Gangland 2025

Soviet Panda

Red Panda Commanda.
Roleplay Type(s)



Appearance: (a picture or be descriptive.)

Affiliation: (small time, mafia, gang, crime syndicate.)

Reason for joining: (safety, power, etc.)





Rules are going here because I don't know where else to put them.

1. At least three lines. It gets annoying to read one liners and respond to them.

2. No over powered actions, in other words don't be super buffed by rituals at any one time and don't have every bullet inscribed with a rune.

3. No bunnying.

4. You will be hit occasionally, and it will do something to you.

5. All RP Nation rules.
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(WAIT WAIT WAIT! I've got names for the gangs! :D
The Six (Gang)

The Gunma Family (Gang)

Ninth Street (Gang)

The Corporation (Syndicate)

The White Gloves (Syndicate)

The Devil’s Arms (Syndicate)

The Dicciano Family (Mafia)

The Deserted - La Desierta (Cartel)

The Redneck Mafia (Mafia)

Death's Disciples - Ucheniki Mertvaya (Mafia) 

(Mine and Beowulf's characters:)


Nick Franco and Rick Franco







He and his twin brother are known to where the exact same clothes. They also wear black leather gloves and sometimes black/charcoal balaclavas that have a faint sun stitched into them.


The Black Sun - Only fact is that they are the ones who control the 'poor side'. A lot like the government, but more gang-familiar.

Reason for joining:

Power. Unknown origin of how they came to these positions.


Murderous, wise, calm, cool-headed, warm and cold when they need to be, influential, powerful, sly, untrustworthy, only trusting of each other.


The two twin brothers are two of, if not the most strange and mysterious people on the poor side of the USA. They are known by all gangs and syndicates to be the ones who 'control the cannons'. No one truly knows what they do aside from them. There's one thing most people do know about them, though, and that is the following: If they're seen, something big is going to happen. Nick is the father of two sons, whom of which are only at the age of four years old. He killed his wife due to her having a disagreement with him about his brother living with them, and therefore, she divorced him and took the children when they were around the age of one. Nick handed one child off to Rick for him to 'father' - they are only seen as two separate fathers by the two children. They were both told that their mothers left them (Nick's son) or died in childbirth (Rick's son) - they do not question this in the slightest. They live a good life as the richest family in the poor side of the country in a manor in an isolated area of Watermill, New York.


None to note right now.

(DrTrollinski = Nick. Beowulf = Rick.)


Name: Johnathan Loire


Gender: Male

Appearance: pic (ignore writing at bottom of image)

Affiliation- The Dicciano Family

Reason for joining?: Owes money. A lot of money.

Personality: Snarky, hard headed, trouble maker.

Bio: He's in deep with the Mafia after a nasty incident left him with a mountain of debt over his head. Most of it wasn't even his fault. Now all he's trying to do is pay them off anyway he can. Before they start to get angry with him.

Other: His father was also in big with the Mafia. As a regular who always got what he wanted from them, but also avoided paying them back. The debt was left on Johnathan's head after he mysteriously dropped off the face of the earth.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/ear-long-hairstyle-for-men-g.jpg.9bd8c0c043e66d7c2c50beef43c431bc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31912" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/ear-long-hairstyle-for-men-g.jpg.9bd8c0c043e66d7c2c50beef43c431bc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((Fixed! And how is it I practically find the twin of the previous image?? Just imagine his hair is a bit longer and in a pony tail in the back and it's all good!))​



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That's good. As a moderator I'll accept that. Swap the appearance up for something that isn't anime though, then you'll be good to go. :)
That's understandable, but for something like this I personally feel that a real image would work better. That's just my two cents. I never said it was denied either :3


Holow Kontra








The Six

Reason for joining:

An old favor her dad promised (more in bio)


Holow is a spunky girl and less than ordinary. She is though and is highly guarded. She does not trust others

outside her gang easily. But once you do gain her trust, she is usually pretty chill, with her own fangirl moments over some things.

But even underneath that, she did have not the best time joining the gang, but she has learned to accept it.


When her father was in collage, he had a run in with The Six, and promised a big sum of money, which he of course never paid.

Years later, they came back. This was around the time she turned 15. After a few months of her father being followed.

She offered to join the gang, to pay off her father's dues.


She owns a gun, and she knows how to use it.​
@Icefox11 - Same for me. A white girl in an African American gang. Now this... could get very interesting. Post it up whenever you want, and we'll start off on the 'joining phase', if you'd like. 
Actually, hold off on that - I'm not sure if Beowulf wants more people before we start, so scratch the last part of my previous response for now.
Name: Galin Marks

Gender: Male




Affiliation: (Operator/Contract Killer that works almost exclusively for the Devils Arm.) In reality Galin’s ties to the Devils arm are fairly weak. The reason for this is because the syndicate typically uses him for more tentative jobs that they don’t necessarily want to be publicly affiliated with. As a result if Galin would be caught or discovered ,while doing or after completing a job, the Devils Arm would deny any connections. On the other side of the coin in day to day life Galin simply appears to be a regular guy who has minor protection from the syndicate.

