a gang pays the right price, he will join.
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(We're not that far into the future for Combat droids. And we're on the 'poor side' of the USA, so even if they did exist, we wouldn't have them on this side. @John Abraus - Other than that, it's not too bad. A basic bio would be nice though, you don't have to reveal too much.
DrTrollinski said:
(We're not that far into the future for Combat droids. And we're on the 'poor side' of the USA, so even if they did exist, we wouldn't have them on this side. @John Abraus - Other than that, it's not too bad. A basic bio would be nice though, you don't have to reveal too much.
They are not the ones with the energy shields and the fancy weaponry. Just simple sentry guns and stuff like that.
So he's a hit man? Well, it's been done before. But, I woukd like you to be at least loosely tied to an organization. You could be connected to a syndicate, they love making money. And the drones would have to be very simple, RC cars with bombs on them kind of stuff.
My point still stands. We're on the side of the USA that's been deliberately blocked from modern technology.

^ What Beowulf said.
Beowulf said:
So he's a hit man? Well, it's been done before. But, I woukd like you to be at least loosely tied to an organization. You could be connected to a syndicate, they love making money. And the drones would have to be very simple, RC cars with bombs on them kind of stuff.
Not a hit man. Just someone who sells stuff. If you would like to hire me... it would be expensive.


DrTrollinski said:
My point still stands. We're on the side of the USA that's been deliberately blocked from modern technology.
^ What Beowulf said.
That is what I meant...


DrTrollinski said:
My point still stands. We're on the side of the USA that's been deliberately blocked from modern technology.
^ What Beowulf said.
And I am that gate that opens to the technology. This is going to be fun...
I don't think you understand. There isn't an 'opening' to modern technology. Half of the USA is PHYSICALLY blocked off. There's not black market traders that go and climb over the wall or anything like that. All of that fancy technology is kept by the military on the rich side, whom of which have no association with the side we RP on.
Alright, so you are someone for hire and you cost a lot, so mostly syndicates and mafia will have you, for the most part. And as long as you realize that your drones. And, thise parts are both hard to get and very expensive on the black market. Your drones won't be anything compared to the stuff on the rich side, and easily destroyed.
DrTrollinski said:
I don't think you understand. There isn't an 'opening' to modern technology. Half of the USA is PHYSICALLY blocked off. There's not black market traders that go and climb over the wall or anything like that. All of that fancy technology is kept by the military on the rich side, whom of which have no association with the side we RP on.
Okay then... will drones like this still be acceptable?

Well, nothing is impossible to get on the black market, just hard to come by and very expensive because the runners get shot at.
That link didn't work.

Nevermind. And no. That's too extreme.

Like Beowulf said. Stuff like explosive RC Cars and other small devices, not weapons of Mass destruction.
DrTrollinski said:
That link didn't work.
Nevermind. And no. That's too extreme.

Like Beowulf said. Stuff like explosive RC Cars and other small devices, not weapons of Mass destruction.
That is only one foot long...
Why are we still debating this? Beowulf has already said what's allowed.

The point is, we do not have access to military-grade gear, hence why the RC cars are allowable, as they are improvised.
Improvised, yes. Military grade hardware that you slapped together, no.

D you have anymore questions?
Name: Kallius "Kal" Kassidy

Gender: Male

Age: 22


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/618w_glee_grant_gustin.jpg.47d305a316a0fa157e404478d6e96f12.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34148" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/618w_glee_grant_gustin.jpg.47d305a316a0fa157e404478d6e96f12.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Affiliation: Hacker for the Dicciano family

Reason for joining: He needs the money he steals, for personal reasons.

Personality: Aside from being smart and witty, Kal can be a very charming person although at first glance he can appear to be loud mouthed and obnoxious. He can be very serious with his work especially when the situation demands it.

Bio: Kal graduated college of computer sciences when he was 18, and he since then decided to live on his own, locked away in an apartment hacking his life away. He occasionally visits his extremely rich family, but has decided to disconnect himself from them because he wants the world to know who he is in his own way.

Other: He's got brains over brawn.



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@Kiclack - I can accept that, but you need some affiliation with one of the families/gangs, or there's not much any of us can do to RP with you.
DrTrollinski said:
@Kiclack - I can accept that, but you need some affiliation with one of the families/gangs, or there's not much any of us can do to RP with you.
any suggestions which family or gang I should go too? :D
Well, one of the more sophisticated ones is the one myself and Axel1313 are in, which is The Dicciano Family. There's some interesting RP that's been lying within that family at the current time :) @Kiclack
Wonderful. You'll have to find a way to come into contact with the leader, though. He's currently away from home, but more detail can be discovered between us IC'ly @Kiclack
Yay, another one! I wouldhave prefered for you to pick a different organization, diversify and what not, but the others can be NPC'd. You're good in my book.
I figured that The Dicciano Family was the one with the most opportunities for him right now, and we've been RP'ing for a while. I've also had him in with some involvement with The Black Sun in the RP :P (He pissed them off!)

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