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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Fox: Send footage

You edit the footage, cutting out the unnecessary bits at the beginning and end, and send it to one of the trolls.


Kanaya: Receive file

You receive a video file from someone named narcissisticFox. Curious, you open it and watch the video.



"Umm... Everyone? I think you should see this..."
Duke: Get up

Ah, suddenly, you feel better. You get back on your own two feet and dust yourself off.

Duke: Use your words

Yeah, you should have just kept this as a verbal dispute.

QA: Afrien, I feel that this is a grievous misuse of the grimoire.

QA: Trying to preform what you exactly want, this soul exorcising, may not turn out the way you think it's going to.

@Midnight Phantom
CA: My soul Has more control Over this body than His

CA: I can just Kick his Soul out

CA: Maybe into a Doll or something

CA: Just so I can have Control over my Own thoughts

QA: That's not what I'm implying.

QA: This grimoire's main purpose is to instruct people on how to summon the zoologically dubious, a.k.a. The Outer Gods called The Horrorterrors.

QA: What if you, instead of trying to pop your ancestor, pop out one of them?

QA: They don't mean harm, but they can be very harmful just by being around them.

QA: I was okay with you checking out the book, but that was before I heard your true intentions.

QA: Now that I know you want to try this crazy stunt, I'm highly against it.

@Midnight Phantom
"Find the location of the Bio-Weapon, so we can destroy it before it is finished."



Afrien : Get Annoyed

You begin slamming your face into the wall in frustration.

'How is this gonna help?'

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Black Queen: Enter

You walk into the throne room and take your seat next to your King. You sigh loudly.

"Ah, my queen, you've returned. How goes the construction?"

"It progresses slowly, dear. It may not be completed before the heroes arrive."

"No matter. Once BIO-3 is complete, the heroes will never arrive here."

"You are certain?"

"One hundred percent."

"Then I have no worry."

You place a claw on your King's broad shoulder. He reaches up and touches it.

"Soon, my dear, we will have Skaia in our grasp."

@Midnight Phantom @ShadowHuntress
Deust : Oh Shit


Deust : Abscond

You grab Amanda's hand and set the Time Bubble once again, and get the fuck out. You run through the city streets at 200x speed, dragging Amanda along. They wouldn't be able to find you now.

"Are you crazy? Shouting while we were hiding?"

She gasped and stepped back. What should they do? She sensed the Queen might be a tad smarter and maybe a little stronger too, than the King. If she took over.... She barely noticed when Deust grabbed her and ran. "What do we do? What do we do?" She kept saying over and over, her eyes creasing in thought.

@Midnight Phantom
Black King: Look around

"Hmm? Something wrong, dear?"

"I thought I heard something..."

"There's nobody here but us two, dear. If someone had infiltrated, we would have been notified."

(I know you're listening, Thief. I saw you hiding behind the throne. Leave now, and we will look the other way.)

Deust : See Silo

You see a large scientific facility with a Missile Silo. This must be the place.

Deust : B&E

You break through the back door of the facility, dragging Amanda through the halls. This should be the Lab where Bio-3 was being worked on.

Amanda: Stop

"Deust....we should go....let's just talk to the others first...." She said, pulling him back. She was smart. Way smarter than her husband. They needed to think this over more carefully. This was more serious than they thought.

@Midnight Phantom
"If we leave, they can finish Bio-3... I suppose you are right. We can handle it as a team, I'm sure."

You decide to abandon the plan to kill Bio-3 in the crib, metaphorically, and fly off of Derse with Amanda.

CA: hes the wwhole reason wwere stuck on this meteor

TA: he'2 the one that 2topped u2 from wiinniing the game

AG: And the Hex Society killed him, just like that!

Amanda followed, slightly shaking. She...she was dangerous. She was her mother, strong willed, sharp mind...unreadable. And it shook her up more than she thought was possible. They needed to get back soon...

@Midnight Phantom
QA: Interesting.

QA: So this Jack Noir guy is a big deal where you guys come from.

QA: What exactly made him a high-level threat, if you don't mind me asking?


CC: T)(is is really bad. I mean R-EALLY bad.

CT: D --> We don't have any chance of beating them if they could kill Jack Noir that easily

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