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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Ken: Teleport

You try to teleport back to your house, but you can't focus enough to teleport. Instead, you go inside Duke's house and lock yourself in the bathroom.

Ken: Cry

You lose yourself in a wave of self-pity and helplessness.
Aura: Wake up

STOP BEING TIRED! You shake yourself awake from a seemingly empty sleep, color returning to your face and eyes widening. Wheres Ken? Oh god.... You felt horrible for being such a jerk to him. Checking your surroundings one last time for signs of Ken, you go towards the house. You peek your head through the entrance door, a look of great concern written on your freckle-covered face.

"Ken? Hey, I'm sorry! I wasn't myself. Lyssa was still there, and she was..."

You hear muffled crying sounds, and you go pale. Oh god... No... You carefully walk through the door, regret gnawing at you. You approach the bathroom, where the crying seems the most prominent.

Duke: Just kind of sit there

You're crisscrossed down on your INVADER'S CHOICE just floating there as everything kind of solved itself. That's all fine and stuff, however this bioweapon, or kraken as they like to refer to it, talk leaves you unnerved. Of your knowledge, this would be at least the second time Derse has tried something.

Duke: Notice Ken dissapear

You see that Ken has left. You don't really know where he went off to at the moment, but it probably wasn't any of your business. You still however wanted to talk, errr, TEXT to him about a few things though.

Duke: Pester Ken

-- quirkyAlien [QA] began pestering electroShogun [ES] --

QA: Ken, we need to talk.

QA: It's about Derse's recent attack.

QA: Since Derse is getting more aggressive, how are we going to handle them?

QA: Do you think it is possible we could physically go there and maybe do something?

QA: I mean they are real places, right?

QA: Maybe we could do some espionage or something.

QA: Perhapse we could find out a little more on this "kraken thing."

QA: I'm just giving some suggestions, I am not really sure how we should handle this.

QA: What do you think Ken?

QA: ...

QA: Ken?

QA: You there?

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Duke: Shrug

Eh, he's probably just AFK. Oh well, you left the messages, you'll talk about it later.

Duke: Chill

Since nothing is currently attacking or plotting to kill you, you decide just to chill out on you INVADER'S CHOICE and continue your floating.
You hear a click, probably signifying an unlocked door. You place your hand on the door, but whisper:

"I'm coming in, alright..?"
You hear a slight mumble, something along the lines of agreement. You slowly turn the knob, and gently push the door open. Ken is sitting on the ground... You walk over to him, and sit next to him.


You stare at the door, then close it with your foot.

"So... Um... I didn't mean to be such a... Jerk..."

'What a great way to start a conversation, Aura!' You sarcastically scold yourself, then glance over at Ken ashamedly..
"Yeah, well... I should've thanked you. You did save me, after all..."

You take off your hood, hair spilling out in a mess of gold.

"I mean, do I even deserve to wear this..?"
"Ken, you know thats not true. Your... Well, your Ken. The one and only."

You look at him, a warm, sincere smile crossing your face.

"My knight in shining armor..."
"... Its fine."

You keep smiling, though you know what he said was true. It didn't matter. At least, it shouldn't.

"Don't beat yourself up over it... It doesn't matter all that much, okay? As long as I'm still here."

You wrap your arms around his torso, and hug him.
"Well, I know I would be dead..."

A random thought pops into your head.

"Do you know who all has ascended thus far? No ones died yet, right..?"

Your not sure you'd be able to take any one dying...
"Hm... Alright. Sounds like almost everyone is here..."

You keep your smile on, finding no reason to not have it. You stand up, but right before you do you give him a kiss.

"I love you Ken. I want you to remember that, okay? I want you to know that I'm going to always be there for you. Even if the world ends..."

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