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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Ken: Teleport Spam

You teleport-spam behind several ogres, stabbing them in the necks and killing them instantly. Grist rains down from the sky.

Ken: Get burned

Suddenly, a fireball comes from nowhere and hits you right in the back. You fly forward, landing on your face. You get up and turn to face your attacker: the lizard-like creature from earlier. It grins at you with its dragon-like head before launching another fireball. You narrowly dodge it by teleporting.

"We've got a basilisk!"

@Midnight Phantom
Duke: Get outside

You hear screaming coming from...Charlotte? How did she even, oh never mind that now. You rush outside to see that a clusterfuck of underlings are at your door.


You jump on your UFOMG and get some air. Looking down, you notice a new kind of underling. It looked nothing like the imps or ogres, it was more like a giant big-mouth salamander. Taking an interest of it, you decide to take that on first. You divebomb down to it.

Duke: Hey long, dark, and ugly; EAT THIS!

Duke: Make it eat this.

Jumping off, you send the UFOMG straight into it's mouth.
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Afrien : Shove Ken

You tackle Ken out of the way of an oncoming Ogre punch.

Afrien : Counter

As the Lizard creature shoots a Fireball at you and Ken, you strike it with your glaive, sending it back at the attacker.


@Nawmoo @electroShogun
Duke: Do a perfect landing

Hitting the ground, you fall flat on your face rolling over to Ken...um...PERFECT LANDING!

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Afrien : One Man Army

As Ken and Duke focus on the Lizard Douchebag, you head back to fighting to Ogres. You leap from place to place, slashing and stabbing at the monsters until they are laying a pile of GRIST.
Ken: Be in agony

Afrien's tackle aggravates your burns. Pain shoots through your whole body. You can't fight like this! You retreat back to the house.

"Shadow! I- AARGHH!!"

You fall to the ground.


Charlotte: Join the fray

You rush back out to the fight, just in time to see Duke fall face-first. You run over and help him to his feet.

"Are you all right?"

Afrien : Guard

You leap in front of Charlotte and guard her from a Fireball, scorching your chest and burning the Eye Logo from your shirt.

"Pay attention dammit!"


Afrien : Attack

You sprint between the Ogres, and slide underneath the Lizard Douchebag, before slicing into its legs.
Charlotte: Attack!

You slice at the basilisk's legs, hitting where Afrien wounded it and deepening the cuts. The basilisk is unable to stand anymore, and falls onto its belly. You jump onto its back and repeatedly slash at it, grist bursting from it with every hit.

@Midnight Phantom
Duke: Get up

With the help of Charlotte, you get back on your feet and back in the fight. Er, you mean strife.

Duke: Ugh, I'm fine, just a bi-

Duke: Look at your Cosmic Specs

You cannot look at your COSMIC SPECS because they're broken to bits. Well that's just great, just dandy.

Duke: Remove Cosmic Specs

You remove your shades to and reveal YOUR EYES!!!....they're brown...Yeah, that's it.

Duke: Get back to strifing

Since you can no-longer call back your UFOMG, you pull out your LOCK BREAKER and begin bashing away at any underlings that get too close to you.

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Afrien : Execution

You run up the Lizard Douchebag's back, and kick off of its back, flying skyward. As you begin to descend, you spin rapidly, throwing the makeshift blood stoppers off of your body. You plunge into the Lizard's Skull, in a Bloody hurricane. The beast promptly explodes into Grist. But you cant deal with this shit now.

Afrien : Go back to Bleeding Out

Really? Pussy.
Charlotte: Take care of the rest

You and Duke work together and kill all of the remaining ogres.

Charlotte: Worry about Afrien

You notice Afrien bleeding profusely on the ground, and you begin to panic.

"Oh god oh god oh god! What do we do?!"

@Nawmoo @Midnight Phantom
Duke: Do something

You see your UFOMG on the ground...you also see another basilisk standing right in front of you...oh, what fun.

Duke: Do a power slide

You slide right under the underling and get close enough to grab your UFOMG. You throw that this vertically, turning that disc into a runaway saw blade. The UFOMG slices the basilisk in two. It then slowly looses momentum and falls to the floor. You run after it, picking it up, and get to Afrien.

Duke: Still holding out?

@Midnight Phantom
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You run towards the door, mace in hand. Though, as everyone beats up the Ogres, you see Ken come towards the house.

"KEN!? KEN! Oh god, what happened out there?!"

You look at his wounds, and start to panic. Oh god, those burns looked bad...


Sharil: Be helpless

You really wanted to do something, but you were hiding behind a couch, crying. Man, you suck at helping people don't you!?

You cannot find a medic BECAUSE YOU'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A BATTLE! You pick up Afrien and get out of there.

Duke: Abscond

You're already on it. You get back to your house and look for something to stop the bleeding.

@Midnight Phantom
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Duke: Stop bleeding

You wrap a shit-ton of gauze around Afrien's wounds. It works, you think, well at least it doesn't look like he's bleeding out anymore. You wonder if you can get him to wake-up or something...God, you hope he ain't dead. You really can't afford to loose anymore players.

Duke: Hey, Afrien, you still breathing?...Blink, if you are.

@Midnight Phantom
"... Okay..."

Never before had you felt more useless. You set him back down gently, your eyes unreadable. You turn away to try and wipe away the tears in your eyes that had suddenly made an appearance. Walking over to Shadow, you point over to Ken without looking her in the eyes.



Sharil: Stop crying and do something!

You... You can't... Oh gog, just do something..! But, you couldn't seem to motivate yourself to do something productive... You do, however, manage to stop crying. Stop showing your emotions like a whining baby..! That won't get you anywhere...

Sharil: Do something!!!

You shakily get back on your feet, your gaze coming to the outside world. It seemed as if everyone was injured... Possibly because she wasn't there... Just go out there and do something..!

Sharil: Run out there!!

More like slowly crawl outside, to where a few Ogres await. These creatures killed... Fomeon... You end up walking backwards. You weren't sure you could...

Too late, it seemed, as the 4 Ogres have surrounded you.


Aura: Get in there

You run outside, a battle cry sounding as you knock out one of the Ogre's legs. It collapsed, leaving you just enough time to...

Aura: Take a hit

Just as you almost reach the petrified Sharil, a hammer-like hand comes and nails you right in the back. You launch up into the air, the wind coming forcefully out of your lungs. A few yards away, you land, coughing up blood.

Aura: When life gives you lemons...

NO. You'd had enough. You stood back up on shaky feet, using your mace as a support. The Ogres seemed to have their attention of Sharil still as she lay there helplessly.

Aura: Just do it

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!! You run at the Ogres, your battle cry coming back on as you smash your way through them. You flew around a few hits, using your smallness to your advantage as they lumbered around. Trying to swat you like a fly. You smack a few across the jaw, some being bashed on the head. Several more hits are laid on their faces. After you stop, piles of Grist lay around you. You gasp, the adrenaline wearing off.

"Collect it."

"Wh... What...? But, its yours...!"



Sharil: Comply

You quietly grab the Grist, trying to not feel guilty that you did not earn it at all.
Shadow: stop your pity party

Shadow looked up and almost burst into tears. She ran over to Ken and healed his injuries before going over to Duke and Afrien and healing them. What exactly happened to them while she was grieving for herself?

Shadow: Become dizzy

Shadow had to lean against the wall. God you felt so weak...she slid down the wall and closed her eyes, trying to make the nausea pass.
Duke: Be relieved

Okay, white mage's back. Looks like you guys may survive this underling assault after all.

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