Reason for joining: (safety, power, etc.) Simply put, income, minor protection, the ability to achieve his goals.

Personality: Galin is a cold calculating person who has serious trust issues and resents anything resembling dictatorial leadership. However being as intelligent as he is he understands how to keep up appearances and that sacrifices will be needed to be made to achieve his goals. (Firmly believes that overkill is underrated.)

Bio: Galin’s story isn’t a tragic one rather one of growing up to despise complete control. Since he was young Galin has resented the barrier between the rich and the poor viewing as a never ending oppression by a society that viewed themselves as better than the rest. From this stemmed his dislike of being controlled and ultimately his unwillingness to submit to people he views as dictators.

Other:Galin is highly skilled and typically does jobs by himself.(Favorite Weapon: Glock)
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Name:James Falcone

Gender: Male




Affiliation:The Six (Gang)

Reason for joining: Power and Respect

Personality:Serious and cold-hearted

Bio:(To be revealed in rp)

Other: Highly skilled in picking locks and other stealth related abilities.
Name: Emma Kawamoto

Gender: Female

Age: 17


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/1261130-bigthumbnail.jpg.e179729fab46c55487cf42491b70940d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32513" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/1261130-bigthumbnail.jpg.e179729fab46c55487cf42491b70940d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Affiliation: The Six

Reason for joining: Revenge

Personality: Emma is not your ordinary Japanese-American Girl. In fact, she is the complete opposite. Although she comes from a very prestigious family, she is very Bold and Daring in nature. Chivalrous and Brave, Emma doesn't back down from any challenges and is never afraid to challenge her rivals, no matter what it may be. While she shows much Confidence, Emma has also shown to very Cocky, but not to the point of Arrogance. Although seemingly Compassionate on the outside, Emma is in fact Ruthless and never hesitates to put down those who threaten or endanger her family. Although it seems unlikely, Emma has shown to be very Standoffish, being very Distant and Cold from her allies, even if they have a close relationship with her. When fighting her Rivals, whoever they may be, Emma is shown to be very Aggressive in contrast to her fellow gang members, especially when angered.

Bio: Emma comes from a Prestigious Japanese-American Family, her Father was a Stock Car Racer and her Mother was an Auto Technician. As an only child, Emma has shown to be quite lonely at times, because growing up, she's always had trouble making friends, mainly because she herself was quite a trouble maker. Because of her parents' connections, she has always been able to stay on the good side of the law. Emma practically had it all; Loving Parents, a Family who accepts her for who she is and a Boyfriend who means the world to her... During a Family Reunion, the entire Kawamoto Family became all but massacred in a Gangland Execution. Her entire extended family were shot to death one by one, her Mother gang-raped and stabbed to death, her Father shot right before her eyes and, worst of all, her boyfriend would die in her arms, succumbing to his wounds. Alone, wounded, but alive, members of The Six would take her in and nurse her back to health. But in her world, there were only but three things that mattered: Family, Loyalty and Respect. To repay their kindness, Emma would stick around, using her wealth to keep her fellow gang members out of trouble while at the same time keeping them supplied with Weapons, Cars and even Drugs. Even then, this wouldn't stop her from keeping her Street Racing interests. Although self-proclaimed 'Best Street Racer that ever came out of Japan', it didn't take long for her to become recognized as 'Drift Queen', as she is very proficient whenever it came to Drift Racing.


-Brilliant Mechanic

-Known as 'Drift Queen'

-Skilled Street Racer

-Street Smart

-Master of Martial Arts

-Expert Marksman



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For future reference, this thread will always be accepting. And you are accepted for me to. The Six are recruiting outside their Afro-American norm, well it is a war. 
Name: Connor McKinley

Age: Let's say mid twenties, so 27

Affiliation: The Corporation.

Reason for joining: He had money, and they did to. He lived on the poor side, so did they. It was just natural.

Personality: He's a really nice guy, overall. On the outside at any rate. In his other line of work, he is a plotting and somewhat evil guy.

Bio: He was born into a semi-wealthy family, his father owning a business. When he inherited it, by no fault of his or his father, it was going under. Getting desperate, he turned to more illegal methods of gaining money, mainly drug runs and the black market. Finding that to be quite lucrative, he stuck with it even after when his business got back on it's feet and became a rather large name in the industry. McKinley Automotive, maker of family cars, super cars, luxury, and everything in between. Their latest model, the Bolt Fire, contends with the Bugatti Veyron Extra for speed, and Roles Royce in terms of luxury. He is currently a rather popular public figure.


I couldn't help but add this guy, albeit he is from another rp. Still, I liked him. And sorry everything is in different places, copy pasted him from the other rp. 
Plus it gives me a good excuse to interact with people outside of the Black Sun, without wanting to kill them most of the time. 

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