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Fantasy Game On! - OOC

One of the many reasons I never use it. This is probably only the third sheet I've ever used BBcode on.

It looks nice though, can't argue against that.
I have absolutely no idea how people can figure out how to make patterns and special interactable icons using BBcode. Whenever I see a CS like that I call witch craft and make my CS bullet point style, zero code involved.
I have absolutely no idea how people can figure out how to make patterns and special interactable icons using BBcode. Whenever I see a CS like that I call witch craft and make my CS bullet point style, zero code involved.
if you reply to a bbcode character sheet you can see the code
Dude that's like pulling a dead rabbit out of a hat at a kid's birthday party, the magic is ruined.
The good thing about playing a character that is claimed to have "charisma" is that everyone else has detailed character profiles to read
You mad genius. You cracked the code.

On a side note though that's the exact reason I leave out half of my character's bio.
Neat! Czecho’s the kind of guy who intentionally uses whatever crap strategy his chat tells him to use and Jayce is the poor soul who has to stop him from throwing the game
Neat! Czecho’s the kind of guy who intentionally uses whatever crap strategy his chat tells him to use and Jayce is the poor soul who has to stop him from throwing the game
Somewhat agreeable
Everyone got started while I was asleep,that's what happens with me in a much different time zone. Well,I got my first post up.

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