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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Tortoise: Thaaaat doesn' sound like a well though-out plaaaan. You suuure ya want me to do this?

@Midnight Phantom

Duke: Tell Charlotte

You do a series of hand gestures and active poses, trying to convey what you want to say with your body language.

"Oh don't worry, we have seen his power, and its not much compared to ours. It will work like a charm~! Dahahahaha!"



Afrien : Reach LONAS

You descend to the surface of LONAS, and carry Shadow through the halls of the castle. You manage to find the royal bedroom, and place her under the covers, before leaving to find the others.

QA: It sucks, it really does.

QA: I have some real info rattling in my brain right now and I can only convey it through texting.

QA: Just downright sucks.

QA: Anyways, besides my personal problems, I got some info from the Outer Gods.

QA: They say there's a treasure that can help us beat those Master Classholes, but we got to stop Derse before we can go get it.


Duke: Notice Afrien

You give a traditional alien greeting to Afrien by doing the Volcan Salute.

@Midnight Phantom


Tortoise: Get over there

You slowly start to stand from your chair, scooting it out and planting your feet firmly on the ground to rise up. You slowly start to elevate yourself out of the chair and onto your two feet.
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"Thanks. Duke, I need to borrow your book of Eldritch Knowledge or whatever you use to cast spells with the HorrorTerrors. I need to look for a specific spell."


Iguana : Return

You walk back over to Tortoise, grab him by the horn, and drag him over to Fox.

"We are both present!"

@electroShogun @Nawmoo
Duke: Give Afrien your Grimoire for Summoning the Zoologically Dubious

You take out your MONITOASTER from your Sylladex...Wait, that's not what you wanted. You were specifically going for the GRIMOIRE. Okay, let's try this again

Duke: Give Afrien your Grimoire

You take out your FUTHEST DISC fro-Dammit, that's not it either. It's close, but not quite it.

Duke: Give Grimoire

You take out your RAGNARO-NO NO NO!!! God, that's not even close!

Duke: Empty out Sylladex

You had enough of this and just decided to take out everything from your Sylladex at once. The area becomes cluttered with your capthcalogued shit. In the mix of it is your GRIMOIRE which landed on your FUTHEST DISC and is currently being displayed in mid air.

@Midnight Phantom @electroShogun


Tortoise: Get dragged

You're dragged by the horn by Iguana over to Fox. You don't appreciate the unnecessary tugging of your horn, you were clearly coming as fast as you could.

Tortoise: I was comin'.

@Midnight Phantom
Charlotte: Read

You open up the Grimoire and take a look... oh, dear.

Charlotte: Scream

You scream and drop the book.

"Oh, God! What is this book?! It's horrible!"


Karkat: Facepalm





@Midnight Phantom
Theo entered the room to see what shenanigans where being put to play...definitely not because she was making herself depressed again...how ludicrous would that be... "Yo whatch y'all up to?" she said then noticing the huge *ss mess on the ground.
Duke: Think this is a bad idea

You thought this was a bad idea already, now it's just a bad situation. Charlotte's traumatized and Afrien wants to play with dark magic or majjyk as the Outer Gods would say. You were compliant with it, at the start, but you didn't think anyone would had been mentally scared at the time.

Duke: Look at Afrien

You give Afrien a stern look, conveying to him that you don't feel so certain about this idea now that Charlotte is cowering in the corner.

Duke: Look at Theo

You take your eyes off Afrien and notice Theo entering the room. You give her the human traditional greeting by bobbing your head.

@Midnight Phantom @Kurai Okami
CA: Look Duke

CA: I am Trying to Exercise a Ghost from My Soul

CA: And Bind it To something Else

CA: My Ancestor Has been Living in my Soul Since I ascended

CA: And it Needs to Stop

CA: Just Help me with This

"Wtf even happened to her?"Theo asked in concern, Charlotte looked horrified to an unspeakable manor and it kinda worried you.
QA: Well this is sounding like a reasonable plan.

QA: Exercise a dead guy with dark magic of the Outer Gods.

QA: Best plan I've ever heard of, ten out of ten.

QA: ...

QA: I'm being sarcastic, by the way.

QA: Wasn't sure if that was clear or not.

@Midnight Phantom

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