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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Rosalie: Run Out

Once the door was open, she ran out and looked around. She could have sworn she was out here. She meowed in frustration.


Amanda: Become Confused

Amanda heard Rosalie meowing and crawled over to the edge to look over. "Rosalie? I thought I put you inside." She said, clear confusion on her voice.

Amanda stiffened and quickly went back to the roof where she would be hidden. That stupid cat!....but she couldn't hate her. Please don't let her come up...please...


Rosalie mewed when she heard her owner's voice. She tried to jump up but, upon failing, she looked over at the girl who had let her out.

Rosalie runs over to her owner and rubs against her leg, purring. Amanda sighed and picked the cat up, scratching her under her chin. She didn't look at Charlotte, though. She didn't think she could.

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"It wasn't a vacation. I rarely get mad so I had to calm down. That's all that was. If it was a vacation, I would've flown back home to see my friends from school and the amazing staff that worked in my house and at the family stables." She said with a colder voice than she had intended. She bit her lip and mentally scolded herself. Looks like she wasn't as calm as she had thought.

Amanda: Refuse To Accept Reality

Um...what did she say? Earth was gone? No....that couldn't be right....she was there not that long ago.....it couldn't be gone.....it couldn't! All of her friends.....her favorite butlers and stable staff....they couldn't be gone.....

"No....you...your lying....you have to be....they can't be gone...." She set Rosalie down and pulled her knees to her chest, burying her head in her knees. It couldn't be real! It just couldn't! Impossible! She was lying to her....no one told her the world would end of she played the game...how was she supposed to know...?


Rosalie: Comfort

She saw her owner was distressed over something so she rubbed her body against her legs, purring and trying to comfort her.

Amanda just shook her head. She was happy that her parents were gone, but everyone else? No....this couldn't be happening. Why wasn't she told this was how the game worked? Why wasn't she told? If she was, she would have brought as many people as she could. She would have tried to give humanity at least a second chance. What about all those who hadn't played? Think of all the lives lost because of it! "Why...why didn't you tell me the world would end? Why didn't you say anything?"

"I only just recently learned, myself. Playing the game was the only way to survive. And I know what you're thinking. Why didn't you bring people with? Well..."

You look down.

"...you can't. I learned that the hard way. I watched my best friend get left behind as I entered."

Her eyes widened and she hugged her legs closer. This...this wasn't real....it....it couldn't be.....it just couldn't! She began shaking as silent sobs racked through her body. She didn't even realize she had started crying until it was too late. Her friends were gone....and she couldn't do anything.....

She just stayed there for what felt like an eternity. She kept crying until it dawned on her that when she mentioned her mom, Equius hadn't said anything just kept quiet. She clenched her hands into fists as she thought about it. Why hadn't he told her? What was he trying to do? She wanted to ask, but she wasn't as calm as she usually was and she didn't want to have a figurative yelling match with him. She would....just have to wait until she calmed down.....but she didn't know when that would be.


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