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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

AA: c0rrect

AA: y0ur j0b is t0 ensure that y0ur timeline stays 0n its fated path

AA: and t0 c0rrect it if it runs astray

AA: i am here t0 warn y0u

AA: there is s0me 0utside f0rce attempting t0 lead y0ur timeline astray

@Midnight Phantom
MK: He has been taking quite some time to arrive.

MK: He should have descended to this Land ages ago.


"Okay... I swear that I have been here before... Several times... Am I looping through the galaxy?"
Duke: Get lost

Yeah, you're lost. Chaos has stopped making any sounds and you have been walking for quite some time. You don't even know if you're in a room anymore. For all you know, you're nowhere. You've been chasing nothing more than a sound, hoping that you'd catch up to Chaos.

Duke: Bump into something

Hm, what's this? There's something in front of you. You feel it for a bit.


I-is this a piano?

*♪♫♪ ♫*

Yup, sure is. Well, congratulations, you found a PIANO! Well great, what are you suppose to do now...Maybe you're going at this the wrong way.

Duke: Think outside the box

So far, walking around aimlessly has gotten you nowhere. So, instead of you trying to get to her, why not try to get her to come to you!...Eh, worth a try, beets walking aimlessly.


The goddess is swoon by your talented fingers. She slivers towards you in a rhythmic fashion, slinking to your every note. If you still had you eyes, you would have watched in amazement as you have serenaded yourself a goddess. She curls around you as you continue to play.

Duke: Feel the earth move

As you play, the ground beneath you feels as if it's rising. You pound upon the keys as you ascend towards god knows where. If you had to chose a word to describe this feeling, it would be...Chaotic.

Duke: Stop

As the ground ceases to move, your refrain slowly comes to an end. The goddess curls her tail around you and lifts you up. She lifts you up towards her face and begins to speak.

Chaos: That was very beautiful, Duke.

Duke: Now you decide to talk to me

Chaos: Oh, I was gonna tell you what to do, but you said you didn't wan't to hear it.

Duke: ...

Chaos: <3

Duke: So...where do we go from hear?

Chaos: Well, I do feel bad. How about I give you back your sight, but I take your voice!

Duke: You're not gonna do something extreme like cutting off my tongue are you?

Chaos: No no, just abracadabra and your voice is gone.

Duke: *Sigh* Sure, I can live with that.

Chaos: <3

Duke: Magic Time!

The goddess slowly gives you a kiss upon your forehead. You magically regain your sight, however you can no longer speak...You would say something sarcastic about it, but you can't.

Duke: Level up!

You have reached the top of your echeladder. Your serenading skills have helped you achieve your final rung: DENIZEN DATER! You cannot count how much boondollar you're making.

Chaos: Ta-da, whatcha' think?

Duke: ...

Chaos: ...Oh yeah, derp. Well, I hope we meet again, Duke Solomon.

Chaos: Steal Duke's heart

Duke gets impaled through the chest by Chaos' tail. She then proceeds to fling you as far as she can.

Chaos: Bye, <3!!!

Duke: Start bleeding out

You go soaring across your planet with a hole through your chest. Oh my goddess, what the fuck!? Oh god, you have been stabbed through the chest. Oh god, oh god, oh god! As you bleed out, you start to approach some kind of spiral tower. Atop of the tower seems to be a stone slab or something, maybe a sacrificing table? You're really not that concern on what it is when you had more important things to worry about.

Duke: Stick the landing

You slam right on top of the stone slab. The force of you slamming right into it from such a high descent causes you to die upon impact.


Black King: Be relevant to plot

You sit in your THRONE ROOM, holding the SCEPTER OF BLACK ORBS. You give the order to launch Project BIO-1.

Project BIO-1: Launch

You are fired out of a missile silo and into space. Your outer rocket coating breaks up, freeing you. You stretch your long, oily black tentacles and set your many eyes toward Prospit. With a twirl, you propel yourself toward the golden planet, nothing but hatred on your mind. You don't notice the miniscule troll floating in between you and Prospit.

@Midnight Phantom
Duke: Ascend

As you lay there, four orb atop of pillars begin to glow. The spiral tower starts to shining brightly as though a heavenly glow was emerging from it. A burst of light comes from the spiral tower. In your death, you have ascended to God Tier. You are truly the Mage of Void.

Afrien : Strife

You notice the massive Space Kraken and draw your Glaive.

"Well, now things get interesting."

You pull the PAIR OF ROCKS from your SYLLADEX, and quickly hit them with your Glaive. They hurtle forwards, sparking between each other as they collide, and eventually slamming into the beasts oily tentacles. The Oil and sparks causes the impact Zone to explode.


Duke: Notice that you some how have your cosmic specs back

What, no you do-...oh, you do...well, that's neat. Oh hey, some one is contacting you

Duke: Answer

QA: Um, thanks I guess.

QA: So, who are you?

Lyssa: @#&% Him

Weird. You can't say that word... But, that was not relevant. He seems to have teleported behind you, and you twirl around, lava spraying off of your weapon. Ha. Thing is, you were a Rage God. If they THOUGHT that this BOY could defeat you... This caused you to get a little more angry.

"What are you doing, Ken?"

You said his name in Aura's voice, smiling with sharpened teeth. He would not kill her... Hmm. It seemed the Sylph was also healing him. No matter. Being a God of Rage, you were very very unpredictable. You swung the mace head around the other way, splaying molten rock in the Sylph's direction then doing a whirl with it in Ken's. There would be no way to tell who would win this fight, but you smiled at the prospect of it.

Aura: ???

You watched in absolute terror as your body was taken by a ferocious monster. And you could do nothing. She had placed you in a paralysis of fear, a bubble which you would not escape with ease...
QA: Actually, I think this is the first time I've ever talked to you.

QA: I've talked to two fishy trolls, even two humans from a different session.

QA: Never spoken to someone who uses two I's at the same time.

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Ken: Protect

You teleport in front of Shadow and block the attack. Whoever's taking over Aura's body, they're playing dirty.

"You're not fooling me! I know you're not Aura! Give her back!"

You jump at her, extending your laser blade's... blade to stab at her.

"Hang on, Aura! I'll get you back!"



TA: huh ii 2wear ii talked two you

TA: whatever iit doe2n't matter

TA: but diid you talk two fef

TA: the giirl who u2e2 )( iin2tead of h







@Midnight Phantom
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CA: Whatever it Is

CA: It is not Leaving

Afrien : Inhale

You fill your lungs with... Space stuff.

This is fine.

If Chryom was able to kill the last Lernaeus, you can kill this motherfucker.

Afrien : Exhale

The Space stuff leaves your body as you regain your composure.

Afrien : Hunt

You hurtle towards the Biological Menace, and slice your Glaive up one of the beasts tentacles, causing blood to gush out.

TA: ii notiiced 2omethiing weiird wiith your a2cen2iion

TA: you diidn't lo2e anythiing iimportant

TA: mage2 are 2uppo2ed two lo2e 2omethiing

TA: but chao2 gave your 2iight back two you

TA: what the fuck wa2 that about



BIO-1: Rear back

You pull your tentacle back. The gushing "blood" slows and hardens into a sharp blade, which you swing at your attacker.

@Midnight Phantom
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TA: con2iideriing the fact that iit'2 iimpo22iible for u2 two meet

TA: ii'm okay wiith that iidea

TA: but 2eriiou2ly

TA: why diid you get your 2iight back

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