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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"Finally, that nuisance is gone."


"Oh, come now Sharil, do you have to be so 'down in the dumps', as some call it?"


"SQUEAK! Are you upset?! Tell me the source! I shall destroy it immediately!"

"N-no... Its just..."




Fomeon: Seek out threats

You float around, eyeing different things that could have upset her. All of these horrible creatures could have!!!
Charlotte: Catch up

The blurry thing came to rest just ahead. You run to catch up with it. You get close enough to make out what it is, and-

"OH. MY. GOD."

You run up to it and squeal. It's a pony! A winged one! A Pegasus! Just like from your favorite show! They're real!!

The pegasus flaps her wings gives you a strange look.

"You okay, kid?"

"Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh!! I can't believe it! You're real!!"

"Uhh... yeah. Of course I'm real."

"This is amazing!"

"Right... So, welcome to the Land of Color and Friendship. You're Charlotte, right?"

"Yep! That's me!"

"The Princess told everypony that we have to help the human girl Charlotte when she shows up. So, I guess I gotta help you."

"Do you know where the portal is? I need to find my brother, and he's through the portal."

"Yeah, I know where it is. Hop on."

The pegasus stands up and stretches her powerful wings, then leans down to let you climb on. You do so, and she takes off, at a much lower speed than before.
Duke: Take a break

Few, building a house is sure hard work. You need something to guzzle down to quench the thirst you worked-up.

Duke: Head to kitchen for a drink

You head to the kitchen, which is not actually a kitchen but more of a place you chose to store all the food you alchemized in, and look for a drink. You stop searching when you find a...oh my god, HELL FUCKING YEAH! A cold refreshing can of Mountain Lightning, oh you gotta take a gulp of that.

Duke: Do the generic-brand dew

You chug that shit down like you've been stuck in the middle of a desert and just found a cold glass of water. Mm, taste the generic goodness.
EL: oh my god, he has an alicorn sprite?!

EL: that's hilarious! i'm gonna tease him so much about that when i get there!

"We're almost there, Charlotte!"

The pegasus approaches another glowing portal in the sky. This one, however, is green. She comes to rest just underneath the portal.

"I can't follow you in there. You'll have to go alone from here."

"Thank you so much, um... what was your name, again?"

"Sky Sprinter."

"Right! Thanks, Sky Sprinter! I'll come back to visit soon!"

You jump into the portal and end up outside someone's house. For some reason, there's a huge wall made of candy surrounding it. A castle stands nearby. Someone is standing by the wall, facing the other way. You recognize him as the person that was messaging you. You sneak up on him, then...


@Midnight Phantom
Afrien : Shake Head

You shake your head around and throw the kid off.

"Look, if you need proof that I am a Troll, then here it is."

Afrien : Scratch

You run your claws down the back of your left hand, and Jade tinted blood oozes out.


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Afrien : Battle

You leap off the ledge you had been standing on, and charge at the small group of Ogres. You swing your Glaive overhead and slice into an Ogre's chest, causing a GRIST fountain. One other Ogre swings its arm down at you.

Afrien : Strife

You sidestep the attack and stab the Ogre's hand, grounding it. You then run up its arm and slash its face with your claws, doing enough damage to kill it. You continually dodge Ogre attacks and keep stabbing them, until you take a fist to the torso.

Afrien : Be in Pain

You cough up blood as you slam into the pointy rockface, covering you in cuts.

Afrien : Abscond

You get the fuck out of there.
Duke: Contemplate

You think about what you should do. Should you be the server player and continue to work on Charlotte's house or Ken's house? Would it show favoritism if you worked on one's more than the other's? Oh forget it, Ken can teleport and you're sure that Charlotte isn't ready for the next levels.

Duke: Go Alchemize some more Captchalogue Cards

You leave the not-kitchen and go back to your lounge. Since you're not busy at this time with architectural modifications, you spend some time making BLANK CAPTCHALOGUE CARDS. You're pretty sure you'll need them later.
Ken: Hear ogre roaring

You hear ogres roaring and rush outside, drawing your sword. You see Afrien hit a wall, and behind him...


You teleport in and start slashing at the ogres, desperate to protect your sister. Your desperation lowers your awareness, and an ogre catches you off-guard, knocking your sword out of your hand.

Charlotte: Grab sword

The sword lands near you, and you pick it up.

"Ken! Catch!"

You toss the sword back to Ken. He catches it and slices through an ogre, killing it.

"Charlotte, get out of here! It's too dangerous!"

"I can fight!"

"No, you can't! Get inside, now!"

"Behind you!"

An ogre punches Ken in the back, sending him flying towards you. He crashes into you, and your both fall over. Ken gets up first.

"Inside, Charlotte. Now."

Ken suddenly teleports behind an ogre and slashes its heels, making it fall over. You take out your bladed staff and stab it in the head, killing it.


"I'm gonna fight alongside you, Ken, and you're not gonna stop me!"

You slash at another ogre's chest fiercely, making it fall backward. Ken follows up with a stab to the throat.

"There's too many! We need backup! The others are inside! Get them, quickly!"


You run toward the house, leaving Ken to fend for himself.

Ken: Spot new threat

Amidst the ogres, you spot a long, lizard-like creature. You have no idea what it is.

Charlotte: Warn everyone

You burst inside and start shouting.

"Monsters! Afrien got hurt! Ken can't take them himself! Hurry!!"

@ShadowHuntress @Nawmoo @MoltenLightning @Kurai Okami
Afrien : Get Up

Its time to stop bleeding out like a pussy.

Afrien : Cover wounds

You take some GASEOUS BEEF NUGGETS form your Sylladex and mash them into your cuts, covering them and stopping the bleeding.

Afrien : Fight

You jump back into the battle next to Ken.

"Lets motherfucking kill this motherfucker."

Afrien : Pounce

You leap backwards and kick off the wall, impaling an Ogre with a single strike. You pull your glaive from the corpse, and jump skyward, before plunging down and splitting an Ogre's skull wide open. GRIST flows from the massive wound.


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