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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Aura: Blink

What? Other players?

"Why? I mean, seriously! Where are they?! I'll show 'em what for!"

You make a punching motion with your fists.
"Well fudge. Why are there so many things going wrong!? It doesn't make any sense."

You rub your hand over your face a few times, still recuperating from sleep.
Theo enters the castle in a big flurry of mid air somersaults and cartwheels "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" she exclaimed childisly. she stopped mid air upside down "Yo wuzzup." she said casually thn floating down to sit in her seat "flying is the best!"
"Yeah, of course we'll get through it!"

Aura: Smile

You smile reassuringly at him, sure of yourself. He was so cute when he was sure of himself.

"What do we do now?"
"Gotcha. I'm glad you stayed by me Ken, even when I was... Well, doing stuff. Thanks."

You lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek, then start floating upwards.

"You comin'?"
Duke: Snicker

Hehe, you felt like you had a bit of victory. Even though it was a derpy victory.

Duke: Make haste to Deust's place

On your FURTHEST DISC, you make your semi-merry way over to Duest's place.

Duke: Enter

You enter his palace, however you don't feel like you have the time to be enjoying the scenery so you just go straight to the throne room.

Duke: Take a seat

You plop a seat down upon your FURTHEST DISC and patiently wait for this meeting to start.
Aura and Ken: Make way to castle

You both go towards the castle, finally entering the room everyone was located in. You take a seat.

"So whats going on? I'm completely confused."


"Awwwwww, they're having a super-special-important meeting! How... Stupid. Do they think that'll help? How stupid does one have to be to make those decisions???"
Kersin promptly sits down "Is everyone in attendance of this meeting?" he asks eager to start planning the downfall of this "Hex Society' "eh as far as i can tell im here." Theo said this as if she wasn't there at all, in fact she knew that she was present but was being spooky about it.
Shadow flew in and took a seat. She hoped this would be over soon.


Amanda was still sitting against the wall. She was not getting up but....she sighed. They might not start until she does. She got up and begrudgingly made her way to her seat, smiling. This was so stupid.
"If I can get close enough, I could read what they are thinking. Maybe get some insight to what their objective is." Amanda said causally, leaning back in her chair. She hoped they would say yes because, really, that would be fun.


"I...I could stop anything they throw at us with the wind I can make.....of course, I wouldn't know how long I could hold them..." Shadow said, looking at her hands below the table. It was a stupid idea, but she had to put it out there.

"Good ideas, both of you. Amanda, you and Deust should go and infiltrate Derse from within an accelerated time bubble. That way, you can get in, get the intel, and get out before you're noticed. Shadow, if they do end up launching another weapon, you and I will drive it away. Preferrably right back to them."

"Yeah! Oh, can we cause some destruction too? That would be so cool!" Amanda asked with a big smile. She was now looking forward to this.

"But wouldn't that hurt them? Why don't we just......have it thrown somewhere else?" Shadow asked, nervous. She didn't want anyone to get hurt, even if they were their enemy.

"Or I could ask Equius if it was possible to rewire it to fight fur us!" Amanda suggested, though her eyes lit up as she thought about it.


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