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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Duke: Post memo

You cannot post a memo because you're sleeping. You're currently dreaming of being back in your hometown living with your parents again. You are playing a game on your computer, but you're not sure what it is.
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Duke: Play dream game

This game seems like some kind of home-building simulator and the avatar is just kind of stuck there doing nothing, strange. Your friend has been pestering you for days to play this with him, you honestly don't see the hype. So you just move stuff around and lay down weird-looking equipment, big whoop. You thought this was going to be like some sort of MMORPG or something. You feel bored, but you continue anyway just because your friend is begging you to finish. You think he's taking the game way too seriously. Though, you will admit, his character's avatar looks a lot like his friends.
Amanda: Smile

She felt counterproductive huh? We could put her little rage abilities to use on Derse, but Ken would never follow through with it. It might put her danger, he would say. She sighed. She had to try anyways.

"Hey Aura, you know, since they are launching bioweapons now, maybe we could go and destroy a lab...or factory...or two to slow down purroduction? That would give us more time to plan later, right?" She asked, hoping to whomever was watching them right now that it would work and that Ken didn't decide to boyfriend his way into this.

@electroShogun @MoltenLightning
"So, you want me to destroy stuff? Well, I guess, but shouldn't we focus on trying to kill the thing that just got launched? What do you think, Ken?"

You turn and face Ken, a quizzical expression on your face. You didn't mind either way, really, but you wanted Ken's input.
Duke: Keep dreaming

As you help your friend play the game, you slowly start to get into it. You were surprised by the sudden turns of events when the meteor was coming. Luckily, you helped your friend pass to the next part of the game. Okay, you found the beginning of the game kind of boring, but now things are starting to get interesting. Your friend seems to have had his home base teleported to a different planet. You watch as he starts battling enemies that are invading his home. The longer you watched, the more you wanted to play.
Shadow: Follow

She sighed before following Afrien out. Ken would follow....hopefully. If not, then she...she didn't know what she should do. She guess she just wished for this to be over as soon as possible. The less time it takes, the less of a chance that someone gets hurt.....

@Midnight Phantom @electroShogun
Duke: Dream on

Your friend highly insist's on you playing the game too. With what you've seen so far, how could you say no. You start downloading your copy and wait for it to finish. While you're waiting, you talk to your friend a bit. You both trade your opinions on the game. You found it got a lot more interesting when his friend "entered his session" and that graphics made it look realistic. Your friend, however, says that it IS REAL and that you needed to get into his session as soon as possible. You find your friend to be getting way too engrossed with this game. You'll still play with him, but you think only for a little while.

Your copy of Sburb has finally finished downloading...and nothing's happening. What the hell, no avatar creation, no structure building, zip, zilch? You feel like you've been lead a stray, but your friend chimes in to tell you that you require a server player. You find it kind of a pain to rely on someone else to help you play the game, but you do it anyways. You make your friend the server player of your session.

After that, things start to leave the laws of reality. Objects began to move, equipment was plopped down out of fin air, an outside force was changing your house! Your friend wasn't getting into the game too much, HE WAS TELLING THE TRUTH!
Amanda: Get furious

No, she will remain calm. Don't show how angry you are at that stupid, girlfriend blind, ignorant....AGH! She clenched her hands and took deep breaths. She'd....she'd just have to try to keep her mind open to listen for any changes in Aura's thoughts....but she didn't know if that would work at such a long distance! "Deust, you had better be ready because we are getting this done as soon as fucking possible." She said, trying to stay calm. But...it wasn't really working.

@Midnight Phantom
Aura: Follow

You follow after Ken, taking note of the things in your inventory... Oh. Oh god. You still had that... Broken blender..? Hmm... Suddenly, you hear Amanda talking to Deust before you go.

Aura: Realize

Did... Did you just hear Amanda... CUSS?!

Aura: Become a little bit angry


'Holy $%@# Calm down.'


Your thoughts probably just became garbled, loud, angry words that only you probably understood.

Aura: Ignore

You fly away with Ken, but these thoughts are still storming through your head in furious nonsense.
Amanda: Scream

Aura's thoughts suddenly take a turn for the worse and it's just a mixed up, random, jarbled mess! And it happened so quickly that it caused the biggest and and most painful headache to rise in your head. It was so sudden that you let out a scream, holding your head and going back into the wall. Wh-what the hell just happened? Why...what was going on? Did something happen? These were all things you wanted to at least verbalize but couldn't as the pain was too intense. Well, there goes the thought that you couldn't get hurt by using your powers. Thanks for that Aura....
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Amanda: Respond to Terezi

You can't! The pounding won't stop! She slid down the walls feeling close to tears as she held her head. "Make....make it stop...." She whispered, wishing the pain away.

Amanda: Say something to Terezi!

She couldn't! It hurt! She...oh fuck it. She pulled up her glovetop and began responding. She might not have all her usual witty puns, but it would have to do.

JF: Y3ah...sorry....Aura's sudden chang3 of thought gav3 m3 on3 k!ll3r h3adach3.

JF: !'m f!n3 now, though ! don't know about th3 on3s w!th h3r.

JF: ! would l!k3 you to ask 3r!dan for m3 about what ! should do about h3r. H3's th3 on3 who told m3 to watch h3r thoughts s!nc3 sh3 was a rag3 play3r.

JF: ! can't r!ght now b3caus3 ! hav3 to go and do som3 m!nd r3ad!ng on D3rs3....

JF: Can you also s33 !f som3on3 can k33p an 3y3 on h3r? ! hav3 to cut off from h3r thoughts to g3t r!d of th3 b3for3m3nt!on3d h3adach3.

JF: Thank you !n advanc3! °ω°


Amanda: Cut off connection

She stopped following Aura's thoughts and her headache disappeared. She sighed in relief before standing up and walking over to Deust. "We need to go now. How fast can you make time go?"

@Midnight Phantom
Amanda: Message Terezi

Uh....what did she mean she couldn't see her? Didn't all trolls have that ability? She shrugged before putting the screen away after she replied. She would need her fullest concentration to get there, get what they needed, and get back as soon as they possibly could.

JF: Thank you aga!n.

JF: !'ll m3ssag3 you aga!n wh3n ! g3t back.


Would that be fast enough? She didn't know and frankly, that seemed to be the best she was getting. "Alright. Let's head out now so we can get back sooner. The sooner the better." She said with a smile. The pain as gone and now her head felt so light! Might make this easier!

@Midnight Phantom

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