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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Aura: Be teleported

You get teleported. then after shaking off the effects of teleporting, looked around. Whoa! It looked AMAZING! You looked around the area excitedly.


Hummingbird: Question

You notice that Fox and Tortiose have just returned.

"Uh, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat happened? Why were you both gone!?"
Theo: respond

AM: yeah yeah ill be there in a minute, ive gone to dump some crap from my sylladex

You have just entered your room, you continue to expel your backpack from your sylladex and the seven now stale water as well.

Theo: restyle

as much as you love the view of your legs you feel like you could go with something better. something extravagant but not too extravagant, oh who are you kidding your probably gonna go overboard with this.

your clothes change into the best thing you could even imagine

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5bf9224d_theoassassinstyle.png.abf95db275d30cdd881f6ffcb67e6282.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="86147" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5bf9224d_theoassassinstyle.png.abf95db275d30cdd881f6ffcb67e6282.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

you are now Theo Foxlyn assassin extrordinare

Theo: fly

you start out the door speeding towards the lab and in no time flat you enter the room where everyone had congregated.



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Aura: Be curious

"Wait, whats happening now? What is... THAT?!"

You point at the machine. You clearly had no idea what was going on, because of how fudging THICK you were. Like a friggin' brick wall over here.
"All right, perfect. Now, watch closely, Aura."

You press the button, and the Appearifier generates a ghost imprint of Chryom.

"See, this thing normally transports things, but since removing Chryom from there would cause a paradox, it just made a copy of his genetic information in the form of paradox slime."

@Midnight Phantom @MoltenLightning
Shadow: Pick Up The Slime

Shadow looked over to see what they were doing and had the strangest urge to pick up the slime....as weird as that sounded. She would do no such things, though to keep her mind off of it, she messaged Amanda to see if she would be joining them anytime soon.

Shadow: Message Amanda

SW: Amanda?

SW: It's Shadow.

SW: I was wondering if you would

SW: be joining us anytime soon?

SW: It would be a big relief to see

SW: that you are alright.

JF: ..........why don't you just say a s3n3enc3 l!k3 an actual s3nt3nc3 !nst3ad of br3ak!ng !t apart? Know what, n3fur m!nd.

JF: !'ll b3 th3r3 !n a b!t, just k!nd of r3lax!ng at th3 mom3nt. But ! purrom!s3 !'ll b3 th3r3 b3fur anyth!ng b!g happ3ns, k?

SW: Oh,

SW: I'm sorry....

SW: It's kind of my habit to

SW: type like this.

SW: But alright,

SW: just make sure you aren't late

SW: for anything.

SW: Oh!

SW: And Aura was calmed down.

SW: I know you were concerned.

SW: Could you also grab Faust,

SW: my cute little wriggler of a

SW: Clawbeast for me from

SW: Duke's land?

SW: Thanks!

severedWorth (SW)
ceased trolling joyfulFeline (JF)

JF: Wa!t! Who sa!d ! was conc3rn3d?

JF: .........okay, mayb3 a l!ttl3 b!t....but t3ll no on3!

JF: And you alr3ady l3ft....wond3rfur....


Amanda: Sigh

This troll girl was smarter than she first thought....not a good thing. But as long as she didn't tell anyone, she was good. All good....hopefully.....and she guessed she could retrieve Faust. Little guy was kinda cute.

Amanda: Take Off

Amanda stood up, stretching before picking up Rosalie and taking off for Duke's land to pick up Faust. Maybe she'd see why they decided to switch bases? Probably. She hoped it wasn't anything too major though. Maybe just a change of scenery....yeah, she wasn't fooling anyone with that idea. Let's just hope the Hex Society, or HS as she would now call it since she really didn't feel like repeating that over and over again, didn't have anything to do with it....
You press another button, and the paradox slime is sucked into the apparatus.

"From here, I could add another imprint and mix the two to create a hybrid, but since I'm just going for a direct clone here, I just have to press this."

You press one more button, and-

"What the?!"

A strange bug-like creature appears from the apparatus. It has the head of Chryom.

"Chryom, I'm so sorry! Something went wrong! I'll fix this, I promise!"

@Midnight Phantom
Shadow looked up when she heard Ken freaking out. What she saw was the cutest little grub she had ever seen. She walked over and picked it up, cuddling with it. "What's wrong Ken? It's just a grub. And a cute one at that." She said with a smile. "Mr. Chryom, you were so cute as a grub!"

@electroShogun @Midnight Phantom
Aura: Stare

You watch Ken work his magic, then...


You back away.


You were probably still freaked out with the fact that this was a clone machine... BUT WHAT ON EARTH WAS THAT CREATURE!?

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