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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"I KNOW WHO SHE IS, i simply meant why does she have my style!" Vulture said gritting her teeth, the girl was wearing something that vulture would wear if she cared enough to get new stuff.
Duke: Examine Party

Things are seeming pretty glum, why? Aren't they entertained by your lovely music? Is it not good enough for them? Are the not enticed by the sheer beauty of the ZILLYONG? Why are they sad?...Maybe they are just tired of piano, yeah, they want something different...But all you know how to play IS piano...Hmmm...WAIT A MINUTE!

Duke: Pull out Fraymotif

In your trickster state, you remember that you got this music box, but you can't remember why. Maybe these new notes will lighten up the party! Yeah, perfect! You'll just play this music box and get this party flowing again.

*Bike Horn Noises*

Duke: Play music box

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/tumblr_m704olKtDI1r6eb5mo6_400.gif.d658fe585e3a6e1e79c4e204a7eb1410.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="86716" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/tumblr_m704olKtDI1r6eb5mo6_400.gif.d658fe585e3a6e1e79c4e204a7eb1410.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Void Verse

An unfamiliar sound starts to echo throughout the room, whispers slowly getting louder and louder. What they mean is uncomprehending and practically deafening. These were the sound of the ones who exist only in the deepest darkest void, The Horrorterrors.



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Duke's Fraymotif stops.

Duke: Stare at Afrien

With your shades still swirling around, you stare at the troll. You start honking, once more, as you pick up his glaive. You are still curious to see what trolls are made off. You slowly walk over to Afrien, stumbling a bit. You seems to be blacking out or something, you're trickster mode is fading.

Duke: Faint

You collapse to the ground, unconscious.
Charlotte: Disengage

You feel the Trickster high wearing off.

"PHEW... THAT WAS ONE HECk of a time..."

You lie down so you don't hurt yourself when the unconsciousness hits.
Hummingbird: Question

"Yeah, but hoooooooooooooow? There is nooooooothing logical or reasonable about that girl's sudden appearance."


Aura: Hear

You hear the voices in your ears, in your mind, in your SOUL. You start screaming, but you couldn't even hear yourself over the sounds. As it stops, you slowly go down in volume until you can no longer be heard. You stroke Ken's head, staring off into the distance in a very zoned out manner.

Lux: Agh!

You also hear them, collapsing into the ground. Turn that INFERNAL DEVICE OFF!

Oh thank god. You get up and brush yourself off.


You put a hand on your hip and state at Aura. She looks like she's seen some crap.
Ken: ...

You see nothing, feel nothing, hear nothing. Your breathing is shallow, barely enough to keep your body functioning.

Charlotte: ...

You drift out of consciousness, but with a terrible feeling that your troubles aren't over...
Aura: Pap

You keep patting Ken, but close your eyes. He wasn't breathing that well. You lay your head on him.

"Shhhh... It's okay. Don't cry."

Lux: What

Well, you officially have no idea what's happening anymore. That fraymotif did some stuff, you just don't know what. You weren't affected, at least you don't think. You look around at everyone else. How were they holding up?


Hummingbird: Ugh

"Well that's annoying. I don't like that at aaaaaall. I guuuuueeeess at the very leeeeeeast they haven't killed each other. Yet. What am I supposed to doooooo with this new chess piece on the board? What waaaaaaas she originally???"
"And what does that meeeaaaan for us? What does she bring toooooo the table??"

This entire predicament confused you to the point of not using your brain rationally. Mind was your thing, but this was just ABSURD.
"That, I cannot say."



Ken: Dream

In your unconscious state, you begin to dream. You see yourself and Aura, twenty years from now, living happily together. Oddly enough, you see Charlotte as well, living with... Duke?! Strange...
"Well then! We know nothing about her, greeeaaaat! Just my cuuuup of spiiiiiiiders..."

You scowl. This was fairly annoying, if that wasn't clear already.


Aura: Sleep

You end up falling asleep on Ken's head, having nothing better to do.

Aura: Dream
Ken: Continue dreaming

You dream more about Aura. This time, you're remembering when you met in person first. She appeared on your roof suddenly... and your life has never been the same since. You smile in your sleep. Yeah, things have been insane, but you got through it all alongside her.
Theo: look at ken and aura

" Why are they so f*cking cute."

you suddenly wish this kind of attention on yourself... why must you get depressed over something so redundant, nobody is or probably will ever be worthy of you... you just made yourself more depressed
Aura: Actually dream

This time, you dream about something material. If you called cats floating around everywhere material. But hey, what could you do. It was better than trying to defend a crazy Ken from one of your friends because of memory loss... With this thought, you start thinking about Ken. There were so many adventures you had had with him, it solidified your love for him. You were both like ying and yang. It just worked. He was always there for you, giving himself when you needed him... You could only hope you did the same.

Lux: Psh

They were a cute couple weren't they? You'd known about it before in Aura, but it really shows how strong their bond is even after that whole incident. Just stop thinking about it, is what you needed to do... You look over a Theo. She looked a little... Jealous. You wondered... Who would be the perfect match for her? You can only imagine...
Ken: ...

Your dreams fade into a blank nothingness. Slowly, your breathing strengthens again, back to normal levels.


Charlotte: Dream

You start dreaming about your friends, and all of the adventures you've been on with them. In particular, everything you've been through with Duke. You're still not sure how you feel about him... Was the Trickster telling the truth...?
Lux: Tap

You lightly tap Aura in the shoulder, to which she promptly shoots up from her slumber. She rubs her face, then looks around. She sighs for a long moment, then gently shakes Ken.

"Ken? So, hey, let's forget that ever happened... Okay?"

Maybe he heard her, maybe he didn't. You just sit back and wait till someone notices your sudden appearance.

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