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Fandom Galaxy of Jewels (Steven Universe) Character Creation

Name: Natsuki moonknight

Gem: moonstone

Gender: Male

Age: 30,000 years old

Alliance: None he's Rogue gem.

Due to his upbringing and the events of his past, natsuki is immune to feeling guilt in his actions, and is often unpredictable in nature. He has an enormous capacity for knowledge and is extremely intelligent. Natsuki's most impressive feature coincides with his lack of guilt: he is a paragon at deception and manipulation, as he has no bodily reflexes or moral guidelines that hinder him from lying. In collaboration with his smarts, natsuki is able to plan and prepare a situation before it happens, essentially playing chess with life.

As the series begins, natsuki is a temper prone, frustrated, and aggressive teenager who seeks answers about his origin and place in the world. His trigger happy attitude gets him into more trouble than necessary in the beginning, but also guides him to a legendary journey.

As the series progresses, natsuki's awakening of power brings forth one-by-one the seven core sins that sleep within him as their master. Although he is tempted by all, his biggest downfall is his pride. Natsuki becomes detached, uncaring, apathetic, and his confidence turns to arrogance. He also has homicidal tendencies, as well as relishing the deaths of those who fall victim to him.

Appearance: IMG_0062.JPG
Gem placement:

His mid chest


Once In combat natsuki can summon a Katana that grows in power if in moonlight or at night. The blade can also send moonlight blade discs at his targets.
Natsuki has a strong ability called shadow or darkness manipulation, this allows him to be able to create, bend, and absorb darkness at will or to create weapons or walls to defend and attack.

Natsuki has high speed and attack but his durability is average, his knowledge is a high to the point while he was stranded on the moon in another galaxy his made a space shuttle with his powers and moon resources alone.

He can breathe out of space and can corrupt gems by destroying their physical form to corrupt them from the source, but this tends to take a lot of energy out of natsuki which makes him pass out almost instantly so he doesn't use this ability unless he needs to.

History: natsuki wasn't made on the gem homeworld but was formed by a dying gem on the moon in a universe that was made up of billions of hostile and blood thirsty gems that attack on sight which is why natsuki tends to be very aggressive and isn't much for keeping gems alive. Once he was formed his creators gem shattered due to its already damaged surface, for hundreds of years natsuki was inside the moon absorbing its attributes but this moon wasn't a moon but a large shadow gem which is where he gets the control of darkness from. The moon was the reason why the universe he was in was full of hostile gems and once he absorbed the moon gem he took his physical form, he was ambushed by gems which is when his power fully activated. He shattered each of the gems and went thousands of years traveling across universes and galaxies shattering gems but also saving gems until he reached gem homeworld where the diamonds were watching his potential and power and decided to train him for another few thousands of years until natsuki saw that they were trying to make him a weapon so he decided to abandoned the gem homeworld to go rogue but ended up on earth in beach city.

Extra bits:
He has a bounty on him in almost 40 different universes and almost 20,000 different galaxies.

Name: Blue Celestite / Star Sapphire
Female / Female
Crystal Gems
Blue Celestite is an Extrovert, she is barely mad and always shy around those who aren't the crystal gem's or her Sister, Star Sapphire. / Star Sapphire is Confident, she loves humans and they're... unusual traditions and routines and is easily comfortable.
Gem placement:
Upper chest / Above Belly Button, Under-Boob
Bow and Arrows / Spiked ball whip
Can alter appearance to match another gem but not it's abilities. / Can create illusions and sometimes, almost real that sometimes it's painful, emotionally and physically
Extra bits:
Blue Celestite and Star Sapphire are both Twins. Were fused crystals when forming and were unfused by homeworld, they served Blue Diamond for 2,691 years and escaped to fly to earth.

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