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Fantasy Game On! - OOC

Now I almost feel like I should have given Blixt another skill or two,everyone who's filled their sheets so far definitely hasn't hesitated.

I don't generally define my character's capabilities too strictly right off the bat,however.
Now I almost feel like I should have given Blixt another skill or two,everyone who's filled their sheets so far definitely hasn't hesitated.

I don't generally define my character's capabilities too strictly right off the bat,however.
I just wanted to give him all the best options for defending the team. Plus, we were given a set number of skills, equipments and such to use. I see no reason not to use them all.
Added a couple of skills that highlight Blixt's "support"/misdirection approach. Also an appropriately imposing theme song,which is something I don't usually do.

Looking forward to what the rest of the roster will come up with.
Now I almost feel like I should have given Blixt another skill or two,everyone who's filled their sheets so far definitely hasn't hesitated.

I don't generally define my character's capabilities too strictly right off the bat,however.
You can change up your skills as often as you like through the game. The combat system will be dynamic.
On the interest check with the character sheet, I've just been lazy getting it onto the actual characters page.
Oh that's where it's hidden!

Looks like Bee and Linguine are going to make an interesting duo. Energetic extrovert and lazy introvert!
Let's say 1 post round = 15 seconds of combat. I'll add that to the lore. I might as well throw up an actual lore page too, and I'll add updates and if I have time, boss area maps and junk too.

If anyone want to use the code I wrote for the CS, it's very basic. I can pass that along with notes so you know where to add stuff.
Let's say 1 post round = 15 seconds of combat. I'll add that to the lore. I might as well throw up an actual lore page too, and I'll add updates and if I have time, boss area maps and junk too.

If anyone want to use the code I wrote for the CS, it's very basic. I can pass that along with notes so you know where to add stuff.
All in for that lore!

I could also use the code if you don't mind sharing!
All in for that lore!

I could also use the code if you don't mind sharing!
All of the places where you input stuff will be described in ALLCAPS.
First off, the background image needs to be a url with a .jpg ending. Simply find an image you want, 
right click and select "view image in new tab" that should get you the .jpg url.[/comment]

[bg=transparent; margin: auto; max-width: 1100px; background: url(URL JPG LINK HERE); padding: 25px;]

[comment]****Add in the solid colour for the background to your text is simple. 
Google "HTML color codes" and select the colour you want. Copy the code and make sure 
to enter it preceeded by #, example: #affff[/comment]


[imagefloat=left][heightrestrict=300]UPLOAD YOUR IMAGE HERE OR SET IN LINK[/heightrestrict][/imagefloat]
[scroll=300px][font=Roboto Mono]

[B]Name:[/B] INFO HERE

[B]Gamer handle: [/B] INFO HERE


[B]Nationality:[/B] INFO HERE

[B]National team:[/B] INFO HERE

[B]Game company backer:[/B] INFO HERE

[B]Game specialty:[/B] INFO HERE

[B]Appearance:[/B] INFO HERE

[B]Colour scheme:[/B] INFO HERE

[/font][/scroll][tabs][tab=Play style and tools][scroll=300px][font=Roboto Mono]

[B]Class: [/B]INFO HERE

[B]Play style[/B]: INFO HERE

[B]Name of weapon:[/B] INFO HERE
[B]Function: [/B]INFO HERE

[B]Name of skill:[/B] INFO HERE
[B]Function:[/B] INFO HERE
[B]Cooldown:[/B] INFO HERE

[B]Name of skill: [/B]INFO HERE
[B]Function:[/B] INFO HERE
[B]Cooldown: [/B] INFO HERE

[B]Name of skill:[/B] INFO HERE
[B]Function:[/B] INFO HERE
[B]Cooldown: [/B]INFO HERE

[B]Name of skill:[/B] INFO HERE
[B]Function:[/B] INFO HERE
[B]Cooldown:[/B] INFO HERE

[B]Out of game skills:[/B] INFO HERE
[tab=Personality][scroll=300px][font=Roboto Mono]


[b]Character flaws:[/b] INFO HERE

[b]Goals:[/B] INFO HERE

[tab=Backstory][scroll=300px][font=Roboto Mono]


[b]Extra:[/b] INFO HERE


Let me know if you have trouble. I'll be around for an hour or two more, and I'll check back tomorrow when I add the discord.

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