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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)


Duke: Okay, that's good to know...So my friends were talking about that we should all go back to our own lands and confront our Denizens, do you have any information about mine you could share? Maybe if he or she is friendly or...?



You focus a fraction of your unfathomable dark majjyk into the Mage's eyes. You enable him to see the Souls of his allies.

Duke: See souls

Oh my god, or in this case gods, this is weird. This is really weird. You can see souls...See souls...See...Saws...Seesaws, you can seesaws. Hehe, nailed it, but no more time for goofing off.

Duke: Go soul searching

Weird command, but you get the gist. With your new-found sight, you go on a scavenger hunt for your friends.
Ken: Panic

You've been searching for who knows how long, and you haven't even caught a glimpse of Aura. Or Theo, for that matter.

Ken: See something

You spot movement out of the corner of your eye.


You turn and see Duke walking toward you.

"Duke! Thank God I found you! I can't find Aura or Theo, and I'm starting to freak out
what the fuck is up with your EYES?!"

You see tendrils of darkness sneaking around the rims of Duke's glasses. Behind the mirrored lenses, you see a black glow.

"Duke?! What is going on?!"

"Hi! Are you....Charlotte?" Amanda asked, seriously hoping she was right. It sounded like she confident in her guess, but she was seriously freaking out.


"Yes, that's Charlotte. And we sent Teddysprite and her sprite RoboKitty to find the others. Hopefully they find them..." Shadow said, looking worried but also helpful.



Teddysprite: Repress rage

How could this cold hearted buffoon call himself a sprite? He didn't seem to care in the slightest about the safety of the other players! He only came because the human Amanda told him too!

"We should just head back. There is no point to this when you cannot see a thing in the fog."

"And what would tell Amanda and Shadow? That we gave up because you saw it pointless?"

"Yes. She would understand."

Teddysprite growled but refused to stop to look at him. "And what would happen if that ruined her chances to make friends with Shadow? Would you risk her hating you because of it?"

That got him to think. He remained silent for quiet a while before his eyes started glowing. Did...did he have night vision set in whatever he was prototyped with?
"I know! And you are even cuter than I imagined!" She said with a giggled hugging her.



"I see something ofur there." RoboKitty said, pointing in front of them. "Buy I doubt it is life and we should avoid it at all costs."

"We have to check. If it is one of the children, then it would be irresponsible as both their guardians and their guides to not check."

RoboKitty sighed and continued to float in that direction. Once closer, he scowled and hit Teddysprite on the back of his plush orange head. "See, I told you it was nothing."

"A little further you past sack of bolts." He growled as he continued forward whatever was in the fog.
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Amanda giggled and watched her blush. "Cute~! You are both too cute!"

Shadow blushed, looking stunned. "M-me too?"

"Of course! Both of you! I can't believe how lucky I am to get to try and befuriend you both! I must be the luckiest girl in the whole universe!"

Charlotte: Be serious

You decide to be serious for a while.

"So, um... I have a little bit of a predicament. You see, my Sprite can't talk yet. She needs another prototype to be able to talk. Problem is, I don't know what to prototype her with. I want it to be something cute, but strong. Also, it needs to be able to talk. Do you have any ideas?"

"What is your current sprite prototyped with?" Shadow asked, willing her blush away.

"Something cute......hm......what would suit such a beauty as yourself?" Amanda asked, winking at Charolette. She knew she was getting to them both, but had to make sure she wasn't too strong on the approach. Didn't want to scare away potentially easy allies. And if she had to get serious, she would. But first....let's hear what her current sprite is.

Kersin stood there confused, he refused to follow anyone into the forest due to its forboding feel. Yet he was enclined to enter not just to keep everyone out of danger but also because he felt like he knew the dangers within. It was sort of like horrible deja vu but even worse. he looked towards dragon dad who stared back with a wise expression, this was his decision.

Kersin ran and jumped onto dragon dad and together they rode into the forest hoping to find someone.
"Then how about asking her to show you what she likes? Maybe she'd like to have an option as well. Then, maybe, you could alchemize something that is both cute to both of you and something you consider stronger." She said, her voice serious but she was smiling as she finished. "That way it's a win-win fur both of you!"

"That's a great idea! Thanks, Amanda!"

You turn to face Ponysprite.

"So, what sort of thing do you want to be prototyped with?"

Ponysprite begins kicking at the ground. You wonder what she's doing, until you recognize a letter P left in the ground. She's communicating by writing! You wait until she finishes, then read out what she wrote.

"Pony? You want to be a double pony?"

Ponysprite shakes her head and makes a squealing sound. She writes in the dirt again.

"Balloon Bash...? You want me to prototype my Balloon Bash plushie?"

She whinnies.

"All right..."

You take your pony plushie out and hold it out to Ponysprite. She slowly comes forward and merges with it in a flash of light.

"Yahoo! I can talk! Thanks a bunch, Lottie!"

You smile and laugh. She's just like Balloon Bash! Looks like her, sounds like her, acts like her... Everything!

Amanda smiled as she watched though inside she wanted to puke. This was disgusting! "Amazing! Your so much more beautiful than befur Ponysprite! And your new-found voice is like angels. What a tragedy I haven't heard it befur now." She said with a light giggle. "Don't you think so Charlotte? Shadow?"

"Yes. You are a wonderful hoofbeast Ponysprite." She said with a smile.

Duke: Find friends on Myspace

HAHA, good one! Anyways, using you're soul sight, you start walking towards the first soul you spot. You manage to bump into Ken, thank god, and he greets you with relief and shock. You guess it's because of your soul sight.

Duke: Be creepy

Duke: Ken...I can see your soul...

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Teddysprite: Be relieved

Teddysprite saw Ken and Duke and floated over. He knew they should keep looking this way! "Ken! Duke! Are you alright?" He called as he made his way over as quickly as possible. RoboKitty followed right being him, an annoyed look on his robotic kitty face.


"BBSprite? Cute!"

@electroShogun @Nawmoo
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Duke: Chill chill, Ken, I'm starting to figure out what Mage of Void means. Anyways, what I stated earlier is true; I can see your soul, that's how I found you.

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