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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

???: Use mortal named Aura

The creature had her in its vice grip, hissing and coiling a few of its bark-like appendages around Aura. She was placed in the center of the creature, thorns blocking anything from getting to her. She looked like she was asleep, when suddenly, she started twitchy and screeching in pain. Her eyes were still shut, as if she were stuck slumbering but seemingly conscious. The creature laughed, scratchy and sounding like bark being rubbed against bark. Two gleaming red eyes shone through the thicket. The creature hissed again, but in more comprehensible language.

"Leave... The girl is mine. Her Rage is all I need, as there is nothing else that you could provide."

It whispered, its glowing scarlet eyes staring down at them.

"If you damage me, the same happens to this mortal. So I recommend you just forget about her... She wasn't going to be any use to you anyway..."

At this last statement, Aura shifted around. A scowl had formed on her face. The creature then quickly coiled around her tighter, causing her to scream again. She slumped, and it loosed its grip. It returned its attention back to them.

"Why are you just standing there? The exit to the forest is..."

One of his roots came up from the ground, breaking parts of the lush soil and pointing in a direction.

"That way... Now, goodbye. I'll take care of this useless girl for you..."

Again, Aura's face contorted slightly into one of more aggravation. She even attempted fluttering her eyes open, but the tentacle came too quickly. Another fierce yell pierced the air, and she slumped over in defeat.
Suddenly auras screams had came from deeper within the forest and both theo and kersin leaped into action with kersin climbing on dragon dad and theo closely following his lead. Dragon dad leapt into a sprint following the sounds of screaming aura, whilst Theo and Kersin both got out their weapons. A few moments later they had arrived and theo quickly leapt off and observed the situation then threw herself at the creature with reckless abandon.
He laughs, the bark creaking and stretching with each chuckle.

"No, mortal. She'll keep me alive. You have no right to command me of anything either way... So, leave, before I lose my patients. Er, patient."

The bark bristled in preparation.
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Afrien : Focus




5 5̴4͟5҉͟8̷͢͢8̸7̸̨̀͟ì̸̶͢6̶̧6̸̕5̡͟͢3͜͟͜5̕͟͝5̸̷͡6̡̛̕5̶̡̨́͟8̵̨̨̢͜9̀͜͠7̷̕̕͟7̴͢҉8̡͝5̴̴̛͢5̨͘6̛̕5̴̨͢͞͝5̸͝6͏͡͞4͟͏̸̵͟8͘͜͏6̛͜͞8̸̨͠͏͝5̨́8̢̛͏͜7̸̢6̸̡̛͡8́͜͡7͏̸̧̛6̵̢̡͟5͢͡7͏̨͟6҉4̷̷̸̴7̵̡7̷̴̡̀͜9̛́͢6̵̧̕

Aura Kenti dies by A҉̀F̵̶̛Ģ̡́H̛͟Ń̷̨̢͡J̸̶͢͢͠M̶̶̨͝<͜Ḩ̨̀͜<̛҉̵̶M̢͢B̷͝G̡͝V̶̴͝N̵̡͘͝F͏͢͢B̷̨͞҉Ņ҉G̕Ǵ͜͢͡J̵̵̡͟H̷̶͝͠͏

V̨̛͝G̷̕͢H͟͜G̸̴̡̀V̴̴̢͘͝B̢͡͏͡Ņ͢V́͜H͟҉Ǵ̡͢F̢͢H̨͘͝͏͢J̨͜ dies by J̷H̸͝F̷̸̡̧H̡͏̛͜J̴̀́G̛̀͟͠G̵͠H͟͡J͠҉̸͠F͞͏̸Ḩ̵À̵̸̡͝S͠͞A̴̢͘̕͟Ǹ͏S̢̨͟͡҉

Afrien : Puke

Your vision blurs as you use your life powers once more, causing you to hurl.

"Your full of shit. You two have different lifespans..."

Afrien : Puke More

Blood pours out of your mouth onto the ground. You wipe away the blood and smirk.

"She won't die today!"

The creature cackles.

"No, she won't. I'm going to be keeping her alive for as long as possible..."

He laughs again, though this time more viciously.

"Just stop your worthless efforts and leave."
Afrien : Hold Out

Just... A Bit... Longer...

Afrien : Focus




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"Cut... The Vines... It... Wont hurt... Aura..."


Afrien : Be Downed

You fall backwards, the sky spinning in a deep green color. Blood trickles out of your mouth as you hit the ground and slip out of conciousness
Duke: WTF?

What the fuck is even going on? Is it a "Bark Beast" or some sort of new underling? Who cares, it's messing with your friends.

Duke: Strife

You chuck your INVADER'S CHOICE at this creatures barkish exterior, trying to chop-away at it.

Afrien : Bleed Out

Its like last time. And the time before that. But this time the blood is coming from your mouth. You have a decently high chance of dying soon.
The beast screeches.

"You imbeciles!"

It makes an inhuman roar, and lashes its many appendages at them. Aura shuffles, then starts screaming in agony again. This time, however, it doesn't stop. The creature seems to become more ferocious, the vines growing thorns and spikes. The beast chuckles, lashing out in many different ways.

"Why are you risking your lives for such a pointless person? She was only going to cause trouble. If anything, I-"

The creature stops, almost choking on its words. The ominously glowing red eyes dart backward, staring at Aura. She stared back at him, glaring him down whilst keeping the vines off of her by sheer willpower. Blood was starting to come out of her mouth, but that didn't stop the death glare she was giving. The creature looked at her, mortified, then tried subduing her under one of the tendrils. She shoved it off, the spikes that sapped her energy coming out of her body. She ran towards his face, faster than he could react. Bellowing, she battered his face until his glowing red orbs were faint.

"You... You weren't supposed to..."

"What?! Thought such a USELESS and POINTLESS person couldn't BEAT YOU?! Guess again, bark face."


You bring your fist back, ready to destroy him when suddenly a bark tendril comes crashing at you in a last ditch effort for revenge. Your body had virtually no energy left, so dodging was impossible. You take the hit, collapsing.

"... Fudge him f-for me..."

You manage to sputter out, then slump onto the ground.
Theo begun to swing her axe at the creature hitting pretty accurately for how heavy it was. "THIS IS FOR HURTING MY FRIEND YOU WARPED B*STERD" Theo had yelled, each word corresponding to each swing she took. This bark guy was like every other tree Theo had attempted to cut down, hard but breakable. She would get her revenge and take her anger out on something useful.
Ken: Finish it

You hold the laser blade with both hands, pointing it at the monster.

"Aura... is NOT useless!"

You turn a knob on the blade hilt.

"She is
NOT worthless!"

The blade begins to hum louder and louder.

"She's our friend, and a trusted ally! And nobody gets left behind!"

The blade begins to make a loud screeching noise. You press a button, and the blade grows to massive proportions.


You jump at the monster and slice cleanly through it with your overcharged blade.

Afrien : Awake

You float upwards on the moon of Prospit, noticing a large hunk of metal stabbed into the ground at your feet. Looks like part of the Derse super weapon wasnt destroyed. At least it didn't kill your dream self.

Hopefully that monster doesn't kill your real self.

Dying would suck.
"You must be one of the Trolls in Karkat's session. For some reason, my presence on my sessions Prospit connected our dream worlds together. Karkat showed up a while ago, and now you are the fourth Troll to show up on my Prospit. Sorry for the overload, Tavros."


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