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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

QA: Possessed, by what?

QA: Oh god, please tel me it isn't the effects of grimdark.

Duke: Notice Deust

Duke: ...

Deust! What's going on? Why is Aura attacking Ken? Why is something terrible always happening in my house?...Is what you wanted to say to him, but you could not.

@electroShogun @Midnight Phantom
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QA: What, denizens can posses people?

QA: Aw fuck, my associate Deust is talking to me and I can't say shit!

Duke: Do hand gestures with body motions to try and convey what you want to say

You try letting your moves communicate what you want to say...It comes off more like you're doing interpretive dancing for no reason. Ugh, you don't think it's working. You look like an idiot trying to do a jig.

@electroShogun @Midnight Phantom
QA: ...


Duke: Realize

Oh yeah, that probably should have been your first thought of what to do...Well now you just feel stupid for not thinking it in the first place. Then again, you just died so you feel like you have some excuse to be a bit dumb at the moment.

Duke: Answer Deust

QA: Hey Deust, I'm a mute now.

QA: Long story short, women are a strange mystery.

QA: Anyways, why is Aura possessed by her denizen?

QA: Also, why on earth did this buddy brawl had to happen inside my house?

QA: Seriously, they couldn't have token it outside?

@Midnight Phantom
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MK: I am honestly not sure as to the means of Aura's possession.

MK: But her personality began to shift as this 'Lyssa' figure revealed herself.

MK: She wanted to kill Ken in there.

MK: So the fight began.

MK: But we have faith in Ken.


Afrien : Search

You pick yourself up and begin to fly through the galaxy again, searching for LONAR.
MK: Let me ask Afrien.


mushroomKing [MK]
began trolling clairvoyantAries -CA-

MK: Ken will survive this encounter with Lyssa, correct?

CA: Yes, his Lifespan does not End today

CA: But as for Lyssa and Aura

CA: I have no Reading

MK: Thank you, Afrien.


MK: Ken will survive this battle.

"Will you stop trying to talk to her and-"

You blink. Fudge, she heard him. You growl.

DOESN'T MATTER! If I kill you here, I'll have the power of two gods! Then I'll kill the rest of you, since you are the only things she holding on for..."

You didn't mean to say those words exactly, but it was partially influenced by Aura. CURSE THAT INFERNAL GIRL! You lash out, swinging the mace head in a fit of anger. What so these buttons even do!? You push one, then shine a light directly into your eyes. You pull back, howling in pain at it.
Ken: Take the opportunity

You load up the relaxation program on your glasses, then take them off.

"Have some of this!"

You teleport behind her, put the glasses on her face, and activate the program. A burst of some green mist is emitted from the glasses and into her nose.

"Aura, fight it! Get her out of there!"

QA: I never knew colorful pajamas symbolized ascending.

QA: However, even if it is dark blue, It is pretty cozy.

QA: I guess I could get use to this get-up.

@Midnight Phantom
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Lyssa: @^!%@$^^%!$&^*!&@!!!!!

You could not react in time to fight back, and instantly feel the effects of WHATEVER he just did. Oh god...


You force your way back into reality, and feel the immediate wash of... Something. You blink lazily, your movements slowing. What the fudge was this...? Your head lolled to the side, looking at the bleary image of Ken's figure. Then you feel... Even stranger. A smile seemed to melt onto your face, eyes dilating.

Then, Suddenly...

Afrien : See LONAR

FINALLY! You fly into the atmosphere and... The gravity of the planet makes you slingshot away.


MK: Did you hear that too?

Shadow: Be confused

Duest had dragged you out of Duke's hive...why? Maybe because it was dangerous, but she would've been fine. She was almost worried about Ken and being so far but she had realized she could heal from a distance...okay, that was kinda cool. When everything quieted down, she nervously walked back in. Was everything alright? It looked like it was solved...but was her Denizen still inside her?
!~Aura~!: Respond

There are too many rainbows to respond correctly... But you try.

"All right? No, I think I have a left too... BUT MAYBE NOT..! Maybe, I have 5 lefts and NO RIGHTS... But that would mean... I'M NOT A LEGALIZED FREEDOM MEMBER OF THE USA!! Or... Am I!? Well, ALLLLLL MEMBERS have to CLEARLY REVEAL their pencil stash..."

You grab a completely random pencil out of your hood.


You then lay on your back, and make a snow angel. You stop after a second, eyes EXTREMELY wide.


You look at Ken, a hand over your mouth in a gasp. You.... Have no idea what you were saying... BUT IT WAS IMPORTANT!
CA: It was Sopor Vapor

CA: A soothing Agent

CA: It can also Be used as a Narcotic

CA: I sent you the Weak Version

CA: The effect should Wear off in about 6 Hours

CA: Just have Deust speed her up


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